chateau de saint-fargeau
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开放时间: 暂无

We visited Saint Fargeau as it had been recommended to us by our holiday home owners. I have to say that we were disappointed overall. The rooms are tired and dirty and filled with a job lot of shop mannequins. As noted by another reviewer, they are quite scary! Our kids didn't like them. There is hardly any information, just a few handwritten faded signs which are in French and even though we could translate them, they didn't tell us much. It's an amazing building and we had high hopes as we entered, the building really is so impressive from the outside, but the inside is a disappointment which is a shame. It could be a very major attraction but I guess that it would need a lot of money spent on it to achieve this. We did go up into the room but only by chance and my young daughter was frightened by this. We didn't realise when we went up that once you got up there you would be walking around the entire roof, which, while interesting, was hot and took a good 20 minutes or more to walk around the whole thing. It was quite dark in places, lots of ups and downs, you had to watch where you were going as much of the path seemed to be thrown together, but the worst bit was when we rounded a dark corner to find another of those scary mannequins all dressed up in white sort of cobwebs and looking very spooky! That was enough for my daughter, we had to get out quick. Appreciate that this kind of thing is great for some people, but if we had known what we were heading for when we went up we would probably not have done it. Anyway, it could be a great attraction with a bit more information and work, but it didn't thrill us. We would have loved to have seen the night show but it was fully booked but it is supposed to be amazing. PS. As per previous reviewers mentioning the toiilets, there are two quite dilapidated toilets and they still don't have any washing facilities, although they have now installed an anti-bacterial handwash dispenser.
If you visit during the day (not viewing the night show), the main attraction is the attic. The carpentry under the enormous roof is interesting and you can walk under the entire roof. Other than that, not much to see: the owners still live in the parts of the castle and finance the upkeep with the visits. The historic shows in the summer and the candlelit visits at night are probably worth checking out.
The restoration of the Castle is ongoing thanks to the saviors of this amazing structure.With 98 rooms, there is a lot to see during the day!The guided night tour was fun, you don't get to roam around as you do during the day, but the "story-teller" guide was excellent and managed to make it an interactive experience, great for children.The night spectacle is totally amazing, a truly one of a kind experience. Great to be able to acknowledge all those people who donate their time and expertise for the conservation of this piece of French history.
We did not get to visit the farm or chateau, but the show/spectacle was one of a kind. A definite must see!!!
We visited the chateau de saint fargeau which is a dominant feature in the town - st-fargeau. We enjoyed our visit & found it interesting. We were charged 10 euro per person & did our own walk around before the guided tour. We were given a brochure - in English. On the self guided tour you walk through some of the chateau's rooms and then go up into the attic which we found fascinating. The attic shows you how the roof structure and towers are supported & constructed - quite a feat & something we have not seen before. We then met the guide for the guided tour which was in french ( we didn't mind as we are trying to learn french) and were guided through a billiard room, drawing room, dining room (impressive) and the library. The chateau requires significant maintenance however, we still found it very interesting. A stroll through the chateau's park around the lake is also worthwhile. They do have toilets however take anti-bacterial wipes as there are no washbasins.
This castle is very interesting, it has the most wonderful roof structure and you can make your way up to the top of the building to look all around. People come from far and wide to admire it. You are free to go where you want in the castle, everyone enjoys it and in the summer there is a fantastic show telling the history of the castle. There are 400 horses and riders involved and it's well worth the ticket.
It's a real shame about this place. We visited it on a whim, and we're pretty impressed by the Chateau when we first arrived. Upon entering we were charged 20 € admission fee per adult for a guided tour of the Chateau. We felt really let down by this guided tour as we were only taken into 3 rooms! There was no English translation offered at all, and the tour guide was rather rude to us, especially when ushering us out of the rooms. What let the rest of the chateau down was that most of the rooms are shut off and unavailable to view, and the ones which are open have been "rushed" with wooden walls being used etc. I would also not recommend visiting this place is you have a fear of bats, as during our exploration of the chateau we could smell and hear bats within the upstairs and within the wall cavities! I would also just like to point out that the toilet facilities are incomplete, with no washbasins to wash your hands, so I would recommend bringing some hand sanitizer gel if you do go and visit! Apart from the chateau itself the grounds are amazing. This place really has some potential, but unfortunately at the moment it doesn't really fulfil a good tourist attraction, and I would at least wait until it is fully restored before visiting it. A real shame.
St Fargeau is quite an impressive chateau - it's pentagonal shape is unique and it's history impressive - it goes far beyond La Grande Madamemoiselle (wish I had heard and seen more ancient histroy beyond her time).The tour is nice, no photography allowed, but the chateau has many period rooms with mannequins (some of which are quite frightening for small children). Lots of replicas and copies in the chateau (understandable but disappointing). The charpentiers self-guided tour is truly unique - and the kids LOVED it!My only regreat is that we didn't arrive earlier in order to take a carriage ride around the expansive grounds. Worth the drive and experience - hope you enjoy St Fargeau too.
Très joli château .très belle cours intérieure. Son et lumière très beau durant l'été réalisé par des bénévoles motivés.
L'architecture, le parc, la dimension incroyable des charpentes. Une region que je connaissais pas et regorge de châteaux endormis a deciuvrir...
D'extérieur grandiose, la visite nous a plutôt déçu.La partie qui se visite librement mériterait vraiment un rafraîchissement global : on ne comprend rien à ce que l'on voit, il suffirait d'installer des explications avec des panneaux écrits à l'ordinateur, car l'écriture manuelle ça ne le fait pas du tout. Le chemin de ronde ou l'herboristerie ne méritent même pas le détour.Heureusement, le tour des charpentes est intéressant, d'autant que l'on fait le tour complet. Mais là aussi les visiteurs mériteraient quelques explications un peu mieux présentées.La visite guidée des parties privées étaient par contre bien faites, la guide était sympa et nous a bien tout expliqué. Et cette partie là était bien aménagée.Le parc est très grand, très jolie. La balade autour du lac, aux beaux jours, est agréable.Un peu en hauteur, on découvre la collection de locomotives à vapeur ...Je pense que les visites estivales à la lanterne sont sympas. Que le spectacle nocturne mérite le détour. Mais voilà, le château en lui même est décevant. J'entends bien qu'il s'agit d'un château privé et qu'il faut donc des fonds pour le réaménager, mais à ce moment là, inutile de laisser ouvertes des parties qui ne sont pas jolies ...
La visite se fait en deux parties ; une première guidée et une seconde libre ce qui est sympa car on peut prendre le temps de regarder, de plus il ne faut pas manquer de monter voir les charpentes qui sont impressionnantes. Nous avons trouvé ce château très joli et pour compléter le côté agréable de la visite nous avions une guide géniale, moi qui ne suis pas histoire elle a réussie a me faire écouter la vie de ce château jusqu'au bout et sans m'ennuyer, cela m'a permis d'enrichir mon histoire de France.
Si vous passez dans la région, ne manquez pas le chateau de St-Fargeau, bourré d'histoire. N'hésitez pas à suivre la visite guidée et vous apprendrez quantite de choses, en particulier sur la Grande Mademoiselle et à propos de Michel le Pelletier de St-Fargeau. N'oubliez pas d'aller voir les charpentes - c'est très rare de pouvoir en admirer de si belles. C'est un château vraiment particulier. En bas du château, passez par la porte du bourg...
Ce château est très beau, de forme curieuse, mais les lanternons sur les toits lui donnent un air majestueux. Les charpentes sont à voir, c'est vraiment du travail magnifique. Notre guide a raconté des anecdotes sur la Grande Mademoiselle. Le parc du château est aussi très agréable ainsi que la ville de SAINT FARGEAU elle-même. C'est une région de campagne avec des canaux et des écluses pas très loin, à voir.
Grandiose, remeublé bien sûre, la révolution ayant fait ses ravages. Mais des scènes y sont très bien reproduites et les abords y sont très bien entretenus.