phare d'eckmühl


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phare d'eckmühl



Arrived in st Pierre at penmarch point on route from the coast road and you cannot miss the range of numerous lighthouses here. Amazing. We of course after some badgering from our don had to visit one and this one was open to the public. The view from the top is amazing with views both seaward and inland. Cost reasonable indeed. The only thing we would say that let this down was the lack of information both outside I e how long anticipated wait to get in which for us was about 45 mins In the end, and also information about the lighthouse. Until you get eventually to the enter acne, it is only then you realise there is 350 plus steps to climb. Warning.....No lift. No notices for families with very young kids or buggies, the elderly or disabled warning of this either.Short of a small leaflet also on the lighthouse facts, nothing more much Ion offer. I found out more on internet after. The history or guides needs more. Only realised when entered why we had to wait so long then as only allow 40 people up at any given time. If you therefore go allow up to 2 hours. Needs more ......And it's crying out for a cafe and gift shop! Come on people....Where is the entrepreneurship which could raise more funds for this facility? Anyway very good view.


As lighthouses go this must be up there in terms of classic winding stairs and height. About 10 euros for a family of five good value on a day with good visibility which it was when we visited.


Lots of steps to get to the top but well worth it with fantastic views across the local area. Lovely gift shops and plenty of places to grab a snack.


We found the Lighthouse more by chance and it was open....looking inside up the spiral staircase the prospect of climbing to the top was less than inspiring; also the thought of how high the viewing tower was!!But we made the effort and climbed 307 steps, 227 stone steps followed by an iron staircase, with a few stops along the way....At the top the views were quite breath taking...but for vertigo sufferers be warned at a height of 213 feet (65 m) this is one of the tallest lighthouses in the world!!The spiral staircase is stunning....


My wife and I climbed the stairs to the top. No lift so no choice if you want to enjoy the great views! Quite a spectacular view inside the lighthouse, both up and down the stairwell.


Whilst the village itself is nothing to write home about the climb up the Phare d'Eckmuhl is great, and curiously underplayed in the Rough Guide. At 3 Euros it's cheap as chips for a climb to the top and a view across the peninsula. Worth every penny.


It was great to actually get inside such a magnificent structure. The 307 steps were a bit of a struggle after a week of overindulgence and my drumsticks were definitely burning by step 460 on the way down. Lots of history and an impressive feat of engineering. As far as I can gather it's the fifth tallest lighthouse in France and equal fourteenth tallest in the world! We also went to the non touristy bar 'round the corner which offered welcome refreshments.


Un peu d'attente mais la vue en vaut la peine.Prévoir pull et coupe-vent arrivé en haut du phare par temps gris.Les enfants ont adorés.


Pour les bon grimpeurs d'escalier ,mais une fois arrivé en haut superbe panorama à découvrir l'orsque l'on est a penmarch


A chaque voyage dans la région, nous ne nous lassons pas d'aller au pied du phare pour son ambiance maritime. Même si vous ne souhaitez pas escalader cet monument , n'hésitez pas à vous promener dans les environs. En plus, c'est au pied du phare que l'on voie mieux le phare :)


Je ne me lasse pas du point de vue depuis le sommet.Une rénovation serait cependant à evisager à terme.


On a apprécié les arrêts dans les alcôves des fenêtres...307 marches.Il ne faut pas avoir le vertige dans les escaliers.


Bien sur,y aller par beau temps pour la visibilité et parce qu'en haut, ça souffle! prevoir parfois un coupe-vent ou une petite laine,meme quand il fait beau.on monte à son rythme, il y a des petits paliers sur les cotés regulierement pendant la montée, la vue est extraordinaire sur toute cette pointe bigoudene: Le port de Saint-Guenolé et la Torche, et la Pointe du Raz d'un coté, l'Ocean d'un autre avec la vue sur les anciens phares, le petit port de Saint-Pierre,et Kerity ...La couleur de l'eau est bleu verte, n'oubliez pas l'appareil-photo!En montant,prenez le temps d'admirer les parois en opaline et tout en haut, la guide,charmante,vous expliquera tout sur l'histoire de ce y a des prix de groupe ou famille.Amazing view from the top, you can climb slowly if you want to and don't forget the camera!


Pour ma part le phare de l'exterieur c'était génial, le seul problème qui nous a déçu ce sont les horaires. Ouvert de 14h à 17h et il faut payer 2,50 par personne pour monter en haut. Pour un escalier à grimper c'est décevant


...sans monter! Ce serait vraiment dommage. Pour 2,5€ par adulte et 1€ pour les enfants vous vous offrez une attraction sensationnelle. Après avoir gravi les 307 marches! ouf! vous voilà surplombant le pays bigouden. La vue est magnifique.

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