pointe de la torche


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pointe de la torche



Went to la Torche on a beautiful, sunny and yes windy day. This place is known for its daredevil surfers. The waves can get big especially in December. The beach stretches on either side of the point itself and it's huge, a person could get lost walking on it for kilometers. The sand is powdery, light golden and sticky. You can't remove anything from the beach not even a shell….oops. They're very strict about environmental protection in Brittany and they should be. These natural resources need to be preserved at all costs for future generations. It's a lovely lovely spot for nature lovers.


This is my favorite beach in the area. It's beautiful and stretches for forever (well, not quite, but it sure seems that way). It's a great place for swimming in the summer (still a little cold, but very nice - and they have lifeguards there) and taking walks all year long. Beautiful shells and stones to collect to :)


Great surf beach. An abundance of surf schools - we chose Rise Up for our kids, on a three day course!As for us, we did find the beach a bit smelly, sorry!


We had such fun with bodyboards and without. Forget swimming, way too fierce waves but not dangerous if you are careful. Guards protect you from the surfers who have their own area and are very fiercely reprimanded if they come anywhere near the bodyboarders. Wonderful beach which went beyond our view. Lovely lunch in cafe/restaurant just behind. Not overwhelmed with people, loads of space, wild and simple. Tremendous.


The beach goes on for miles. It has lovely soft sand and fabulous surfing.Nice to see that some conservation work going on in the dunes and that there has been some effort made to help the disabled access this wonderful place.Well patrolled by lifeguards but during both of our visits the flags were up and we were unable to swim. If visiting in the evening it;s worth dragging yourself away to drive the short distance to St Guenole to watch the sunset. Spectacular!!


A must for avid windsurfers and nature lovers! The drive to the point is equally beautiful. The area is well preserved and truly magnificent.


Great headland, great beach - I particularly like it during fierce weather when the sea is spectacular. There are beaches either side of the headland, both have nasty rip tides, so bathing is largely banned. Great for surfing if you know what you're doing! Waves are always rolling in and the water's clean. Two nearby cafés offer food & drink at fair prices - and there's a surf school, too. I always take a packed lunch & a deck chair!!


Nice place to surf (first time for me). Looks are great,a dn it's a great place to get some fresh air and seaspray on a stormy day.


We love the wild feel of this beach, the unspoiled dunes and on a good day, great surf. It's good enough to have kept us returning for years and years!


La Pointe Finistère telle qu'on se l'imagine. Sauvage, venteuse, déchiquetée et fouttée par une mer déchaînée... Embruns en plus au mois de février... Vaut le coup d'œil pour les amoureux de la nature.


Es gibt wohl nicht sehr viele Strände in Europa, wo es möglich ist nahe zu ungestört bis zu 20 Km an einem (fast) unberührten Strand entlang zu laufen!Zwischen St. Gue´nole´ und Penhors ersteckt sich dieser endlos lange und (bei Ebbe!!) bis zu 1 Km breite feine Sandstrand. Der Atlantik ist immer etwas frisch - daher ist dieser Strand fürs baden sicher nur im Sommer uneingeschränkt geeignet - aber der eigentliche "Spirit" dieses Juwels ist seine endlose Weite und Unberührtheit (insbesondere in den nördlichen Abschnitten) und daher ideal für "endless beach walking".Wir waren Ende Oktober da, sind (von Penhors kommend) etwa 3 Stunden über den feinen weiß-grauen Sand gelaufen ohne auch nur einem Menschen zu begegnen. Da es auch nahezu windstill war, war auch Baden noch möglich, wenn ca. 18°C. nicht zu kalt sind!Für Bretagne - Liebhaber die das besondere und unberührte Natur suchen ein "must have"!


Paysage de rêve, une superbe plage pour se balader profiter du soleil, et des vagues. Si tu es surfeur c'est le spot pour t'éclaté avec tes potes, si tu es en famille la plage qui sera à ta gauche sera mieux ( Pors-carn)!


Tres joli site ou la nature est a son apogeeEncore plus beau quand il y a du vent et que la mer est agiteeSite réputé pour le surfBon endroit pour se balladerBelles vagues pouvant etre dangereuses pour la baignade


paysage de janvier avec vent et tempête superbe ! Idéal l'été pour y faire du surf et se baigner sur les grandes plages.


Petit coin calme ou les vagues viennent s'eclater contre les rochers. Attention quand meme car ce coin est dangereux pour y voir des morts regulierement.

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