le moulin a papier de brousses


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le moulin a papier de brousses

A 30 minutes au nord de Carcassonne (Aude), Venez decouvrir la Magie du...


We arrived late for the guided visit, but the only person left took time out to show us around and explain some things to the kids (3). He spoke English very well, which was greatly appreciated as our French is non-existent. Very friendly and the kids really liked him. Worth the trip just to see the place where the paper mill is located.


This was one of the best visits to an attraction ever. The guide was ever so friendly, the exhibition very educational and the scenery amazing.


After a short walk in the garrigue you reach a river and a very pretty mill. The owner was our guide and was very interesting. Some people had young children and our guide made sure to interact with them regularly. All in all an unusual visit well worth the detour.


Our group was made up of different sort of artists and the age range was from 7 to 70. We did the sort of deluxe tour that includes making a print, making paper, plus the tour and a a history of papermaking. The print studio was quite fun, we each made a monotype print and a blind impression using a lovely big yellow press. The tour was lead in English by a very knowledgeable and lively French man, he was able to speak to and engage our rather diverse group quite well. We each made two sheets of paper and I have to say as a paper geek it was quite a thrill. The setting alone is worth a visit and if you do go, buy more paper than you think you need, you will thank yourself for this act later. It is the best paper. Great for printing, ink, drawing, and watercolor.


Unfortunately, the museum had just closed, but we were allowed in to see samples of their work in the shop. Definitely a worthwhile visit and I hope we'll get to visit another time. But the beautiful walk there along the river was some compensation.


This is definitely worth to go and see. We had a fantastic guide who also took account of people who didn’t have French as mother language. His French was clear and easy to follow. But we had a private tour because it was not in high season.We have learned a lot about making paper and his history.


This paper mill is the last mill in activity situated on the banks of the river Dure (there were 67 mills in 1845) at the end of the Dure valley. It is the last Languedoc working hand made paper mill of what was a rich paper industry dating from the end of the 17th century.It is open 363 days a year and is approached from the parking area via a lovely walk way through an arboretum along the banks of the river Dure on one side, and on the other a stream and huge granite boulders.You can feel the history as you are guide around with the old machinery still in use today. Experience this thousand year craft old of hand made paper for yourself. Its great fun!There is also a café on the river bank and a boutique where you can buy paper and quills etc.


This is a very interesting visit for all ages. Our tour had a mixed age group and the tour guide was excellent at engaging the children and older people alike. The mill had been in this family for many years and the history was fascinating. The guide spoke some english but we were also given a sheet in english which translated all she was saying. We bought a cup of tea for very little money and some paper related items in the shop. There's an outside seating area and it would be a good idea to take a packed lunch as the surroundings are lovely.


If you're interested in art or handcrafts, or how things used to done, this might be worth an hour visit. The mill is on a stream that still powers the machines, has been in the same family for 7 generations, and now makes artisan handcrafted paper from recycled rags, vegetable fiber as well as horse and elephant poo. The mill itself and stream is pretty, and a good picnic spot. The guided tour is interesting, showing the process of making paper - including historical information, looking at the old machines and paddle wheels. The guide is very knowledgeable. But - those in our group that couldn't speak French found it tough going. There is an English handout with lots of information, but would be better and more interesting to be able to ask questions etc. If you want to do the paper making workshop, would recommend ringing prior.


Visite intéressante, un musée culturel dans un cadre luxuriant de verdure. Trés accesible pour les enfants.


Beau voyage sur les traces du papier.Parti de la chine en passant par la catalogne avec un instrument venu d hollande bref un beau parcour qui s ecrit au fil des pages. Explications et convivialite au rendez vous un bon moment de decouverte. Nous etions en groupe de 20 personnes et tout le monde a apprecie .


Endroit à visiter pour toute personne qui aime l'artisanat et souhaite rencontrer des personnes de la région. Les artisans sont également en contact avec d'autres initiatives similaires prises dans d'autres régions de France et à l'étranger.


Très intéressant pour petits et grands ! Une visite d une heure ou nous apprenons plein de choses ! A voir et revoir ! Avons également profité de la présence d une superbe artiste japonaise qui dessinait sur les galets et papier du moulin.... Magnifique !


visite très intéressante et instructive sur l'écriture et le papier ; petits et grands y trouvent leur compte ; prenez l'atelier de fabrication pour les enfants, ils seront ravis. explications claires, simples et complètes dans une bonne ambiance. les enfants sont ravis et n'ont qu'une envie fabrique du papier à la maison......


Sommes allées le 24/07 avec les enfants (4ans et 8ans) la visite devait durer 1h les enfants étaient tellement intéressés que nous y sommes restés 1h30. Très instructif d'apprendre les différentes techniques pour faire du papier et de voir l'évolution des différentes machines. La guide était très attentionnée & patiente avec les enfants. À voir, je vous le conseille. Aire de pique-nique ombragée et aménagée au bord de l'eau juste à côté du moulin.

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