natur'zoo de mervent


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natur'zoo de mervent



Myself and my daughter (14) visited the zoo, whilst staying nearby on our holiday. On arrival we realised we would not be around for the feeding/show times, but it didn't affect our trip at all, as we had a fun time anyway. As we made our way around the zoo, we saw many happy-looking animals that were sleeping or roaming about their enclosures. The only animals we were sad about were the small monkeys, which had hair loss on their tails and looked agitated. Other than that, our time at the zoo was very exciting. We had close ups with the giraffes and got to see 6 month old lion cubs. One of the best enclosures were the lemurs, which were jumping about the tree tops having a great time. All in all, a great morning out and would go back again if visiting the area.


The reviews said small but there is an awful lot to see. We showed up in the afternoon coincident with the feeding of the Lions, all very entertaining and easy to get close up. Overall a pleasant few hours and well worth getting some pop corn at the entrance for the kiddie goat area.


Amazingly good little zoo in Mervent. Content looking tigers and otters, kids very happy with the petting zoo. Typically laid back French attitude but seemingly professionally run


Today was overcast.....again! So off to the zoo, it has a small picnic area and carpark at the front, this will give you a clear indication that this is a small non-commercially run zoo, do not expect hordes of visitors! It is also not London Zoo! but it is well kept and run well.There are lions, tigers, bears, camels, Rothschild giraffes and many more animals and birds!You and your children will love it, it will keep you entertained for a few hours. There are plenty of picnic areas, a cafe and play area and petting zoo.At e moment there are Lion Cubs, Tiger Cubs and other baby animals on show.Go and enjoy!


Nice small zoo. Visited with animal mad 13 yr old and 8 yr old. Children particularly enjoyed the Lemurs and the petting farm section. Animals all looked healthy and enclosures were adequate. We were staying local and would happily visit again but not large enough to warrant a long journey. We had a very enjoyable afternoon.


Stayed 1 mile away from the zoo. Reasonable price 44 Euros for 2 adults, 12 year old and 10 year old. Small zoo, but had lion, tigers (including white one), bear and giraffe. If local worth a visit. Not long to get around - 1 to 1.5 hours visit at most. Feeding in afternoon. Locals all took picnics.


We spent three hours or so here with our 2.5yr old daughter (children are free to enter under three years old). It is well maintained and generally a pleasant way to spend a sunny day.We were there in the first week of July and it was quiet. The restaurant served simple and reasonably priced food (fries and ham, large baguettes etc).Highly recommended and essential if you are in the area, particularly if you have children.


We are fortunate that this is right on our door step from our holiday home. It is a very good day out for the family and has a good selection of animals. The French are quite relaxed about your proximity to the animals. There is a small farm section with a lot of goats and when we were there, the male goat kept on head butting the stable door which did scare our 3 year old.


Throughout my many trips to France, I have always enjoyed the Zoo's that the French seem to do very well. When I stumbled across this little Zoo, my first thought was how remote it was. But when we where inside we discovered a very well kept quiet little zoo. On every occasion that I have now visited this zoo, It has never been busy even when visiting in holiday time. The animals all seem very happy and although some of the enclosures may be smaller than in other zoos, they animals do not seem stressed. Towards the middle of the visit, there is a wonderful wide open enclosure that holds many Lemurs, possible as many as 30-50. Although there is a small sign asking that visitors please not touch the animals, we where greeted by a worker who sat on the ground, surrounded by playful Lemurs, who said we can touch them. It was a real treat! The zoo also has a newer section for birds and a very large area with a few bears. Although the zoo is small, they have all the animals a family would want to see including Lions, Albino and Bengal Tigers, Giraffes, European and Arctic Wolves, Camels, Many monkey and ape species and a selection of European and exotic birds, plus a few 'closer to home' animals like the Donkey and Goat. Overall, this is a thoroughly enjoyable little Zoo and hope to make a fourth visit sometime.


We arrived for opening and had the zoo all but to ourselves or a couple of hours. There is a wide range of animals for a small park including the big animals such as lions, tigers and giraffes. Our children particularly enjoyed the farm petting section of the zoo.The park was rather expensive compared to other larger zoos in the region but food and drink seemed reasonably priced. If you want to see a bit more action then it would be perhaps better to visit in the afternoon during feeding time. All in all a good experience for younger children.


Ok its not the biggest zoo, but if you want to be so close to the lions and tigers you can almost touch them and take amazing photos of them, then this is for you. There's a petting zoo too for the little ones, with goats, llamas, guinea pigs and pigs. You can walk in amongst the limas and stroke the giraffes and camels. You can go around as many times as you like, we went round twice to coincide with the feeding times. This is about our third or fourth visit.


What a great treat - a delightful little zoo but with lots of big animals you can get close to - the children were spellbound to look a tiger in the face and see a big brown bear rolling on a log - so much to see and do here - a petting area with goats , pigs and llama, play areas , giraffes, ostrich , wolves. We absolutely loved it and was one of the highlights for the children - not least of which the usual play area and shop full of cuddly toys!!Go - you won't regret it


We thoroughly enjoyed our visit, and it is probably our most enjoyable zoo visit. The zoo is small and homely, but surprisingly well stocked. It is best to visit in the afternoon when the animals are bing fed. The animals are very well presented, and you can get very close. The white tiger is magnificent, and we were able to walk amongst the lemurs. It is remarkably good value for money. The following day we asked our daughter what she wanted to do next, and she said that she wanted to return to the zoo!


This zoo is well laid out and you get up close and personal to the animals (particularly the lemurs and the goats). The animals seem well cared for and snacks and drinks are available too at reasonable prices, which is always good on a day out. We spent about three hours on our visit and it seemed good value - would definitely recommend.


We spent 2 hrs looking round what is a nicely presented zoo with some interesting animals. Never expected to be walking with ring tail Lima and see other animal up so close. A white tiger and endangered hyena breeds. All animals looked healthy and well maintained. Easy to follow round so you don't miss any parts. Perhaps a little expensive at €13 per adult. Easy to find as well sign posted and fairly large carpark.

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