chateau de gilles de rais
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Great for all the family, especially the children. Lots of displays and attractions and a chance to leave for lunch, then return. The horsemanship and display of weapons were excellent. I loved the 3D film with helpful subtitles. For adults, a bit of French is needed, especially for the play about Gilles de Rais and Jeanne d'Arc. A crib sheet in English would help to overcome this.
The age and history of this château or castle as English speakers would say were brought to life by the many activities offered. The program of events was given at the ticket booth so it was easy to plan the day. We started with the 3D film which helped explained some of the history of the actual building. Then on to a lively demonstration of war machines eg catapults etc. There were many hands-on things for children to try too.Not to be missed is the Tour du Vidame with its amazing echo gallery.Since none of the présentations were in English it was a bit difficult to follow what was happening sometimes as our French is minimal.
We visited on a very hot afternoon with teenager and almost teen. There is a very small car park but plenty of on-street parking round and about. An amazing medieval ruined chateau which has been set out to demonstrate the war machinery and tactics of the period. The chateau stands in a commanding and beautiful location above the river. On arrival we were given a map of the site with lost of shows. These are happening throughout the day though you should perhaps check times of the main ones - we caught the end of one and it wasn't on again for 2 and a half hours.Shows are on French with audience participation. Our French is very limited but we all got the gist. The 3D film is well worth visiting; there are English subtitles and it shows how the castle would have looked after it's major renovations. Between shows there are other areas to explore and medieval games to play. Teenagers returned to childhood to try jousting and quoits etc. We found plenty of shade and covered seating from whence to watch the shows. An enjoyable afternoon out.
This is the ruins of a castle/chateau but with lots of activities going on around the ground- we saw jousting and the children fired an arrow and had a go at jousting on a toy horse! Would recommend.
For a change we visited Tiffauges for the first time having previously visited both Puy Du Fou (a lot bigger) and Talmont (a bit smaller) several time. Impressively situated ruins and restored sections with a lot to see. A timetable of events is given out on entrance and this will help you plan your visit - most events repeat several times. The demonstration of ancient war machines was jolly and informative. the 3D film (with English subtitles) was excellent and imaginatively "reconstructs" the ruins - we watched it twice. We missed a few of the historical talks/walks and the 2D film but saw the musical show twice. Spirited, full of emotion but all in French so not sure what it was about other than it featured Joan of Arc and Gilles De Rei (aka Bluebeard) and they seemed jolly cross about the English (of the period).Having read about "Bluebeard" subsequently I am not sure how they tell the story of his eventual fall from grace without giving the younger visitors nightmares - if the the stories are true it was all pretty hair raising even by 15th Century standards!Overall a good and reasonably priced attraction, friendly staff (as we generally find in France), a small shop selling ices and hot and cold drinks (plenty of other places in the town it seemed) and respectable toilets I am informed by other members of the party who sampled them!
This chateau puts on shows in the summer and take you back to the time of blue beard. The chataeu itself is quite impressive and well worth a visit..good fun and informative at the same time.
This show is great fun for all the family. The display of Medieval War Machinery was amazing even though you were never quite sure where the missiles were going to land! A couple of films with English subtitles told the story of the Castle which has a very interesting history. You need to spend about 3 to 4 hours here if you want to see all the shows, which are in French. The helpers are all very fluent in English and keen to help.
Un château extraordinaire pour les amoureux d'histoire, le passé est horrible avec barbe bleu mais témoigne de l'histoire de France. La reconstruction des engins de siège sont impressionnant et plutôt bien fait (je crois que c'était les premiers à le faire d'ailleurs). Le marché de Noël est pour moi incontournable car on sent la magie de Noël à contrario de ce qu'on peut voir dans les grandes villes. J'y retournerais dés que possible. Je reproche juste que le marché soit ouvert que si peu de jours
Nous avons découvert avec intérêt ce château médiéval.Malgré que ce soit l'hiver et que les visites touristiques soient fermées aux publics, nous avons quand même pus découvrir ce châteaux et ses nombreux engins de sièges (impressionnant). Un jolie panorama sur les murailles. En revanche les informations concernant les horaires sont mal indiqués.
Un site authentique dans lequel l'âme des enfants martyrisés par Gilles de Rais rode encore. Le restauration n'a pas été maladroite ce qui laisse encore la possibilité de laisser l'imagination prendre ses aises.Les jeunes gens qui accueillent le public sont convaincus de l'importance de leurs prestations ce qui les rend sympathiques.Idéal avec des enfants. La séance de cinéma en 3D est digne des grands sites nationaux.
Une visite guidée du chateau très détaillée, de superbes reconstitutions de batailles un cinéma en 3D très bien fait, j'ai tout simplement adoré la visite ! Vous êtes vraiment transporté dans une autre époque ! Incontournable en Vendée !
deux grosses attractions intéressantes en visite guidée est très intéressanteseul petit bémol le planning des attractions n'est pas très pratique pour une visite souhaitée en trois heures
Une journée de qualité ! Attention toutefois, prévoir de se restaurer en dehors de Tiffauges, les restaurateurs n ont pas envie de recevoir le voyageur! En revanche la visite costumée pour les enfants estva la fois ludique et pédagogique, mercibdame amelie ! Quand à nous les parents vêla nous a permis de faire la visite guidée en toute tranquillité ! Le prix est plus que raisonnable pour la qualité de la prestation ! A faire !
L enceinte du chateau est encore magifique meme si elle est en partie detruite.Le plus grand concervatoire d europe d arme medievale (catapultes...) que l on peut voir en action.De nombreuses animations qui convienne a tous les ages (visite guidee, cinema 3D, comedie musicale...).Une equipes tres accueillante et riche en connaissances et qui aime les tranmettre.Une belle journee dans l univers de Gilles de Rais dit Barbe Bleue
A faire absolument avec les enfants!Des ruines .. Mais c est génial ce qui en a été fait. Les jeux anciens, le tir à l arbalète et les spectacles sont vraiment passionnant!Les guides nos font voyages, ce sont de vrais passionnés, cela se sent a travers leurs récits! Une vraiment belle journée! !