museum of the history of szczecin


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

museum of the history of szczecin



Wonderful display and collection of Szczecin's history in a superb church building. We went on a Saturday and were pleasantly surprised to learn that museum are free on Saturdays! There was a choir practice happening while we were there and this added to our enjoyment!


If you are visiting a country, you have to learn about their history. I am not big on guided tours, so I'd like to check out museums.


I was here as a child (was about 10-12 years old), but already then I liked it!! Many great exhibitions, good guiding, and also the building itself was extraordinary. Worth a visit, if you have some spare-time. Really worth your money and time.


A museum located in a historical building in the Old Town. Nice exhibitions, interesting and carefully prepared.


A very small museum, in which it helps enormously if you know some German or Polish, since there were no signs or explanations in English anywhere. It gave a good sight to the history of the town, which goes back way more than one first thought! Inexpensive it was also, and you could buy a discount ticket for this and three other museums.


This museum is worth visiting for two kinds of tourist: 1 - those, who are staying in the town for longer and want to know as much as possible about it, 2 - those who are interested in good old interior architecture. I belong to the second group and I did enjoyed the design of the rooms, all old wooden beams, and the smell of the ancient times. But the exhibition itself didn't impressed me that much - it's still worth seeing thou. By the way: the composition in front of the building is called "Big Arch" and is by Bernhard Heiliger, born in Szczecin German sculptor.


Situated on the main square in a beautiful building that used to be the Town hall, the exhibition retraces the city's past through usual objects, a couple of paintings (the oddest Last Supper I have ever seen...), maps and antiques. Didactic material is quite poor, briefly translated into German. As a lover of the city, I enjoyed the exhibition, especially the modern part situated on the top floor. Like most history museums, this can be a bore with kids and shopping oriented tourists. Entrance fee is quite inexpensive, 10 zlotys.


Das stadtgeschichtliche Museum Stettin ist nicht sehr groß, lohnt aber einen Besuch. Am interessantesten ist das 2. OG. Dort werden für verschiedene Aspekte des sozialen Lebens die Unterschiede zwischen der deutschen und der polnischen Zeit sehr anschaulich dargestellt.


Cudowne miejsce trochę mało zwiedzających ale warto iść zobaczyć dużo ciekawych rzezy. Wszytko bardzo dobrze przygotowane tylko z parkingiem trochę słabo.


Bardzo fajne muzeum dla wszystkich... Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Dowiedzieliśmy się wielu ciekawych rzeczy i to jest najważniejsze :).


chyba jedyne takie miejsce w Polsce - muzeum z którego wychodzisz mądrzejszy i w lepszym humorze bo spędzanie tu czasu to czysta przyjemność... świetne pokoiki stylizowane na epoki, wspaniały stan budynku - jego architektura powala. Interaktywność miejsca. super wykonanie!


Muzeum mieści się w starym ratuszu co ,już samo w sobie jest ogromnąatrakcją ,gdyż budynek jest urzekający, a przy tym kryje pełno ciekawych detali .Sama ekspozycja pokazuje zmiany jakim ulegał Szczecin od samego powstania do czasów współczesnych.Bogata ikonografia, malarstwo ale także aranżacje całych pomieszczeń ukazują zmiany zachodzące wraz z kazdym kolejnym wiekiem i świadczą o niezwykle bogatej historii miasta i minionej jego świetności.Naprawdę warto poświęcić około 1,5h by to zobaczyć.

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