4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

In this very interresting museum you can follow how people lived in Gotland in old times. There are several very interresting houses to see.
Good for a couple of hours on a rainy day - lots of old buildings nicely preserved. Interesting stories presented in each. Could do with a bit of expansion of the English translations. There was quite often a long paragraph or two in Swedish accompanied by a single line of English, so we felt perhaps we weren't getting the full story.
We visited the Bunge Museum while visiting friends on Gotland. Great outdoor historical museum. Many historic buildings, tools and several outdoor games for kids. The museum offers several picture stones from 400BC and buildings throughout the ages of Swedish History. We spent a little over an hour and could have spent longer, but we were on our way to the beach.
This museum is not that well advertised in English. We stumbled into this place accidentally. It's a museum of old farms, wind mills and plenty more. Several outdoor things for kids to play. English explanation available at each exhibit. Kids love the outdoor seesaw, climbing the windmills etc. Kids under 17 are free. Allow 2 hours to explore the place and for kids to try out their skill. Little gem on Gotlands Island!!
Detta museum är lite av ett gotländskt Skansen. Skillnaden är den levande miljön med alla bruksföremål från forna tider. Här lever den gotländska kulturen gällande både den byggnads- och den föremålsantikvariska delen.Har många begivenheter som bl a midsommarfirande.Tvärs över länsvägen finns P-plats och en strålande bra servering!
Otroligt ambitiöst uppbyggt museum, perfekt att strosa runt och lära sig mer om Gotlands historia. Museét rymmer en rolig lekplats för barn och kaféet intill serverade en god saffranspannkaka.
Mkt välskött och intressant museum, typ Skansen, med miljöer och hus från 1500-talet och framåt. Som grädde på modet åxå ett mkt bra fik i härlig miljö!