alp grüm
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Walking from the Bernina Pass to Alp Grum is about 1 1/2hrs walk around Lago Bianco. Great view of Val de Poschiavo and tha glacier. Food and drinks are typical for mountain hiking restaurants
Just a short stay for a great glass of wine and a magnificent view from the terrace.We could just enter the train from the restaurant table.
We arrived here on foot after taking the train from St Moritz to Ospizio Bernina at the top of the Bernina Pass and then walked to Alp Grum which took just under two hours dawdling. Spectacular walk and the view south from Alp Grum is beautiful.
Marvelous vista onto a mountain scenery including a glacier, rough mountain tops, several waterfalls, a blue lake, trees... All in one. On top: no cars.
A WOW experience on many levels. Excellent hiking spot, and from here one can appreciate some of the most awe-inspiring views in the world.
I arrived with the Bernina Express on a trip from Chur to Tirano on the Alp Grüm (please with Umlaut!!!) after I did the trip again after more than 20 years. I still think the view over the Val Poschiavo is so splendid, I could sit on that bench for hours. Contrary to the clouds, the valley was completely sunny, the scene on this shot is just perfect. However jumping one train, the next is already coming. So just the wait to come back soon. And yes, the restaurant with its terrace looking down too, has good food at reasonable prices.
The views from this area is definitely worth seeking out. We came here via the Bernina Express train, which we can not praise enough. Incredibly scenic views! We visited in mid-May, it was awesome to see some ice melting into rivers. We were told it's a completely different scenery during winter and hope we can visit during that time too. Either way, I can picture this area is beautiful any time of year.
I though this was one of the most scenic spots between St Moritz and Tirano, but does not seem to get as many tourists as some other areas. Definitely worth visiting if you are anywhere between Pontresina and Poschiavo on the railway.
Wonderfully scenic rail journey to Alp Grum from Pontresina on the Bernina Express.We combined this with a stop at Diavolezza and a trip on the cable car.All journeys were free thanks to the travel passes provided by our hotel.There are great views from Alp Grum - there is also a small restaurant.
Questo luogo incantato si raggiunge solo a piedi o in treno e quindi rigorosamente vietato alle auto! Vale la pena una sosta al rifugio con pranzo vista ghiacciaio al calduccio in inverno o sulla fantastica terrazza in estate. Da qui partono tantissime passeggiate per raggiungere le altre stazioni e comunque vale la pena goderselo quando spariscono i turisti del trenino.
arrivo col trenino rosso del bernina...giornata ventosa e limpidissima..bello il terrazzo con vista sul lago ghiacciato del ristorante bel curato ..i prezzi in svizzera la vita e piu' cara ma anche piu' bella..consigliata una sosta
Ci siamo fermati in questo posto magico atmosfera splendida inoltre una sosta al bar veramente accogliente come il barista che mi ha servito e consigliato un ottima tisana rilassante sicuramente ci torneremo per poter assaggiare i piatti tipici
Ottima location per una sosta durante la gita con il trenino rosso del Bernina . Panorama eccellente pranzando a vista sul ghiacciaio Piz Palù. Ristorante dotato di spazi ampi, prezzi contenuti e pizzoccheri da favola!!! Provateli e non rimarrete delusi. Da considerare anche l'estrema comodità della posizione di questa stazione di sosta: si scende dal vagone del treno e ci si trova già quasi dentro il locale!
auf den westlich gelegenen Palügletscher und das Puschlavertal und den Puschlaversee. Ausgangspunkt für herrliche Wanderungen ist die Haltestelle Alp Grüm der rhätischen Bahn. Runter bis Cavaglia kann man auf verschiedenen Routen zwischen 1 - 5 Stunden Dauer wandern. Gutes Schuhwerk mit Profilsohlen und Gebirgstüchtige Ausrüstung ist selbstverständlich vor allem bei der 5h Route. Als "Knieschoner" bzw. als Entlastung dieser empfehlen sich Wanderstöcke weil es ab und zu doch ziemlich steil bergab geht. Die Ausblicke auf diese wundervolle unberührte Bergwelt und das Puschlav lohnen die damit verbundenen Strapazen. Wer's einfacher haben möchte kann mit der Bahn die Rückreise unternehmen.
Die Serviererin liess uns wissen, sie komme gleich, dann kam aber ihr Kollege (zum Glück, denn wir hatten ca. eine halbe Stunde bis zur Zugsabfahrt). Die bestellten Sorbets waren tadellos und schlussendlich konnten wir auch rechtzeitig bezahlen, um den Zug zu kriegen.Das Restaurant hat eine schöne Aussichtsterrasse mit Blick auf den Piz Palü