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Hi,Sorry to say this, but I received a mail to comment attractions near my hometown Oulu. Ukkohalla was listed as one of those, and I need to wonder why...That's 2 hours drive away, no public transportation easily available. The only change to get there is to rent a car - driving is easy, it's only countryside all the way.But distance is only negative side, and that applies to many places to visit in this are. If you enjoy outdoor activities or wilderness and like to reach peaceful surrounding, that's one of the places "around" Oulu to go. There is plenty of cottages available, some restaurants,and even some fairly popular events like wordchampionship of swamp soccer arranged there.As a local, this is not my favorite place, but persons coming from busy metropols may find this as different place for short vacations,
During winter you can go skiing slalom or cross-country or snowboarding. During summer you can do wakeboarding or hiking. There is also a small spa and sauna world. So if you are interested outdoor activites in fresh air, Finnish forest area, this is great place to enjoy.
Downhill skiing in winter and cable wakeboard in summer. Extraordinary fishing oppertunities. Rent a cottage and stay for a few days. Everything is nearby and you can walk from the cottage over the lake to the pists and restaurants. This is a place for you and your family or business partners.
Pienten lasten kanssa rinteessä joka oli juuri tuon ikäislle sopiva. Ehdottomasti iso käsi vuokraamo henkilökunalle loistavasta palvelusta kiireestä huolimatta. Samaten kivoille hiihdonopettajille joilla riitti intoa ja iloa opastaa perheen pienempiä mäenlaskun saloihin.
Fina färder i skogen längs spåren, backarna uppskattades av de i familjen som gillar mera utförs. Lämpligt att fara flera familjer samtidigt med barn i samma ålder som inte alltid behöver vuxet sällskap i backen.
Я катался на лыжах два раза в жизни,так что для меня вполне нормально. Европейский,традиционно качественный сервис.