hetta huskies farm
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Just got back from a 5-day dog sledding trip with Hetta Huskies. One of our best trips ever! We each drove a 5-dog sled over 5 days. Each night we slept at a different cabin along the route. The guide (Emily) was friendly, knowledgeable, and patient with us, even when we made mistakes. Pasi, the owner, is a well known adventurer, who also joined us on the trip. Together, they took good care of us during the journey. The dogs were friendly, energetic, and well treated. Some husky farms mistreat their dogs, but not here. Hetta Huskies truly loves their dogs, and treat them well. As dog lovers ourselves, this was important to us. During the trip you are actively involved in the care, feeding, and harnessing of the dog teams. It was a great experience, and highly recommended!
DO it!if you have 2nd thoughts about too cold, too don't know what to expect, too i don't like dogs, whatever- JUST DO IT! you - will - have - a - blast! i took 2 indian and a japanese colleague and they were ecstatic. the guys - and girls working at the farm tell you all that's needed, and a bit more if you are interested, get you acquainted in a very relaxed atmosphere, you get to be with the dogs - on your own speed - just as much as you want to.take the longer route, at least 20km. much better experience.
Hetta Huskies gave me one of the best days of my life. We spent Christmas week in Hetta and our last full day we went to Hetta Huskies for a 20km mush. It is billed on their website as a 3 and a half hour safari, we were there 5 hours. It was more than just a trip, we were informed about the huskies and the working of the establishment in general and were allowed to put the dogs away at the end of the safari.The ethics of the company put the welfare of the dogs at the centre of everything they do and not money. They never destroy dogs because they are no longer useful but keep them at their own cost if they cannot re-home them. I was very tempted to bring one home myself.We did all the usual, meeting Santa, visit a reindeer farm, the snow castle and a northern lights safari on snow mobiles. The snow mobiling was such fun but the husky mushing was just in a class of its own. This is an experience that is so amazing I cannot find words that adequately describe it. I will be visiting Hetta again just so that I can experience the lovely Arctic landscape while driving a husky pulled sled. I really felt like I was in heaven.Of everything we did on the trip my 7 year old daughters' favourite thing was the huskies, but don't tell Santa please. This really is an excursion for everyone.Thank you to Pasi and Anne we will be back.
On our recent visit to see Santa the huskie sledge trip with transun was booked up. Our hotel had a flyer for Hetta Huskies on the counter and i rang them to see if they did afternoon trips which they did, they collected 3 of us from our hotel with another family and drove us to the location. In there own minibus and perfectly on time.Arriving at the Farm we were greeted by a lady who i believe was called Em ( american or canadian sorry ) She explained what Hetta Huskies were all about and how they were also a rescue centre for unwanted dogs. She talked about different types of dogs and how they were used and performed and led us to the dog compound as she did so. Through a pair of large wooden gates which felt like jurassic park and we met the dogs. She talked about the ones in and out of cages due and why some lived alone and some didnt, Took us to some 4 month old huskies and there mum and had a chat about them.We then had a run down on the sledge and dogs we would be with and talked through when the driver would change over, also mentioning about helping the dogs up hill by either running or kicking with one foot.so then we were off with 5 dogs, 3 familys and the operators on snowmobiles for support.the snowmobiles stayed at a reasonable distance as not to spook the dogs but also to give us space to enjoy the sound of the ride in the sledge. We were out for nearly 40 minutes and swapper drivers half way around to share the enjoyment.when we arrived back at the Farm the dogs were tied up, but we weren't told to bugger off straight away. I was asked if i would like to walk a dog back to its hutch and clip it on to its rope, which i did and really enjoyed that as it wasn't something i expected. Then my 4 year old girl whispered to mummy she would like to do the same, so she then asked Em who said she could do that. So she walked back a dog called Cloud to her pen with Em, she loved doing that and i was really impressed that she was allowed to.Em then talked to us for about another 20 minutes about the Farm and also about the local wildlife around the area. We left the dog compound and paid at the house and was then taken back to our hotel in there minibus.This whole trip cost about 170 Euro, where as with the transun event that would have been about 280 Euro.Hetta Huskies is a lovely friendly informative place, with loads of helpful and friendly staff and was the highlight of my stay, i highly recommend a visit here.
Just return from Finland and we will under impression from the wonderful tour with the lovely dogs and the area on the farm !! We have done 2 tours at one dag, one with day light and one in the evening. Both tour were really beautiful !!! The dogs are so nice and lovely ! Also the volunteers on the farm where kind and friendly and helpful. We are so happy that we have done this tour with this company and I wish all the volunteers and the owener and his family all the best, thanks for sharing the this experience, was amazing ! Greetings from Holland, Paula & Theo
Great day with the Huskies but the Huskie mushing could have been longer as it is around a frozen lake and the ride only took about 15 mins
In planning our summer trip to Finland, we knew we wanted to explore Lapland, but didn’t know a lot about the area. I stumbled upon Hetta Huskies website and was impressed. The attention to detail, positive presence on social media, and useful information about the Enontekio/ Hetta region on their site was an immediate draw. I reached out with a few questions and the owners, Pasi and Anna, were so very helpful with our queries. Hetta/ Enontekio is far north in the arctic region. We traveled by VR rail on the night train to Roveniemi and transferred by bus to Hetta. The train ride was charming as it gave us a chance to see many different landscapes in the region, and also enabled us to combine travel and sleep together. The bus ride indicates 4.5 hours, but this was broken up with bus stops for breaks. The drive went by rather quickly, and there was plenty of opportunity to see reindeer on the roads along the way! We were nervous at first, thinking the travel would be too long. However, the journey was actually a very reasonable and enjoyable experience.We traveled to Hetta mainly because of Hetta Huskies and their summer programs offered. During our stay, we enjoyed time at the farm, kayaking, and hiking with husky dogs. What stood out immediately was the love and care these dogs are surrounded with. It is clear the dogs are 1) trained with positive reinforcement as working dogs, fulfilling their natural instinct as a working breed and 2) domesticated early on, should the opportunity arise for their adoption in retirement. This foresight is a generous and ethical approach to raising and training dogs. Puppies born on the farm are raised with daily interaction from people and the other dogs. Huskies joining Hetta Huskies from other farms are embraced with love, time, and patience as the owners and guides work to acclimate them with their new surroundings.With this practice, these huskies are sweet, social, friendly, and eager to cuddle and receive belly rubs. The owners and guides are so attentive to the health and happiness of each one of their dogs-the young and old alike! If anyone is traveling to Finland—no matter the time of year—experiencing Lapland is a must! Hands down, I recommend a visit to Hetta Huskies. It really is a true Lappish experience with professionals who are committed not only to the sport and outdoors, but who are dedicated to their animals.
I have just finished a 5 day safari with Hetta Huskies. The trip was amazing, if a little tiring. The scenery was spectacular and the huskies were inspiring. I have never felt so at home with nature and still had a bed every night. Thank you Pasi, Lonan, Anna and of course my little steam engines Jasper and Jesper.
Hi there. It is great to hear that you enjoyed your visit. We don't get so many visitors in summer so the dogs and guides really appreciate those who make the long trip North.
C'est notre activité "coup de cœur" en Laponie, sans l'ombre d'une hésitation !Nous avons été très heureux de faire la connaissance d'Anna, sa famille, sa ferme et ses 158 Huskies. Loin des zones à touristes ou l'on propose des safaris où les bêtes sont à la limite de la maltraitance dans de décors façonnés pour satisfaire le visiteur, nous avons ici découvert la passion d'une femme, ancienne manager d'une multinationale américaine qui a décidé de changer de vie du tout au tout voilà 7 ans.Le safari débute par un petit explicatif (Anna parle en français s'il vous plait !) sur comment conduire le traîneau car c'est bien vous qui conduirez seul l'attelage, génial ! (Rassurez-vous cependant, Anne sera jamais bien loin circulant avec sa motoneige. Elle a d'ailleurs pris nos enfants à plusieurs reprises pour qu'il puissent faire un tour avec elle sur ladite motoneige, ils étaient ravis !).A l'issue du safari nous avons été invités à reconduire les 8 chiens de notre attelage dans leurs niches respectives et après avoir encore quelque peu échangé avec notre hôtesse avons repris la route.Aucun qualificatif n'est assez fort pour remercier Anna et aucun mot n'est fait assez puissant pour vous inviter à faire cette activité au cœur de la Laponie. Foncez, profitez, régalez-vous !L'intérieur des terres lapones avec des paysages à couper le souffle, d'une blancheur sans pareil vous attendent !
Merci à Anna pour son effort en français pour nous accueillir et nous expliquer sa passion. Merci à Charlotte qui nous a fait vivre 2 jours au milieu des chiens. J ai été impressionné par sa détermination! Accueil parfait pour un grand bol d aventure.
Cette ferme est composée de 159 chiens. Très bon accueil, francophones. Bien courvrir les enfants dans les traîneaux. Balade magique dans des paysages époustouflants.
Nous avons pu découvrir la magie de ce parc composé de 150 huskies. Vous pourrez compter sur des commentaires en français et un accueil très chaleureux. Immanquable si vous passez dans la région. Encore un grand merci !!
Muchas gracias por escribir acerca de su visita a su granja en TripAdvisor.
Wir kamen aus Kilpisjärvi nach Enontekiö, um einige Stunden bei Hetta Huskies zu verbringen. Nach einer Führung über das Gelände und Einweisung am Schlitten wurde der erste Teil der Gruppe (sie hatten nur eine kurze Fahrt gebucht) losgeschickt. Wir verbrachten noch eine Zeit mit einem Volunteer aus Deutschland, der uns sehr viel über das durchdachte Konzept der Farm erzählte. Trainingsmethoden, welche Hunde zusammen passen, Läufigkeitszeiten, Abstand der Rüden untereinander, Rekorde, Junghunde im Training und vieles mehr wird auf grossen Tafeln festgehalten und ständig erneuert. Unsere 6km war startete mit einigen Stopps, da die Hunde sich teilweise erst mal erleichtern mussten. :D - sie haben sich aber selber wieder sortiert, so dass der uns begleitende Guide auf seinem Schneemobil nicht viel machen musste. Wir haben die Fahrt trotz des nicht so schönen Wetters genossen. Anna Mc Cormack und Pasi Ikonen haben mit Hetta Huskies ein tolles Unternehmen aufgebaut.