iglesia de san pablo


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iglesia de san pablo



The place and surroundings are just beautifull. This Church has one of the most beautiful fachades you will ever see. It is an experience; it can take you hours to see everything. Gothic from the 11th Century. Quite an experience.


The facade on this church is amazing. It's beautiful, intricate and detailed. It's an amazing piece of art that has been recently restored and I would say the must see sight of Valladolid. For a fee you can go inside, I think there is suppose to be a museum.


Our last night in Spain after a five week holiday.Walked here from our hotel and listend to the church bells ringing for 7pm Mass.


Yo con breath the history, the entry portal is amazing, absolutly incredible. Visit by the way the national sculture museum just 100 m away and the Pimentel Palace birthplace of Felipe II.


This is an impressive church and worth the visit, the entry portal is amazing and it would be great if there was an app that could explain this in detail


This is somewhere that you really can't miss when in Valladolid, especially after the disappointment of the cathedral. The facade is truly stunning and you could spend hours looking at all of it and trying to spot all the details. It seems to be split into two distinct styles, with the top half looking a bit more baroque and the bottom is a riot of sculpture. However, unlike other reviewers, we couldn't get in to see the inside when we visited. There was a mass on, but e church didn't seem to be open at any other time. We did walk past several times but it was never open. So, you might want to check with the tourist office to see when it might be open. The church is in a great area, with many other marvellous buildings located about it, so there's plenty see around here even if it isn't open.


The exterior is one of the most beautiful I have seen! If you go see this church, make sure to go to the sculpture museum as well.


It's one of the most beautiful facades you'll ever find. Inside there are 16th c. sculptures by Gregorio Fernández and Juan de Juni.


The Spanish Gothic facade of this church is one of the most impressive in Spain. There is a rose window over the main doorway but there are five levels of statues and sculpture over the main doorway, so that the facade looks like a very large altarpiece. The tympanum at the very top contains a coat of arms. There are two large bell towers, one on each side of the church. The architect and sculptor of the facade was Simon de Colonia. . The inside of the church is filled with important sculptures of the saints done by the sculptor Gregorio Fernandez, one of Spain's best sculptors . One of them is a reclining dead Christ with a hole in his chest.This church should not be missed by visitors to Valladolid.


Admirable fachada. Fantástica en todos sus sentidos. Además, de ser un lugar idóneo para el recogimiento en la fe, también es especial por su carga historia: lugar donde Felipe II y IV fueron bautizados. Justo en frente, de hecho, esta la casa donde nació Felipe II.


la precision en el detalle y no hubo nada que no me gustara esta muy limpia la fachada y muy bien cuidada


La fachada es espectacular, de estilo gótico tardío, impresionante la cantidad de decoración que tiene.


Pasea por "la ruta del hereje"... Visita sus alrededores y conoce donde nació Felipe II...disfruta de San Pablo y sus alrededores....donde se junta la modernidad y lo ancestral.San Pablo es escenario en los últimos años de los mas espectaculares juegos de luces en fechas tan señaladas como el festival del TaC.Disfrutala.Es un monumento emblemático de nuestra ciudad


Por su arte y por su interés histórico en la ciudad. Muy bonita y de interés turístico nacional en toda España.


Tiene una fachada espectacular.No dejar de verla. Por la noche muy bien iluminada.Y en la plaza donde se situa está el palacio real, el museo de escultura y otros edificios estupendos.

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