

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无


El parque tematico PortAventura esta situado a 1 hora de...








游乐设施非常棒,周五算是淡季,所以晚上非常安静,这意味着那里几乎没有人排队。星期六的人会多点,队伍更长。尽管公园是上午十点开门,但很多娱乐设施中午十二点才开。很多餐馆也关门,这有点让人讨厌。这就是说,它周围停车很容易,这里的规模意味着你可以在一天里玩遍亮点项目。不过,虽然我们在这里待了两天,仍然有很多项目没玩。九月末以及整个十月,公园是万圣节主题,做得非常棒,也让游玩氛围浓厚了很多。在新的香巴拉(Shambhal)前退缩了,但非常喜欢龙王、愤怒的巴索、飓风秃鹰和几乎所有惊险的游戏。Tutuki splash的声音非常大!!!


刚刚从Salou回来,在那里呆了一个星期,(11月4号—11号,作为一个主题公园的粉丝,我们很自然的买了port Aventura两日游的联票,因为我们听说了很多关于这里的有趣的介绍。但事实却是令人失望的。当我们到达公园并往公园入口走去时,发现整个公园为了万圣节装饰得很漂亮,他们真的为了布置而竭尽全力,但令我我很是失望的是这个地方太没有童趣了,这对于我而言就失去了像迪士尼那样的公园的那种魅力。我5岁的女儿之前对于将会去到这里感到很兴奋,她以为那些商店卖的凯蒂猫、蓝精灵、伍迪和贝蒂在这里都能看到。但是却都没看到,甚至在传单里说的史莱克和粉红豹也没能看到。事实上我们遇到的大都是身穿万圣节服饰的人,想要大喊大叫的追着她,整个公园装扮的诡异程度都足以吓坏成人了,因此她非常害怕、时刻保持警惕也是可以理解的了——因此我们第二天还得不断的说服她才肯再去。当我们来到芝麻街时,我的女儿因为太小而不能乘坐芝麻街的一些游乐设施和啄木鸟伍迪儿童车,作为一个5岁的孩子她其实算是比较高的了(都穿7岁大小的孩子的衣服)。其他她能乘坐的游戏设施都很幼稚无趣,因此她觉得芝麻街很无聊,她很喜欢log flumes、rapids和sea oddsey 4d ride。当我们路过中国区的时候,大多数游乐设施都是关闭的。厕所也很不好找,没有指示牌,食品又差又贵。不过冰淇淋及小吃摊的价格还可以。没有任何卡通人物像你期望的那样在芝麻街上出现,(或者是我们期待它出现的地方)。他们总是随机出现的,而且也没有任何墨西哥语的提示,因此你需要找到自己所在的位置,因为地图上也没有提示,经过两天的徘徊,我们没有看到啄木鸟伍迪,但我们看到了好几次那个女的啄木鸟——维尼,尽管我们问了好几次在哪里可以看到伍迪,这里的工作人员对于我们问的东西也一无所知,因为他们这里的英文地图都发完了。我觉得因为我们去的时候不是旺季,这个公园在高峰期的时候可能会不一样,但这个公园真的没有任何魔幻的魅力,Benidorm的terra mittica比这里好多了,你知道在那里能看到什么,那里的人也很乐于助人。佛罗里达和巴黎的迪斯尼乐园也是一样的。我得说这个公园实在太差了,我们再也不会去了。这段期间,我们住在Belvedere酒店,这间酒店非常不错,工作人员都很热情。我们还去了AquaPolis水上乐园,跟海豚拍照绝对是骗钱的,事实上你站的地方离海豚还很远,但公园的其他部分都很物有所值,比Portaventura有意思多了。


Been 3 times & going back in 2015, it's by far the best holiday!! Great hotels, excellent theme park & water park!! Lovely staff, always willing to help!! Would defiantly


We have been here several times over the last 13 years and absolutely love it. The weather is a bonus especially when going in school summer holidays. It has a relaxed atmosphere, rides and shows for all ages with new things being added all the time. If you stay in one of the hotels you can get the fastrack wristbands at a great discount which is well worth it at the height of summer. The new ride Angkor is a great family ride queues can be long though. Hakuran condor for thrill seekers is the highest drop tower I have ever been on it is unbelievable! The balloon show is really good and the driving school for little kids where they get their own driving licence is lovely. Seasamo Aventura is a lovely kids area gets very busy though. Really worth staying in one of the hotels if you go here we have stayed in 3 of them and liked them all. Too many rides to go through them all. To be expected food and drink is expensive and food not that great. Not too far from Salou though with plenty of restaurants.


Couldnt recommend this park enough. Little bit expensive but well worth a visit. Been twice already and booked for a week in June 2015.Great for all ages, young and old.


I went a few years ago and always recommend. I loved this. Best theme park I've ever been to. The rides were for me. I don't like scary rides, but this place had a lot of intermediate rides for me to go on. I had so much fun here.


Dear Graham, we're very pleased to hear how three generations of your family have enjoyed the park. FiestAventura puts the final touch on PortAventura visits with a spectacular water, light, fire and fireworks show, every day during high season, when the park closes at midnight. This year, high season starts on June 27. But since PortAventura celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, it has prepared a brand new show so guests will never forget the adventures they've enjoyed in all six of the park's worlds. In the new farewell show, Happy Birthday PortAventura, all the PortAventura characters will join forces to celebrate our 20th Anniversary, dancing to the beat of the happiest songs, featuring SésamoAventura characters, dancers from the Gran Teatro Imperial, the Saloon girls, artists from the park's shows, and of course Woody and Winnie. It will no doubt be a fantastic memory for your grandson. Regards, PortAventura.


Dear nicolerihanne, we are glad that you enjoyed PortAventura and the restaurant services available. We look forward to seeing you again soon in Dragon Khan and Shambhala. Best wishes, PortAventura.


Dear mushroommaggeee, we’re very glad you and your daughter enjoyed PortAventura attractions and our themed areas so much. We hope you get drenched with us at Angkor again this summer. Regards, PortAventura.


Dear Kieran, we are glad that you enjoyed your experience at PortAventura and liked the closing show. We are also glad that you found it easy to connect with Salou with our regular shuttle bus service. We hope to welcome you again soon. Regards, PortAventura.


Dear GeordieMama89, we are thrilled that your daughter enjoyed the Halloween celebration at PortAventura, and all the characters that come to visit us on those creepy days. We hope you come back to visit our characters again this year. Regards, PortAventura.


Dear Geoff H, thank you very much for your feedback. We are delighted that you have such long-standing and wonderful memories of PortAventura. Our aim is to transport our visitors to a fantastic world of fun with our theme areas, shows and attractions, and we are delighted that you were fully immersed in this environment. We hope to see you again soon. Best wishes, PortAventura.

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