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一般人一想到医院 应该没有甚么好感 无非是那里充斥消毒水和病菌的气味 可是 当来到圣保罗医院后 你完全会对医院原先的印象有所改观 原来医院也可以建造得如此美轮美奂 典雅而细致 休闲又亲民 闲来无事 还可以在外面露天咖啡喝个饮品 悠闲地度过一个好时光




高迪大道的尽头就是Hospital da la Santa Creu I de Sant Pau 圣克雷乌医院,可惜正在整修,所以不是完全开放








Because its a hospital building, I first avoid this building. I went past this building two times by the hop on hop off tour bus. Because of the external beauty, finally I decided to pop in and have a look. Tickets costs 14 euros with a guide, small group of people taken inside and explore the marvellous building. (Without guide 8 euros, but better take guided tour, it's really worth to explore this building). Inside every angle beautifully crafted. Well designed, amazing stained glass panels, really I can't beleive this is a hospital building! May be not mentioned as a hospital, most people will visit here! A hidden gem!!


After it was open after restoration in 2014 the place is a must visit sight for all interested in modernist architecture. It is quite close to Sagrada Familia so you just need to walk by Paseo A.Gaudi to visit this great work by luís Domènech i Montaner.It is an amazing combination of decorative modernist architecture blended with functionality totally covering needs of the hospital of its time.


So much history here and some beautiful buildings inside and out. Take a guided tour. Very close to Sagrada Familia and an essential part of Barcelona history. Very photographable. We thoroughly enjoyed.


Often overlooked for top ten in Barcelona but it is worth it.Modest entrance charge. Amazing restoration of old hospital buildings. It would have been a pleasure to be a patient here!


I have been to the city at least once a year for the last 8 years, so I had seen all the "top" sights and was not expecting such a spectacular visit! It has only been open after renovation for a relatively short time, but the vast site with so many stunning old buildings that were hospital wards in the days when this area was outside the city walls, is really worth a visit. The English speaking guide was entertaining and very informative, not just about the site, but about the history and other Barcelona-related topics. You will not see anything like this site anywhere else in the world, it really is not to be missed.There is a fair amount of walking, much of it outside between the buildings.


On our recent trip to Spain to visit my husband's family, his cousin told us they wanted to take us to a place 5 minutes from their home that had "Modern Art" as translated form Catalan to English for me by my Hubby. I groaned inside, because I HATE modern art... I am a history buff and I LOVE old things. I decided not to complain, to be open minded, and to experience something with my husband's family that they were excited about showing us. Boy am I glad I did! This place was amazing! We took a tour in Catalan, and my hubby translated the pertinent info to me, but I was so busy snapping photos, that he let me wander off to ooh and aah to my hearts content. These photos are ones I snapped with my iphone to post on social media. The buildings are so gorgeous. Everything was meticulously restored. I love the idea behind this place... Built in the early 20th century by a man who said it had to be free to all people. The thought behind the lovely spaces was that in order to promote better healing, people needed a beautiful environment no matter their economic status. Do yourself a favor and go check this place out. The staff is very friendly, and they do tours in many languages. There was no line like the 5 hour wait at Sagrade Familia. It is straight down the street from there and the cathedral can be seen from the hospital.


In a city full of marvelous architecture, Sant Pau may not be as prominent as it would be elsewhere. However, the magnificently restored buildings and beautiful campus make a visit here absolutely delightful. It is almost impossible to take a bad photo! The staff is friendly and helpful. They even have a nice café in which historical photos bring one back to the time the hospital was in operation.


If you are visiting Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, do include a trip to this place as it gives you a different take on the Art Nouveu by a different Architect. It also is more relaxing as lesser tourist visit this place but the main building is just as beautiful as other attractions in Barcelona. They also have a guided tour which I think is better since they could explain the history and works done on this place. Gives you a better understanding of the artist and his works.

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