圣玛丽大教堂(eglesia de santa maria del mar)


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圣玛丽大教堂(eglesia de santa maria del mar)

Built in the fourteenth century, this cathedral is one of the most...






相对于松树圣母圣殿、入场免费是优势之一,规模更大也让入内参观时的震撼度更加强烈。晚上有时会举办无伴奏的合唱表演,虽然时间没办法搭配到因此无缘欣赏到,下次有机会一定要参加。教堂外的 Bubo 甜点店也不可以错过,不管是Tapas或是Chocolate Cake都很优秀。




Absolutely loved this building. Very simple but spectacular. Bigger on the inside! Although it is more traditional, I liked it better than many of the other grander buildings


We happened on this place by accident, but we had been told that the interior was the most beautiful in Barcelona by a resident. The interior arch is apparently the biggest in any gothic design in the world.The church roof still shows the burn marks from the destruction in 1936. We stopped by at night which gave it a new beautiful aspect to it.


We stumbled across this lovely place by accident as we were exploring the El Born district. It's well worth a visit. It's simple yet dramatic and when we stepped inside from the busy bustle of the street outside we were quite awed at the peaceful atmosphere and unexpected way the space opens up. Well worth a visit if you admire older buildings and different styles of architecture. It is an active place of worship and reflection however so please be quiet and discreet.


We walked by this lovely structure so many times, and each time, a different light, a change in the weather, made it more fantastic to see.


Beautiful carvings on the outside and ornate. Check out the ceiling stone work. Busy place so time it early. Whilst there we were ushered out without explanation.


Authentic beauty with a warm atmosphere in a Dickensian Christmas carol setting of intimate bars and streets. Truly special and worth finding. Walking in to the cathedral is a memorable experience - a moment to treasure. I will never forget it.


Spacious, airy, slender example of Catalan gothic. We loved it for its purity and simplicity. Come in the evening before the closure when most tourists are gone and enjoy the atmosphere of the church with red candles lit.... Leave through the door leading to Psg del Born..... Eat in the squares around the church.


everyone goes to Sagrada Familia...this is a beautiful cathedrale. very simple but impressive..unfortunately it is largely used for concerts which means that it is not open very often....pity


There are so many churches to see in Barcelona, this is just one more to add to your list! It's is a big church, yet it's grand with simplicities, not the great expenditures we see in so many Catholic Churches.


The Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar is another jaw dropping-ly beautiful church found in Barcelona. It seems unfair that once single city should have such a wealth of beauty, architecture & history. This church is in the Barri Gothic, Old City area and is definitely worth a visit. Most highly recommended.


This is an interesting maritime-community Basilica dating from 1329. The history of the place is amazing and you can find information about the locals ship-building industry. Due to destruction in the 1930s, much of the church is new/restored. This is a great example of 14th century Catalan Gothic architecture and the history of the local community. A pleasant place but it lacks the overwhelming sense of awe that you get at some of the other larger Basilicas.

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