catedral de alcala de henares


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catedral de alcala de henares



Very impressive Cathedral building and old town that helps you get a realistic feel for the old authentic Spain.Only down side are the beggars that are all over the place and you simply cannot give to everyone. Some appear genuine but some seem very well fed and clothed!


this cathedral was seriously damaged during the civil war and its interior still bears traces of that. but these scars have trimmed down its exuberance to a more digestible wealth which is still very impressive. the audioguide gives extensive information on the past of the building. the cathedral houses the remains of two saints most people will probably never have heard of, saint just and saint pastor. the crypt has their remains in two silver urns the size of bath tubs. this old lady had extensive work done on her, but is still a sleeping beauty from the past.


Wonderful Easter Mass with atmospheric parades. have attended excellent Organ Recitals last year - The director of Music is wonderful.


This was the only building I was able to see in this town as we were only there overnight. I did walk around and see most of the sights fom the outside so I am using this space to review my overall impression of the town. It has a lovely, very clean, historic town centre and is extremely pleasant for strolling. I would even consider it as a base for exploring Madrid in the future if one doesn't want the hustle and bustle of the big city. There are both trains and buses into Madrid and my understanding is that many people commute from here into Madrid for work. That being said, I probably would not go out of my way to go here. Despite it's being a UNESCO World Heritage site, it did not seem to have a wealth of things to see. I was there because my 13 yr old son's choir was on tour of Spain and sang in this Cathedral. Amazing acoustics so if you are lucky enough to catch a concert there, you are in for a treat. ( But I mostly mention the choir's singing because a Mom has to brag, doesn't she?)


In the middle of town and a must-see. Don't forget to walk up the tower for an incredible view of the town! Guided tours are available.


Paintings and architectural design of this church transports you to a ancient age full of History and religious value


A historical church with many wonderful statues and stories of its fascinating history, if you can take the spiral stairwell climb up to the top of the spire for wonderful views of the town


Another lovely old building very old and well worth a visiy


The Cathedral of Santos Justo and Pastor is located at the Plaza de los Santos Niños and was built between 1497 and 1516 as a Gothic church. The church was built on the order of Cardinal Cisneros and the architects were Anton and Enrique Egas, who built it in the late Gothic style.The outside of the church looks like a fort and not a church. There is one bell tower that was finished in the 17th century and the architect was Rodrigo Gil de Hontañon. The bell tower uses the Herrera style. The church itself is not extraordinary. It has a big museum which is worthy to see because it has a lot of religious art and very good sculptures by well known artists. The high altar has the incorrupt body of San Diego de Alcala. The main facade of the church is in the flamboyant Gothic style. It is thought that the church was built where the children Justo and Pastor of Alcala were martyred in 305 A.D. Cardinal Cisneros was the person who built the church. The church has three naves. The church was called magistral since 1519 and a Cathedral since 1991.


Catedral de estilo gótico isabelino... dispone de un bonito interior pero de una más bella fachada. Esta catedral resulta ser de inferior tamaño con respecto de otras... MERECE LA PENA SER VISITADA.


Es que en Alcalá de Henares todo está cerca. La catedral es un icono de la ciudad. Su órgano, si lo podéis oir, imponente.


Como la mayoría de la catedrales españolas, desde afuera no parecen contener lo que uno encuentra en su interior. En esta iglesia, es muy bella la estructura que rodea al coro, el altar en escalera y la cúpula. Y cada una de la pinturas de las capillas.


hemos entrado un poco para ver la catedral, y nos a gustado su arquitectura y espacio,es interesante voy a volver para verlo mejor ...


Salvo el Belén en la puerta principal, hecho de maniquís de tienda, un lugar de culto muy bonito.Ya lo conocimos hace años de boda, pero estas Navidades la hemos visitado nuevamente. Restaurada, muy cuidada.


es una catedral de estilo gótico isabelino tardío declarada patrimonio de la humanidad, aunque es de tamaño inferior a otras catedrales, no por ello hay que dejar de verla.

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