becici beach


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becici beach



Clean, well maintained. Plenty of sunbeds and parasols.plenty restaurants and beach -side shops. Swimming in the sea was invigorating, as the water was surprisingly cold. Once you began to swim though, it was wonderful


The sand could be used for sand blasting. Very coarse and hard on the feet. There are beds for hire and the sea is clean.


very dirty.very un- kept. Plastic bottles and rubbish on the beach.Sections of the beach designated to hotels and they charge for sun loungers which are over priced if you only stay for a few hours.Lots of people smoking on the beach made it uncomfortable for my wife and my self.No consideration for non smokers,The smokers win again.


Although it is a very nice beach, it can be very pebbly in places and seems to get very deep very quickly. Plenty of beach bars for food and drink.


I think Becici beach is one of the best beaches of Budva. Definitely better than expensive and rocky beach of Sveti Stefan and as good as Jaz Beach. You have many choices for sunbed-umbrella services and if you're a early bird (like before 09.00) no one asks you to pay anything. I went there early and it was really nice. Maybe in noon hours it gets obnoxiously crowded, I don't know. At the back there is many cafes and restaurants for every taste. I don't know what should one expects from a beach except sun, sea and umbrellas but I believe Becici beach has everything you need. Try going there early in the morning or near sunset if you don't like the crowd, it's the best time.


Grainy sandy beach with a rapidly sloping waters edge and sea.lots of bars , kids stuff , eating places and nice long promenade line the shore. Even tents for a beach massage line the walkway along with private changing facilities and showers. It's all very good - just needs a bit TLC in places and is a bit tired in places but nothing a lick of paint and general maintenance would put right along with a bit of replacing the cracked and disjointed paving on the prom would elevate a nice beach area into a lovely one. The littering of the beach detracts too but this is lazy tourists and beach bums who think its fine too let your carrier bags be discarded after use along with empty cans and bottles with the sprinkling of ciggie dog ends just ensure their mark is left at the end of the day. Litter bins are ignored and treated as invisible by the very people who have come you hope to admire its beauty.


Has won awards some time ago, but alas no longer in the running.Coarse sand, beach clutter and commercialism.


Very well kept beach. Clean and plenty of sun beds. Lovely bars and restaurants to eat outside by the beach.


Beach is ok, nothing fancy with some ambition for trendiness. Restaurants are quite expensive compared to the food quality and service.


Sand, beach and alcohol. Nothing original (trying to imitate the south of France), Nothing to write home about.


Ездила на 7 месяце беременности, море сказка, виды тоже, еда вкусная и свежая. Но по пляжу, по гальке крайне не комфортно ходить. Ещё и неуклюже все получается из-за животика, особенно выходить из воды! Массаж ног включён, так сказать))


Идеально место для прогулок, катания на роликах ,велосипеде...множество кафешек для уютного вечера с бокалом вина.


Несмотря на то, что наш отель был в центре Будвы - мы облюбовали пляж в Бечичи. Дорога занимает около 15 минут.И ты на чистом, благоустроенном, широком пляже.


В черногории чувстуешь себя, как дома, нет чувства оторванности. Очень хорошее отношение местного населения, это очень приятно!


Пояж в Бечичи большой. Растянулся наверно на несколько километров. Любителям бегать по утрам понравится его протяженность. Море скудное, с маской плавать неинтересно, растительности нет, как и нет морских гадов, крабов и маленьких акул. В субботу и воскресение масса сербских семейств едут сюда отдыхать, в связи с чем пляж переполняется. И в эти дни после полудня море некомфортно. Метров пятнадцать от берега море представляет нефтяную лужу со следами масла от загара и всякой фигни. Приходилось брезгливо заходить в воду и быстро уходить от берега. Кафешек много. Рекомендую XXL. Достаточно много водных аттракционов. Хоть рыбок немного, попадались щипучие особи, может это были и русалки, в воде не разглядел. Пляж лучше чем в Будве, в бококоторской бухте таких пляжей вообще нет. Есть в Ульчине, но мне не понравилась там природа. Если не напрягаться подобием Черного моря ближе к вечеру, то Вам понравится т

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