nirvana spa


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nirvana spa



The place has new owners that just don't seem to care! cockroaches running on the dirty floor.couldn't get a towel to save my dry off! the place is a mess.. the food was great at the Russian Place at the spa


Great place, love it, as close to Russian banya as you can get in Florida. If you are looking for a typical American spa experience - this is not the right place for it - go elsewhere. The whole point of this place is to experience banya - extra hot sauna, cold dipping pool, herbal tea, friends and conversation. I hardly ever even go to the pool or the beach, which they give you access to. Why waste your time! Haven't tried any of the spa services such as massage, etc as well - for the above mentioned reason - so can't comment on those. I am going there for banya and I get exactly that. The place is clean, not too crowded and well-run. Bring your venik and a wool hat. Highly recommended.


...don't waste your money at this "spa dungeon." It's dark, dirty, creepy and felt like it was out of Night of the Living Dead. I wouldn't go into the jacuzzi or steam room if you paid me. This place needs a SERIOUS upgrade... I'm surprised they're still open. I've been to better, cleaner, nicer spas in Third World countries. HORRIBLE.


Taking Bad business practices to just plain stupid, Local Russian Bath House "Nirvana Spa" Chasing away loyal local clients in the down season... The price of the average Gym/Spa membership monthly in Miami Beach is 50.00, LESS then it would cost to visit Nirvana Spa two times in a month, at $30 a visit. Yet some long time spa clients visit Nirvana once a week or more! Leading to a "off the books' hierarchy of guests whom receive various discounted rates ranging from $10 to $20 a visit. This Discount has always extended to guest brought in by a Loyal Client, especially if Client is paying for the guests. This has encouraged Loyal "Discounted Clients" to invite guest and bring new clients to Nirvana Spa. This also is a win/won for Nirvana because by paying for additional guest, the discounted member is still spending an average of $30 per visit! As of recent; however, Nirvana spa has began charging there loyal clients Full Price for any guest brought for a visit, and not telling them until leaving the spa and it is time to pay!!I complained about this and was told, by an employee "Well, times are tough around here..." Given the current financial climate, and the fact that it is "Slow season" in Miami Beach, dosn't it make more sense to offer Loyal clients further seasonal discounts, and incentives to bring new clients to a Business? In a time where People are spending less, and Gyms and Spas are lowering their prices accordingly, and offering NEW GUEST free Weeks, or in some cases FREE MONTHS, Is it wise to chase loyal local clients away? At one time when "The Castle" was closed, and before the Standard spa, and SPA at Canyon Ranch, residents of Miami Beach had no choice but pay the High Rates of Nirvana Spa; however, now with several other Bath Houses on Miami Beach, and with High End Gyms equipped with Steam and Sauna.... Nirvana Spa starts too look a little "less kept" and "Not-so-Clean" and more DIRTY and UN-Friendly to Locals.

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