mount bailey


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mount bailey



A must see when you visit the lake. Can't really miss it. Take a boat into the lake from the lodge or ride bikes on the path surrounding the lake. A 12 mile loop.


The positive side is your close to crater lake,that's about it.I don't like to be negative,but I want to be honest. Things to bring if staying in motel..#1 pillows,unless you like sleeping on a Chiclet.#2 blow dryer,it gets cold at night or a.m.nobody likes wet cold hair.#3 towels if you have more than 2 people. #4 possibly a plunger,the toilet barely flushs.#5 bedding.If your in a wheelchair you won't be able to get into the shower,it has a big step up. I am not a snob,I live in the country & I'm pretty flexible,usually.I would like to say all the service workers were very nice & professional .The asterisk are where I almost fell down.However my large overview of the "resort" is they don't put one dime back into their property or customers care.The lobby is a mismatch of goodwill looking furniture,You have to stumble around to find the restaurant because it doesn't really look like one.*The front of the motel 5A is horrible.*There is some ugly rug that is tore up and the cement is crumbling all over.Don't go out barefoot!The room smells weird.There were 2 long black hairs between our supposedly clean sheets.The housekeepers are blonde.They say a futon but there's no extra bedding anywhere.The 2 side tables are so scratched and ugly goodwill would throw them away along with the lamps with tears in shades.They didn't even TRY to make it look nice.The bathroom is just weird.One door to the sink then toilet,shower no door! some weird boarded up spot I think is hot water heater hopefully that's all{no camera?} as there's holes in it .There 's a weird box thing in the corner with ugly rug all around it.I don't know what it's for but they put the coffee pot on this ugly thing with a dirty basket of sugar & old creamers.So I think well at least there's the sparkly lake,yea! NO! the algae is so disgusting I'd never swim,nor would I ever let a child in it.The lake cabins at $249 a night or poop holes.the* "dock "at one is completely cracked in half.*on the way back is green grass with a* giant hole that I would have broken my ankle in if I hadn't looked at the right time,let alone a child running! There's a statue,fountain thing to look at & also a very disturbing water swamp mess next to a walkway where a tree must have fell on the rail & nobody bothered to fix,yet 2 more child hazard.Walk by the lake into swarms of tiny bugs that fit up your nose quite nicely.dogs are everywhere so watch where you walk.We got bored so rented a aluminum boat$30 hour or $60 half day.There's a very haphazard* board on the deck I almost fell over.Nice! we went around the lake, That was the only fun thing we found to do there .The water was SO green the picture we took looked like a lawn of grass.The food is so overpriced $33 for 2 French dips & 1 soda. pizza up the road was ok,expensive & very slow,as the counter guy also was the cashier for the groceries on the other side of the counter & it obviously was priority.They called a pizza number once & it sat for 10 minutes.that's how long it took us to order and the workers looked at the pizza,walked by it ,but nobody ever called it out again so I'm sure it was nice & cold The bar oh the bar! first you have to wander around again to find it up an ugly filthy SMELLY staircase.It has a sign no minors ,otherwise you have no clue its a bar. open the door oh the stench, the rug ugghh was filthy with some pile of bugs? not sure. It was so* dark I wasn't sure where my feet were or if there were more stairs.pool table no sticks,fireplace with booze boxes stuffed in it,classy.oh but wait,there's a huge new building you can rent for $1,000.00 what a bargain.Dont you think instead of putting all that money into one ridiculous building they could fix ANYTHING at the resort?stay in La pine at best western,or roseburg or bend but unless you have a self contained trailer with your own food and you like green fish .There's nothing for the kids,no swing,no slide, green water? Just say NO.

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