casino san pablo
3A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

...if you like to gamble a little. You can play as much as you want or as little...or...just have fun watching others play. The bar area is very friendly and comfortable with beer and ale on tap. The restaurant is always great!The only down side is that being a first nation reservation, people smoke and that can be bothersome to some, even though there is a good smoke extraction and air circulation system. The facility is all on one level so one doesn't have to worry about climbing stairs.The area offers different many types of food from Thai to Mexican to Mediterranean and a hospital next door. There is a wonderfully clean and comfortable Holiday Inn Express is within walking distance just up San Pablo Dam Road from the Casino San Pablo.San Pablo is very safe and has recently been awarded the "All America City Award" by the National Civic League for its amazing transformation from what I call, "a shoot-em-up city" to one of the safest cities in the Bay Area. In addition, the award was given for its promotion of active living & healthy lifestyle and diversity.
If you can handle large amounts if cigarette smoke if recommend trying their turkey burger located in the dining area. It was delish!
Lost my car keys at San Pablo asked the security officer to let me use a coat hanger to get in my car. He refused and told me to call my insurance company to come and help me. I told him that i needed to get in my car to get the insurance card out of my glove compartment. He told sorry that he can't me. FAKE WANNA BE COP... on top of that someone picked up my car keys and went inside my car and stoled my purse...I HATE that place......
I often go to San Pablo casino every time I won some money and some machines paid out good if someone has patience staff is very excellent and cooperative.
Machines are very tight and I hate that duabing thing. its like they put that on the machines so the pit bosses can sit and watch on their cameras and laugh at the people banging away on the glass looking like fools feeding the machine all their money.. I won a few hundred in the first ten minutes and it was all down hill after that. If you do win keep that kenny rodgers' song in your head and know when to walk away and know when to RUN even if you just got there ten mintues ago.. It is "gag me city "with the smoke.. I do smoke moderatley and after a night there I am seriously thinking of giving it up so thats a big " plus'. Anyone wanting to quit smoking go there and stand around for ten mintues.. You will reassess your smoking habit to be sure. I reeked after I left that place. my car even stunk with smoke that stuck to my sweater and my perfume did not help at all. If you must gamble go get a scracth off and spend far less. chances are the same. its always in their favor.. not yours. thats how they keep those places going. you are paying their rent.
Took my mom there after remodel and she was bit by fleas. Had a hair in my food.. then they gave food for free. My husband and I think they hire stagers to play the machines to make people think they can win too if they keep putting $ in, a lot of these people playing look like some of the employees. I won 900 one time went back a week later and every machine I played took all my money. It seems they knew I won the 900 and wanted it back. I put $100.00 in a sirens machine and maxed bet and all it would pay is 50 cents $1.00 $4.00 at the most til my $100 was gone.I heard people complaining that they lost 2000.00 + One older couple told me they lost $100,000 at San Pablo this year. My husband also received a phony 100 from San Pablo casino a couple of years ago. The second hand ciggarette smoke is so bad that when you go home your clothes will smell like an ash tray...even if you don't smoke! smokers can't even stand the second hand smoke...It will make you feel dizzy as well. We have decided not to go back to San Pablo Casino due to * Poor air quality * stagers playing machines* They take way more than they give* The place feels dirty* soda is watered down * (Red Hawke and Thunder Valley much nicer casinos) Cashe creek Nice but not that good of pay out,
Before the Casino expanded and changed, they used to have concerts there. Specialized concerts, done by hosting Radio station contests. The over all look is appealing to those who have not seen the new look. The inside is expansive , and it just flourishes from the moment you walk in. the first thing you see is the Restauraunt/Bar, then look left and half the slots are there, while the other half is on the right. They also have card tables, and Pai-Gow as well.
I've won here and I've lost here. Table games and slots. Great resturants and snack bar. Good parking, I feel safe here there are always security guards driving in the parking lot.
It's right i the middle of town and is a real casino, quite a surprise, as most are only card rooms.
the operator who i spoke with today, July 07, 2012 @ 12pm was very rude. I don't know who hired her. she needs to take some customer service classes, so she'll understand how to talk to people and treat them with respect. if the call was recorded i hope the manager listens to the way she speak to people and allow everyone to hear it, so people could give their opinion on that. i can guarantee anyone would think the same way as i do. the manager either needs to replace her and hire someone more friendly or pay for her classes that way she will learn how to provide better customer service. the first impression is supposed to be a good impression.
I was a regular customer for years, I know, why? It's a dirty, smoky, drug and prostitute filled slum of a casino. There are few nice employees but the security staff and the rest of the employee are only a half a step up from the people that go there to waste what little of their paychecks, unemployement checks, ss checks, or wellfare checks. I thought after the remodel it would have cleaned up a bit, but it only seems to be worse. I will be spending my money else where from now on.
Overall I would give it a C+. The staff in the Broiler are always friendly. The duck noodle soup is really good. Their comp system however is a little tight considering they don't have many amenities to offer. They have a decent amount of selection related to their slot action, and they have decent payouts. A little hint? Max bet. I know thats the rule of any slot machine, but I've found the machines there pay better the larger you go. Remember, you are going to the city of San Pablo. It's in the hood. Keep your eyes open as you will get the occasional "interesting person". Overall it's a good blue collar casino. good luck!
On Saturday March 5, 2011 I Asked An Attendant To Give Me Change From My $100 Bill When I Received My Change & Attempted To Play A Machine , The Machine Kept Spitting Out The $20 Bill I Was Trying To Put Into The Machine. When I Asked The Same Attendant For Help She Looked At The $20 Bill & Shouted ITS Counterfeit!! I Said If It Is You Gave It To Me !!! She Snatched My Players Card, Asked To See My ID & Took It !! She Called Security & The Pit Boss & Paced Back Forth Till They Came. Security & The Pit Boss Refused To Roll Back The Camera So I Could Prove My Innocence!! They Took My ID & Jumped On The Computer (Without Telling Me) & Informed All Casinos That I Brought Counterfeit Money Into Their Casino & To Ban Me From Their Casinos!/ Sending My ID Picture To All Casinos!! I Was Then Told Not To Return To SP Casino For 1 Year!! I Demanded The Police Be Called , As I Was Innocent!! The Police Were No Help!! No Police Report Was Made & I Was Now Told Never Ever Come Back To SP Casino!! I Was Never Arrested! I Was Told The FBI Would Contact Me!! As Of Today April 19,2011 The FBI, Police, Nor SP Casino Have Called Me, Arrested Me, Asked Me My Side Of The Story Or Apologized!!!! By Daniel Lewis
I am a casino junkie.. been to Thunder Valley, Jackson Rancheria, Black Oak, Red Hawk, Cache Creek. Lately those mention above suck hole city; like playing two thousand a night no jackpot can not even breakeven. Casino San Pablo saw several jackpots before my eyes... great place to play even if you do not win. They do not make you feel like you got robbed. Those others do not give any playing time as I said suck hole city!!!!
Schon oft bin ich auf der Interstate 80 an diesem Hinweisschild vorbei gefahren. Jetzt hatte ich einmal Zeit und beschloss diesem Casino einen Besuch abzustatten. Außerdem hatte ich noch einige Reiseschecks dabei, die man in einem Casino verhältnismäßig leicht in Dollars umtauschen kann. Dachte ich..Das Casino San Pablo liegt auf dem Stammesgebiet von Indianern und kann somit die strengen Gesetze bezüglich Glücksspiels legal umgehen. Wer die Glitzerwelt der Casinos in Las Vegas kennt und sich dann hierher verirrt wird ganz sicher enttäuscht sein. Denn dieses Casino hat nur dem Namen nach etwas mit den Casinos im Spielerparadies zu tun. Sicher gibt es auch hier Spielautomaten und einige Table Games. Doch hier spielt man in einer anderen Liga. Meiner Einschätzung nach drittklassig. Dies sieht man auch am Publikum und an der Umgebung des Casinos. Ich war tagsüber hier und fühlte mich dennoch nicht richtig sicher. Und die Geschichte mit dem einfachen Umtausch der Reiseschecks würde hier den Rahmen sprengen. Nur wer es wirklich dringend nötig hat sollte zum Spielen hierher kommen.