seventeen mile drive


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seventeen mile drive





门票大概10几美元每车 里面很大很大 主要是豪宅 高尔夫球场 也有一个小社区 海边的景色可以用梦幻来形容 可以看到起了薄雾的海滩上 巨浪拍打着礁石 有一种迷离的美。路的另一侧就是球场和豪宅 有几个老头在打球 ,有钱的美国人真是生活的太爽了每一栋房子都风格各异 我们还看到有东方风格的 但是不能离得太近看 私人领地嘛


这就是著名的Seventeen Mile Drive,远处的石头上一点点的是小海豹,不是Pai里的狐獴哦~嘻嘻 发此照开始,唉,看到美景,人就傻了,只会摆这些老掉牙的POSE,没办法,穿着恨天高,不能幅度太大呀~ “看那里~” PS,手上的coach经典包是前几天在outlets里100美金拿的,虽然coach已然是国人的买菜包,不过到了美国,不败几个实在是过意不去,觉得对不起这张飞机票啊!里面老外都是一打一买的好么。 万年剪刀手。以后要学学白人妞和拉丁妞拍照的姿势(网上不是盛传四个人种女生的拍照姿势么,亚洲妞就是我这种万年剪刀手!要改掉,要改掉~) 总算没有剪刀手了,不过眼睛还是睁不开。


What a beautiful place what beautiful views. Thanks to GOD for this place. Relaxing poetic and superb experience


My husband and I always love to drive along in the 17 Mile Drive. The views are wonderful and we love seeing how the residents deal with the pesky tourists and the deer!


Pebble beach is so famous I thought I could not miss this so we paid the $10.00 to take the drive. We could not get into the resort unless you are staying there so we had to see if from the drive. Also, we had done the drive from Carmel to Big Sur the day before making this drive less than exciting. Unless you want to see golf courses, I would suggest the ride to Big Sur, much more spectacular.


Heading south from Monterey, a driving experience awaits you with incredible views of the Pacific. Stop at the Highland's Inn for lunch, just south of Carmel and be sure to explore Big Sur. Just amazing!


The points of interest are well laid out along the drive and on the map one is given at the toll gate. If you are a keen golfer this is a must do drive as well as one is able to stop and visit all the famous golf courses , such as Pebble Beach , Spyglass , Poppy Hills etc. take your time and do not rush through the drive - enjoy the magnificent scenery and the history .


Although there is a $10 car charge, you will enjoy this ride. Give yourself plenty of time to stop, walk on the beach and enjoy the ocean and wildlife. If you want to stop at the end of the ride, there are shops and restaurants at the Pebble Beach hotel/golf course. Nice place to pick up a souvenir if you are buying for a golfer


this was worth the drive and is highly recommended. it's a great attraction for the weekend traveler and is highly encouraged.


We started from Cupertino after noon and needed to be in Hollywood by the next dusk. Ah! the killing schedule! We spent an hour or so on the 17 mile drive and obviously, far from enough! The stunning rocks, cypress trees. seals & much would I have missed? I hated to exit at Carmel soon enough but, I WILL BE BACK...


If you're in the area, definitely take a morning or afternoon to spend on 17 Mile Drive. There are many beautiful stops along the way. There's a Bag Piper who pipes for 45 minutes at sunset - ask the gateman where he'll be the night you're there.Cars are $10 upon entry - this includes complementary valet parking at restaurants and Links clubs, and if you spend $30 or more at a restaurant they'll count your $10 towards your bill.


Well worth it to take a drive down here and enjoy the views and some of the stunning houses. Being a golfer it was difficult for me not to jump out onto one of the superb golf courses that you drive through/next to


The scenery along this road is spectacular. There are many turnouts and parking areas where you can stop to take photos and admire the views. You will pass some of the world's great golf courses (Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill) and see the famous Lone Cypress.The most scenic part of the drive is the ocean side of the loop, from the Pacific Grove Gate south (and west) to the Carmel Gate just south of Pebble Beach Country Club. If you don't care to finish the loop, just leave there and take Highway 1 back to your starting point in 1/3 the time.Or drive through the woods, see some beautiful houses and (maybe) some deer.


This is a must do if you are in San Francisco. The places to stop on this scenic drive are marked and offer great views. The famous "Witch Tree" landmark is a good one ! Stop on the way at Pebble beach golf resort - the place is breathtaking - I might take up golf soon !

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