winterpast farm


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winterpast farm



My wife and I visited for our first time soon after some baby goats were born and had a wonderful visit. Farmer Mary was nice to chat with and very helpful, and her kids were just as well-mannered, mature, and helpful, as they helped not only maintain the animals but also assist the large number of visitors, including small children, that were present. (We were both seriously impressed by how much the kids were all helping both the farm and visitors.)The experience was wonderful, and something completely different than you would get at a regular zoo. My wife, who loves animals, was thrilled to be able to feed, interact with, and hold baby goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and more. I was happy to get some wonderful pictures. We'll definitely be going back, and to anyone who hasn't been who likes animals you need to make an appointment to visit soon!


We've been to Winterpast Farm a few times. The first back in April of 2013 with our 3yr old daughter on her birthday. She was so excited to hold chicks, brand new bunnies, etc. Farmer Mary does a wonderful job facilitating everyone's visit, showing kids how to hold animals gently, and even taking you on a walk through the woods to point out emu eggs. We went again this spring, this time with our 2 year old son in tow, who was just old enough to hold animals but really was happy to wander around. Farmer Mary also brought animals (chicks, guinea pigs, and baby goats) to our home for my daughters birthday this year, and was wonderful with a bunch of 4 year olds. Best birthday party ever. Is the farm spotless? Of course not, it's a farm. Be realistic about what you are going to see. Animals are messy, but it's all quite safe and so hands on for everyone. Bring lots of veggies for the animals and they will be your best friends. I don't know that I'd bring kids younger than 2 unless you have an adult willing to just wander around with them, but certainly for those who are old enough to really understand the experience, it is fantastic.


If you like to see your kids grounded and surrounded by nature and animals just go there and watch your kids from a distance... Enjoy!


Our family has been visiting Winterpast Farm for over a year. It is an excellent petting zoo, animal shelter and small farm animal zoo. You can walk among a very large and diverse selection of animals, such as Llamas, peacocks, goats, more variety of chickens and other fowl than you knew existed, rabbits, guinea pigs, and other animals too numerous to detail. It's a unique experience, located on 10 acres in one of the last rural sections of the county, with Mary Droessler, AKA Farmer Mary, providing education and information about animal husbandry in an accessible and easygoing delivery. Unlike other 'petting zoos' where animals are shoved in small cages and touching is strictly limited, some of the animals roam freely. Mary gives plenty of information about safe and appropriate ways to handle the animals and why. But more than that, children have an opportunity to learn the importance of a valued member of the community: Mary runs an animal shelter. When we were there, we watched in horror as some people dropped an animal over the fence and left. Mary said that was not an unusual occurrence. They know she will take and care for the animals. She does so with interesting offers. You can foster an animal short term: her "Rent-a-bunny" program was very popular with my 10-year-old twin girls, offering short term (1 week) rentals to try out an animal and how it fits with your family habits. I believe Mary also offers bonfires in her beautiful setting, a popular and enjoyable event for school or church gatherings. Mary's farm is not only a destination but an invaluable resource for the community.


This place is truly magical! My 8 year old son and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We stayed almost 3 hours and did not want to leave. If you visit, bring lots of veggies, crackers, and a camera for pictures. The pictures will be treasured. Farmer Mary took us on a grand tour of the pigs, turkeys, chickens, guinea pigs, goats, ducks, turtles, donkeys, and so much more. My son was able to hold and feed the guinea pigs and rabbits. He was able to go into the pasture and pet the goats and donkey. Petunia the pig was my favorite. She rolled right over for belly rubs. Our trip was enjoyable and educational. If you go, please pack a lunch. Picnic tables are available in the front. Can't wait to go back again!


We took along our manners and our cameras, asked nicely to walk in the vast back woods area. We happily took 100 pix of fungi, bark, colorful old vans, and our emu tour guides who came along to watch us.Make an appointment and read Mary's house rules. This is not a commercial zoo or a petting farm. It's her home and there are house rules. Animals bite. They poop. You watch your kids. It's not Mary's job. She's watching her animals to keep them safe from harm. Every animal had food, clean water, its own name. Remarkable. When does Mary sleep, I wonder. The people who showed up after us, unannounced, were loud, bossy, and argumentative. I wish she had refused them when they argued about paying and felt that house rules didn't apply to them or their little darlings. Mary had to keep an eye on them the whole time to keep them and her animals safe from each other. Too bad, as she's obviously extremely learned in animal care of all types and I had questions about treatment for hurt ducks and how come she's so many different fungi and and... I'd gladly go back, especially if she set aside one day a month for grownups with manners so a clutch of us biology nerds could let our brainy selves out to play.


Could not have been happier with our trip today. Farmer Mary is a wonderful lady and full of information about the farm. It was as much an educational experience as it was a fun! My only regret was that we didn't allot enough time to stay longer. I took a 12, 10 and 3 year old and they all loved it!!Don't think twice about making this trip with your kids!


For those reviewers who wrote that their expectations were not met, I would say: Remember that this is a working farm (not simply a "petting zoo"). And farms require a LOT of work! That's one of the valuable lessons being conveyed. Caring for the animals is another. For instance, the children had plenty of time to spend with the baby chicks. Then they helped get all the chicks back into their box so they could be returned to a heated area. My wife and I are "senior citizens", and we had a great time. Mary and her family are doing an outstanding job, and I know that the youngsters who visit will remember their experience forever!


We went to the Winterpast Farm today with my 6 yo son and his friend. We all loved the place and the kids couldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the day. The animals there (many are rescues) are well taken care of by Farmer Mary and her children. Visitors can feed the animals and pet them and help with some of the chores. There are bunnies, guinea pigs, goats, donkeys, llama, pigs and more. Chickens run around freely and an in-ground pool has been converted into a lovely pond with fish, ducks, and turtles. There are lots of swings and some playground equipment for younger kids, but most kids visiting the farm today preferred to pet and feed the animals or just run around the farm. Do keep in mind that it is a farm and not a petting zoo or a park. The animals are allowed to roam so yes, there are animal droppings here and there. And just like on any other working farm, there are lots of things for the farmer to do and lots of projects under way. So if you expect a very tidy, very clean and manicured place, you better go elsewhere. We thought the place very safe, safe enough to let our kids run around and explore on their own while we, the adults, chatted with Farmer Mary. But if your child is very young and tends to put hands (and whatever she grabs in them) in her mouth for a taste, then this is not a safe place for her (as is any other farm). Speaking of Farmer Mary, she was very welcoming and friendly, took time to answer our questions and told us about her animals. By the way, there was a restroom there and a hand-washing station when we visited.


Good for 4 to 8 year olds who love animals and want to get up close and personal with them. Plenty of opportunity to hold and feed small animals like bunnies and guinea pigs. Also feed goats, donkeys and emus. Not very safe for littler kids as grounds are not well maintained in terms of toddler safety. Wear old sneakers as you will inevitably step in dung of some type. I disagree with another reviewer that the owner.... Farmer rude. I've seen her interact with kids a number of times and she is patient and kind. Just not a warm and fuzzy type. Mary recently doubled the admission price from $5 to $10. I think this was a poor idea and that she should rethink it. We go much less often since the price doubled


I thought Mary was a sweet lady over the phone but when my 6yr old granddaughter and i met her she was very inpatient and rude to my granddaughter. not to mention the way she treated my dog, i was looking for a good home for my great dane puppy, Mary called me and seemed to be pretty excited about seeing him and possible keeping him. it was very hard for me to let go, i start to cry. Mary said to me don't worry you could come see him when ever you like and if you cannot let go than i will give him back. so i thought the lord had answered my prayer. but to make a long story short, mary had my great dane for 2 weeks she finally let me visit him, i than realized it was a bad idea. because i was very sad when i left. Mary called me a few days later and said well you know my refrigerator went out and i dont think i can afford to keep your dog, can you come get him, and bring a flea pill because he rolled over in a deer bed????? and was full of fleas. i bought the pill over we waited 20min and started washing him he must have had millions of flea's on him his ears was bloody and raw, and full of debris. he smelled like death. my baby was so happy to see me. she ask me if i needed help getting him in the car, my dog was jumping on top of my car trying to get in. one good thing Mary did for me, she made me realize how much i love my dog Jimbo.


Hello. I just took my two children to Winterpast Farm and was really dissapointed. I feel obligated to write this review since this is a place for families. I was shocked when I pulled up. Farmer Mary means well but her "farm" is nothing more than an acre of land which her home stands on, with animals running wild in that acre. I didn't know if we were walking in mud or poop. The farm really needs some TLC before being open to the public. I paid $30 ($10 each). The fencing and enclosures were old, dirty, and junk was laying around everywhere. I had to move a huge peice of glass from under a swing before my son could attempt to use it. This is not a place for very young kids. There is no place to wash your hands, no bathroom, etc. Bottom line, the whole place needs an overhaul and the "admission" charge is way too much for what you get. The pictures and website are deceiving. Sorry to write this because I know this is Mary's livelihood, but the truth should be told. I thought I did my research. The reviews I read were great but when I saw it all with my own two eyes, this is what I've come away with.


Very neat experience for my young boys! They got up close and personal with sweet animals and enjoyed feeding them!


To the vegetarian at the bottom: My wife and daughter visited there for the first time today and absolutely loved the farm! Sorry if (in your own mind) you wanted it to be a zoo, but it's a FARM! Hence the name Winterpast FARM! Don't try to ruin someone's livelihood because you like to kill plants and eat those instead of meat. People like you disgust me. Anyway, my wife and daughter said Ms. Mary was so nice and grateful that they came to visit. The website says she only asks $5 per person, but Ms. Mary made no mention of it. My wife gave her $20 and wished we could give more. She has children to take care of plus the whole farm. This is not some big commercialized place, so it's not gonna look like the Asheboro Zoo. It's not supposed to. Hold the animals, feed them, pet them, take pictures with them. Great time to be had by all. Except maybe that uppity vegetarian lady. She sounds like she needs some meat in her life.


The owner is quite personable and eagerly shares information about many of her animals. She allowed my granddaughter to hold one of her rabbits! Quite a special experience!

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