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开放时间: 暂无

新闻博物馆算是非常新的展馆,但也因为不属于 Smithsonian 一员而必须收费。大人收费 20 美元,而我们因为学生的身份得以 12 美元不到进入参观门票本身可以连续两天进入使用一言以蔽之,看完整个馆之后会萌发出投入新闻业的想法此馆应该是每位新闻从业人员一生必访之地
这真是一次了不起的经历,给了大家很多体验。 9-11展览让我强忍着泪水,而SNL剪辑让我笑出了眼泪。我只有6个小时可以花在新闻博物馆(Newseum)里。我会推荐至少游览一整天。两天是最好的。
我们特别去参观911特展,整个博物馆的动线设计得很好,先是让旅客有局部的了解后,才开始主要参观的路线....展览相当丰富,也非常吸引人! 尽管是华府少数需要另行付费的博物馆,但是票价维持两天,非常划算
I like the Newseum, however, I think that people would like it better if they are interested in journalism. I liked the videos though and think that you should spend an hour/hour and a half here.
I am a high school teacher in New York. The exhibits here were interesting and engaging. The staff was well trained and excited to discuss how their resources (both in the museum and online) can be used in the classroom.
A variety of both more recent and past major events presented through different mediums that is engaging and fascinating. It is a bit pricey, but worth it. You'll need some time in this musuem. We spent 2 to 3 hours and we could have stayed longer. Lots of interactive things for kids or teenagers as well.
I had very, very high expectations based on TripAdvisor and friend's reviews and today far, far, far exceeded my expectations. We spent about 5 and 1/2 hours going through the museum and had my kids (ages 10 and 12) not been so tired, I would have spent 3 days. I expected great headlines, pictures and exhibits about journalism but what I was blown away by was the amount of very impressive artifacts they had - particularly ones from events during my lifetime. I am a news junkie and would rate this museum as the best I have ever been to (and I have seen museums around he world). Do not miss this on your trip to Washington dc!!!
I enjoyed so many aspects of this beautiful building. So many theater screen presentations, front pages, voice overs. One of the easiest museums to maneuver
Here is the scoop - it is a museum of news. There is a lot of news. So if you want to read all about everything that was ever published as news in nicely done displays, then this place is for you. The ticket is good for 2 days because it will take that long to read it all. For us it took 2 hours. It is nicely done. You start with a 3 1/2 minute orientation, then take an elevator to the top floor and work your way down. They have a 4D theatre which we did NOT visit, and many other videos along the way. There was also quite a few interactive displays. But the bottom line is that you are reading news and stories about getting news. Also some artifacts on display as well as the TV antenna from the felled twin towers. They have a very nice food court that offers salads and tasty well prepared food options. Anyone considering journalism as a career should definitely visit here first. They show you what a lot of journalist did to be successful.
We had seen several PBS broadcasts from the Newseum so we went in our last day in WDC. There are several areas that really improve your citizenship - one on the 5 rights within the First Amendment (test yourself before to see if you know all of them); another the involvement of the Press during the assassination of President Lincoln; another the support of the Press in the Civil Rights Voting Act; and another the tribute to journalists killed while doing their job and additional exhibits that insure a highly stimulating experience. The view from the top floor is special across all of Washington. But the museums reminds us of how we have changed as a people now "entertained" by entertainers rather than real journalists who have seemed to disappear from at least the American "news".
Newseum was better than we had anticipated. We could have spent a whole other day looking at the exhibits and watching the videos. We actually missed the 4d movie so we'll have to return to see it another time. The Berlin Wall, the 9/11, and the Pulitzer Prize winning photos were my favorite exhibits but also the most emotional for me. I also loved seeing the actual note pads that reporters jotted notes on for events that have gone down in history. Great place!