harry s. truman farm home


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harry s. truman farm home



I thought it was pretty amazing! They left the house just like it was when Mrs. Truman died. His hat and coat are still in the same place he left them when he died. We had a great tour, of just 4 people. Lots of history in that house.


The house was closed but I had read about this great American president. Just by walking along the grounds and reading the posted signage on his life was worth the visit. A great man with the kind of humility that is rarely evident among the leaders of today.


We visited in June, 2013. Unfortunately, the house is closed to the public at this time, but you can walk around the grounds. We did stroll about and there are a few outbuildings. I do hope that sometime the house is reopened.


Stopped by the Truman Farm to get a NP Passport Stamp and loved just poking around. Didn't get to go on the tour (it was already in progress) but the park ranger at the desk was super knowledgeable and gave us the low down. Great that they have saved this historical site from encroaching civilization (it's literally right next to a strip mall).


This is a great place to visit to see how a great president lived. The man was unpretentious and down to earth and the farm brings this home.


Kept in its original condition. For those who enjoy history. you'll appreciate this! You should also try to tour Truman Home in Independence -- takes you back to when he and Bess lived there. Nothing has been changed. Appliances, colors, wallpaper, all decor just like when they lived there. Great tours for those of you who truly enjoy and appreciate going back in time.


WE were fortunate to visit this old farm home in Grandview, MO on this trip. The last time we wre there a heavy rain had messed up the road and we were unable to visit. It is one of the great stories of a man from meager beginnins ending up in the highest level of our National History.


Mr. Truman's home is not ostentatious in any way. You get a true sense of Harry as a family man, good neighbor, President and then exPresident. The furnishings are simple and reminiscent of the 50s lifestyle. The kitchen still has the calendar hanging on the wall from the last days of Bess Truman's life. It was a house that was truly lived in. Harry really was a man of the people. You will leave feeling like you had taken a step back in time and met the man that made so many important decisions during a very turbulent time.


A good chance to learn about Truman the man, as opposed to Truman the president. Our park ranger guide was very informative and truly had an interest in the Truman family.


I liked that the house was left as it was when Bess lived there. The ranger was very informative, clearly loved her job. A lovely glimpse back in time.


The home has not been changed. It was like stepping back in time! It was nice to see a President who truly lived among the people. His home is a testament to his humbleness.


Loved the tour, just was dying to see upstairs.Everything has practically been untouched since the Truman's deaths.


The tour tickets cost $4. They have to be purchased at the visitor center a few blocks away. Very easy and convenient. LOVED our ranger. He was fantastic!! Very knowledgeable and approachable. This was the first tour that my son really spoke up quite a bit. Loved that. Can't say enough about the ranger we had - absolutely phenomenal!! The house is very neat - I wasn't sure how I would feel about it - we did really just come to get a junior ranger badge and passport stamp. But, this is one of my favorite memories from our trip this summer. It was actually a last minute stop.I enjoyed seeing the old architecture and decor. To think all of this history happened in this house. My favorite was the sunroom - loved it!!No photography allowed inside of the house


The national park service guide was fantastic. She was very honest that this was a location of the original farm, but most of the items were not original to the Truman's. She gave us loads of information about Truman and how the farm helped him to become the president of the US. The farm is only open in the summer season and only on Friday to Sunday, so it takes effort to visit it.


The tour was interesting and the guide was informative and able to answer the many questions our group had . The tours are on a schedule and move fairly quick, you can't view the home at your own pace. Also, you can't buy your ticket there, you have to go to the ticket center about 5 blocks away.

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