ranch hand rescue


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ranch hand rescue



I have had years of first hand experience of what happens at this facility. The owner and people running it have little to no horse or farm animal experience. I will admit the place seems quite lovely, but you have to view it from an animals point of view. They have over 20 animals including horses, alpacas, llamas, and goats on only a couple acres with no grass or ability to roam freely, as these animals need. They take in extreme cases of neglect and subject these poor horses to months to years of experimental treatment, such as Pheonix and Spirit. These horses are stall bound, in extreme agony, for months while the owner Bob, posts about how these horses are getting the best care. Bob lives in a fantasy world where he posts on social media things he wants people to see. He is an arrogant man that preaches the word of God but does not honor his word. And then many people make donations, he then blow this money on experimental surgeries for a horse that has spent months in excruciating pain with little to no chance of ever being able to have a normal horse life, instead of saving some of the thousands of horses that have a chance at a great and successful life. This rescue is an abomination and embarrassing to all the excellent rescue organizations out there.


A great night with wonderful fun people for a fantastic cause ! it was nice to have a local event of this nature. I enjoyed meeting Doris and Jack as well.!!


This is a must place to visit if you love animals. The work they do is phenominal and the people running it have hearts of gold. Stop by and see the animals, love on them and give them your support.

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