

地址: 暂无

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Great docent at the museum who knew all the history of the area. The museum is in the old courthouse and there are a few other places on the grounds to visit. The jailcells sit outside and you can go in them. The original post office is also on the grounds. It seems that this area is trying hard to have a place to keep the history alive so that Helena doesn't just vanish. Good for them for trying to have a place to keep the history alive.


This is actually a couple of structures all together in a fenced in area. Don't believe the hype about one man killed everyone in town! The guide here is truthful about the railroad being the only reason this town was shut down. People DO live here! Even though I wouldn't drive out of the way to see this, I did enjoy touring the old 3 story house, there seemed to a peace in there.


I visited Helena in April 2013 and was awe inspired by the quaint buildings, the museum and the house with the ghosts. Yes, real ghosts. But you have to know how to talk to them. I found out (through the ghost meter) an instrument that captures energy patterns and beeps when there is ghost activity. Anyway, seeing is believing...or hearing is believing. So my advice, hop on a plane, go to Helena, Texas and while you are there ask to buy a book by Barry Harrin called, Helena Texas The Toughest Town on Earth...Don't be too scared, just ask about the hanging tree where all the convicts were ...well...hanged. I flew in from Florida to visit friends and got more than my money's worth. You can too. I think I hear the ghosts now so I better go before they find me...


Greetings people,The little house in Helena by the musemn ,is the house my grandmother donated.My mother was born and raised in the house along with her 2 younger brothers.Every time my family and I come to Karnes city we go by there,and we stop and if the gated locked we just stand outside of the car and look at it.My mother is passed away and so is her younger brother and father,my uncle and grandmother who resides in karnes city are still around,and hopefully they will fill us in on some more history and the times about what it was like growing up in that house.I will send feedback of stories that they will share with us.So ,if anyone travels thro Runge,Pania maria,kennedy or Karnes City Texas,please that time to stop in Helena,Dont Blink cause you just might miss the very small town.

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