old faithful
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开放时间: 暂无

我们赶到这里的时候 正好距离下次喷发还有大概15分钟的样子 老忠实泉周围已经围满人了 都是等着看它喷发的游客 之所以叫这名字 就是因为喷发太有规律了 大概20多分钟后 果然喷发了 一开始比较小 后来就越来越大 不过客观的说 周边的风景一般 所以没有觉得特别漂亮 不过天然的喷泉还是第一次看到
old faithful是黄石公园里最著名的一个间隙泉了吧?如果住在附近的旅馆,直接步行就可以参观啦。而且每天喷发的时间差不多都是固定的,所以得名老忠实
8点不到,起床。天亮了,昨晚错过的营地的景色一目了然:到处是井然有序搭建的各色帐篷,人们晾洗得小衣物,和篝火盆里燃尽的木灰。公园里的清晨特别的清冷。温度大概不到10度,我们换上厚外套,然后出发-向南回开,去看温泉啦。 第一个经过的景点驱车不到半小时就到了,是位于园西南处的一个大型热泉区-lower and upper gaysers area. 沿着木栈道 可以把所有热泉都逛到。泉水里的硫含量高的惊人,有风吹来,就算不再泉边也能闻到一股浓烈的硫味。有些泉并不大,直径都在2-3米内,但是每一个泉都有它的故事和精彩。含硫量的不同也让它们呈现出缤纷的色彩:碧蓝色,桔黄色,淡绿色。这里的地热相当强烈,我们所到的几处泉眼都喷涌着,有些小泉的喷涌高度有 2-3米高。泉边岩石都是石灰白色,有些地表已经开裂,夹杂着一层厚厚的白碱。植物只有零星的几棵不知倒伏了多久的枯木。但是你想象不到的是,在这些高温高碱的泉里,看似生物无法生存,其实有很多嗜热微生物存在,他们在生物学上可是有很大用处的。 下一站是黄石公园的经典景观-Old Faithful Spring。因为它每隔90分钟都会涌喷一次,多少年来一直未变,人们就用老忠实来形容它,听起来很亲切。幸运的是我们没有等,刚到景点不到2分钟,泉涌就出现了!它的喷涌高度有10多米高,虽然仅有短短的1分钟,但是如此猛烈的地热奇观也是难得一见的。老忠实喷泉坐落在一片热泉区,和我们前面游览的地热泉区有很多相似,只不过泉比较分散,规模也要大一些。同样是沿着高地铺设的木栈道,一处处领略他们的独特魅力。 中午午餐在车上享用,有肉有面包,不光是玩的尽兴,吃的也不亦乐乎。下午继续开车南下,路过南门往东北方向行驶,15Mile只内到达我们今晚要露营的 Bridge Bay,我们头一天晚上就预订了位置。下午3点左右艳阳高照,不用像昨晚一样手忙脚乱的搭帐篷。安顿好了,就在露营地附近的湖边漫步,看点点船帆起航,看有人怡然享受一个美丽的午后。时间还早,太阳还很高,开车去Fishing Bay 和 Great Yellowstone Lake. 这些都是休闲的好地方,划船,钓鱼,游泳,随你怎么安排你的时间。为了给明天多安排些景点,6点左右,我们又继续北上至Canyon Village, 路上遇到野牛群过马路,耽误了不少时间。没有人赶他们,有些牛就停在路中间,看人,人也看他们。这里牛当家!游人只有等的份。等他们看够了,就慢悠悠下路边去吃草了。已开始我还想抓拍,觉得机会难得能那么近距离的接近这些大型的野生动物。不过后来证明,我们可以随时看见这些大家伙。 回来的路上在几处大景点驻足。都是些瀑布景观,很是壮观瑰丽。如果登陆黄石国家公园的官方主页,你也许会被Lower Fall的汹涌蓬勃所震撼,我们就在近在咫尺的峡壁上观赏这一奇观。听水声和水流撞击岩石的声音,闻到黄石的味道。在Artist Point,我们正面看到了瀑布的飞流直下,两侧的巍巍山脉包围它,在峡谷中势不可挡倾泻垂下,是自然的奇观,也是我们的幸事能目睹这几百年或是几千年的神奇。发几张用单反拍的景观照,妈妈竟然以为是我在网上down的,心里暗自得意。 晚上回到营地,就已经是9点多了。服务人员告诉我们,因为我们明晚计划要露营的地方先到先用,通常旺季的露营地在每天早上10点半之前就预订满了。所以我们只能早睡早起,争取一大早赶在十点前到达公园西边。
Old Faithful is still right on estimated time. An iconic little venture worth the wait for that time at least once in any lifetime. A great photograph opportunity as well. If you're in the park, make it an appointment!
What can you say, it's awesome. Cocktail on the balcony watching Old Faithful do it's stuff with buffalo in the foreground. Could this possibly be the best place in the world to sit?
well it is sort of hokey and seams very touristy but when she goes off you can't help but feel the awe and inspiration.
It was lovely to see this iconic geyser, which we had heard about from childhood but waited so long to see!
We went on a winter snowcoach tour and lucked out that we had a powerful eruption during the time we were there. It was nice. I Can't say it was super exciting as we saw a lot more interesting things like the hot springs, Bison, Foxes, etc. The visitor center at Old Faithful was very cool and informational though. You almost have to go see Old Faithful if you're in the area just to say that you did, and it doesn't take much time.
Wow, this was spectacular to watch in the winter. One sunny day we saw it erupt and the next day it was lightly snowing and overcast. Still fantastic!
We were here with family (and everyone else in the world) last August. Somehow we managed to hit a rainy week but we did all the sights anyway. We visited the Old Faithful geyser in the late afternoon. Luckily, the rain had stopped as we waited for the eruption. They have built benches around the geyser so there are plenty of seats for folks as they wait. Because of the cool temps and the rain, we saw mostly steam around the eruption which obscured the actual water geyser somewhat. Our family had never been here before so they weren't disappointed but my husband and I had seen Old Faithful in its full glory a few years ago so we were a bit underwhelmed. As we waited, we could see the steam from other geysers in the area. It was just a wonderful sight.
went in winter and at the first eruption of the day, we were the only people there and at sunset less than 20 of us. This is the most popular place to go so it can get really crowded in the summer. Other geysers are better than this one, but there is a reason it is called Old Faithful - you can always depend on it.
People travel from all over the world to see this spectacle of nature. It is very dramatic. Not to be missed.