glenn miller birthplace


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glenn miller birthplace



The Glenn Miller Birthplace Society museum is a fine small museum honoring an outstanding American and band leader. Definitely take time to see this if you are in southwest Iowa. There is a small fee to enter unless you are a member of GMBS, then it's free.


The Glen Miller Museum and House are in the pretty town of Clarinda, Iowa, and both are worth taking the time to visit. The Birthplace house is in front of a museum devoted to Glen Miller, the exhibition space is new and fresh and has been well designed to engage the visitor in ''The Glen Miller Story''. It's irrelevant whether you know anything about Glen Miller and his music, the museum covers his life and work without overdoing it. A private tour of the birthplace house is included is interesting not just for Glen Miller fans but also to see how people lived at the start of the 20th century. Clarinda and the Glen Miller Museum were a nice surprise and would definitely draw me back to sout-west Iowa.


The small town of Clarinda is a gorgeous little place, the kind I call a "Jimmy Stewart Town" because it is like an old Jimmy Stewart movie setting. This was very fitting considering Jimmy Stewart played Glenn Miller in the bio movie.So we really enjoyed this museum and tribute to the great band leader. A lot of care and detail has been put into this place, from the gorgeous music note and clarinet decorated fencing to the displays inside, and Glenn Miller's childhood home full of authentic period items and some personal family ones. It was rather humbling to stand in the very room he was born in.Our guide was a very nice man who had great knowledge and was also very interesting. In the actual museum are many fascinating displays, including a great collection of sheet music, records, photographs, bandstand props, and Glenn's own trombone. And of course there is Glenn Miller music playing in the background. I found this place to be a fitting tribute to a very important figure in the history of popular music.


The museum is very new and has some exhibits on the life and times of big band leader Glenn Miller. The house was in good shape and the person giving the tour did a great job of answering questions and sharing stories. Well worth a visit.


As you drive through rolling hills in southwest Iowa, you feel the cares of the 21st century fall away the farther you travel from I29. So by the time you arrive in the well-kept hamlet of Clarinda, it is easy to imagine a young Glen Miller playing with friends near the 2-storey, clapboard, family home. Although the museum is small, it is interesting to see the house where Glen was born and to watch the 1-hour documentary. If you enjoy big band music and are "in the neighborhood", stop by the Glen Miller birth place and museum. The docent for our visit was knowledgable and friendly. The museum is open Tuesday-Sunday 1-5pm. We enjoyed stepping back in time to a slower pace for a summer afternoon.


We visited the Glenn Miller Birthplace Museum and Home on June 14th during the Glenn Miller Festival. We did not have to pay an admission. I do not know if this is because of the festival. Their website mention an admission. In front of the museum are their parking spaces. The museum is not yet ready. They are still in the progress of putting it up. You can watch a video of 1 hour about the life of Glenn Miller. In the museum you can see his trombone and a lot of pictures.Next to the museum is his birthplace house. It is fully restored and you can even visit the 2nd floor.

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