royal gorge bridge and park


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royal gorge bridge and park

A suspension bridge 956 feet high.




我的继女最近在Royal Gorge大桥顶部的亭子里举行了婚礼!除了有点冷外,可谓一次绝妙的体验!景色一流,绝佳!结婚典礼办得也不错!此外我们驱车横跨过Gorge大桥,倍感刺激!






周末的时候我们去这个公园玩了,我本来以为会很拥挤的呢,结果并没有。我们大概是中午的时候到的,里面几乎没有什么人。我觉得大部分人应该是觉得这里的门票太贵了,因为我和我老公在买票的时候就看到售票处门口另外一个女的开车走了。她本来是想带着家人开车过桥的,但是听到门票的价格之后她很生气的就走了。一张门票是182元,因为我们是两个人去的,所以我想如果一家子去的话就要花更多钱了。买好门票之后你就可以进公园然后走过那座桥,走到斜坡那里坐悬空吊车上去,在旋转木马那里拐个弯你就能看到桥那边的西方小镇。还有,公园门口就有小火车可以坐,如果不想走路的话,那个小火车可以帮你的忙。公园里面还有另外一种车可以直接带你到达峡谷的最底端,看起来很好玩,但要另外给钱的。公园里面有几个小纪念品店,也有一些卖小吃的店。 不过我还是建议去公园之前先吃点东西,因为我们在里面几个地方都试吃了一下,不怎么样。我最喜欢的就是悬空吊车,可以坐着它滑到公园的另外一边。你可以立马坐着回来,也可以在另外一边待一下。如果你有幽闭恐惧症的话或者不喜欢和人挤来挤去的话,那最好别坐这个了。因为吊车里一次会坐很多人,不过,如果你不在意这个的话,那就一定不能错过这个吊车。滑坡也很好玩,到达底部之后你可以拍到很多好照片,特别是大桥的照片。下午的时候桥那边的西部小镇会有一场表演,还算有趣吧,但是那些演员说的话都听不太见的。然而他们都很友善,结束之后会摆姿势让观众拍照,还会和观众聊几句。剧院里面还有一场魔术表演,表演挺白痴的,不过能躲开户外的炎热、吹吹冷气也还是很不错的,那些招数都好白痴,一眼就看出来了,而且当表演结束之后,魔术师的老婆立马会跑上台让大家买纪念品。估计是我抱的期望太高了,因为在广告上他们说这个魔术师是在拉斯维加斯和几个电视节目上表演过的。从桥上看出去的风景是超美的,我们拍到了很多漂亮的照片。在公园里面有许多休息室,停车的位置也很多。如果你从来没有去过这个公园的话,我建议你可以至少去玩一次,然后你就找个能看风景的地方拍点照片就行了。


We visited on a Friday afternoon. You walk into the visitors center and up to a cashier to buy tickets. Quite pricey, $47 for two adults and a 5 year old. But this is a once in a lifetime view. We arrived one day before the gondola, zip line, etc were open for the season. Most of the park & bridge is new from the 2013 fire. Bridge was only open for walking (no personal vehicles toll after 3pm). But local & construction vehicles were crossing throughout our visit. Be prepared for this... If the heights alone don't make your heart skip a beat, the feeling of the bridge and boards moving under the passing vehicles will! We did some hiking on the other side of the bridge. Spectacular views. Will give your legs a workout. There is a restaurant on site, but we did not go in. Overall pricey, but amazing to experience.


Our family and friends decided to stop on our way home to Texas after skiing in Breckenridge. I was absolutely blown away! It was wonderful! I can't imagine how great it was before the fires...., and can't wait to come back again once the renovations are all completed. Our kids are aged 11 to 6, and all 4 of them loved it! The youngest now says that her house is going to be made of pink granite!!! Thank you for a great family memory!


Really, really gorgeous. All the renovations and rebuilds are really nicely done. Rode the Skycoaster-awesome. Great family day.


Ok so I will just come out and say it... I am afraid of heights and I have always disliked being bridges! That being said, even though I was scared it was really cool to get across and look back at what I accomplished, to me it was a HUGE accomplishment! HA! The views were beautiful. I visited on a Monday around 10am there wasn't a crowd which made the experience even better. Be aware that at certain times of the day cars are allowed to cross (in the am I think it is 7-11?) As cars passed it made me really nervous because all the wooden boards moved vigorously beneath my feet, but it's safe right???? Admission is a bit steep at $16 but I didn't mind paying it and supporting the park especially after the ferocious 2013 fire.


Visited last week for our anniversary and birthdays. Being in Colorado last year on top of Pike's Peak at 14,110ft, we thought Royal Gorge would be just as thrilling. We were wrong. From the drive into the park from hwy 50, it looks like a deserted amusement park. Boarded up windows... vacant attractions. Only the gift shop, cafe (also pricey), and bridge were open.$16 per person to walk across bridge... rather pricey for what you get. Seems like it will be nicer when all the other things are open... but they are still more money on top of the entry fee. Royal Gorge Railroad wasn't open either. The views were good. I think I would have rather done the $50 helicopter ride (per person)to see the views knowing what we know now. We were disappointed to say the least.


We were there in May 2014 and they were rebuilding after the forest fire in 2013 which burned 48 of the 52 buildings in the park. The other 4 were built from stones and survived but everything inside had melted. Some of the planks on the bridge had burned and were replaced. They were only allowing the buses to haul visitors across the gorge and no vehicle traffic or walking on the bridge was allowed. They were trying to rebuild the parking lot and do other re-construction when we visited so it was hairy getting thru with our big truck. The vista's were georgous and they had a swing up and running. Too scary for me..It was interesting to see what was there before the fire destroyed everything.


We visited the park in the dead of winter and found it absolutely stunning. The new visitor center - built after the fire of 2013 - is nice. We were disappointed that the gondolas were not operating, but our disappointment was swept away as we walked across the bridge, gazing down into the gorge and casting our eyes to the mountains it cleaved. The only sour note are the prices in the visitor center cafe. $4 for a boxed milk, for example, seems as steep as the walls of the gorge itself.


We loved visiting the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park while in Canon City for a weekend. The park still hasn't reopened parts of it (the gondola, zip lining, etc) due to the fire damage in 2013, but the bridge is amazing and gives beautiful views of the gorge. It's hard to believe such a bridge was constructed in 1929! I would have to say, it was a bit scary walking across (especially when cars also were driving across), as the bridge is planked wood for the surface. If you have a fear of heights, avoid looking through the cracks to see directly below!At $16/person just to walk and drive across the bridge though, it seems pretty pricey for what it is!


So happy to hear you enjoyed our beautiful scenery, new Visitor Center and cafe. As we move into the spring and summer seasons, we'll have even more to show off!


You're right, there's so much to do whether you're a true adventure-seeker or just want to experience some of the most amazing views in the region. Please come back to experience the zip lines and let us know what you think.

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