harpers corner scenic drive
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If visiting Dinosaur National Monument, you have to take the short drive into Colorado to take Harpers Corner Scenic Drive. You have one scenic overlook after another. Be sure to stop at all of the pull offs and take in the incredible scenery. The return drive is just as scenic since you're seeing the fabulous scenery from the opposite direction.
Once you get out of the ranch land and onto DNM ground, this drive is outstanding and very scenic. Take time to stop at all of the pull offs and learn what makes this area so incredible.
...and do include the trail, too: the view is stunning! It's a moderate 30 minute hike each way but if the sun is out you should take some water!
Most excellent driving tour of the Colorado & Utah sides of the Monument. At the end of Harpers Corner we hiked in 1.3 miles to a vista view of the Green & White Rivers from 1500ft above river bed. Want to go back again!
The 30+ mile drive from the Canyon Visitor Center seemed long, but lots of great lookouts along the way and a moderately easy hike at Harpers Corner Trail was definitely worth it. The view of Steamboat Rock and the Green River were amazing. The trail is a bit steep at points with dropoffs on one side so be extra careful with kids. We only did about half the trail which took us about an hour. The guide pamplets recommend setting aside 1.5 - 2 hours for this trail.It is also one of the higher elevation hikes at Dinosaur National Monument (about 7500 ft.) so you may want to save this one for a day or two into your visit so you are better acclimated to the altitude of the area.
This is a drive that is well worth your while, especially if you understand what you are seeing. As you drive up in elevation you are driving down in geologic time. There is much to see and learn on this trip.
Stunning vistas overlooking the confluence of the White and Green River at Harper's corner. A 3 mile easy hike along the steamboat shaped rock takes you to a breathtaking view of the two rivers. You will love this!
Diese 31 Meilen lange Panoramastrecke beginnt am Visitor Center direkt am Highway 40.Neben einer ausführlichen Streckenbeschreibung bekommt man am Visitor Center auch kostenloses Trinkwasser. Entlang der Strecke gibt es diverse Aussichtspunkte und Trailheads für Wanderungen aller Schwierigkeitsgrade. Die durchgehend geteerte Straße endet an einem Parkplatz, wo sich auch der Trailhead zum Whirlpool Canyon Overlook befindet.Da dieser Teil des Dinosaur NM auch in der Hochsaison nur von wenigen Touristen besucht wird, kann man die Natur in vollen Zügen genießen! Man sollte für die 31 Meilen genügend Zeit einplanen, wenn man die Aussicht nicht nur aus dem Auto genießen will! Genügend Wasservorräte sind auch sehr wichtig, da im Sommer sehr heiß ist.