mount elbert


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mount elbert



Beautiful mountain, and the first one I have ever hiked. My boyfriend and I hiked this mountain and enjoyed it very much.


Fantastic snow, all levels of terrain, green through double black and NO LIFT LINES. Less than half the price of the major resorts. I probably shouldn't even be telling you people about this place. No, I don't work there. Just don't want to ruin it.


My first time summiting Mt. Elbert was 9/18/2001, a week after 9/11. We climbed to place a US flag on Colorado's highest peak and not a plane was in the sky. The perfect silence in the wilderness with nothing but the sounds of nature were astounding. It took us three hours round trip from the trailhead that day running. This year took more than double that time, but every time I summit Elbert, it is breathtaking.


The first real higher elevation snow hit while we were here. The powder was belly deep near the summit but we made it. Incredible views and smooth grades lead to the summit. It wasn't an easy hike in that deep powder, so if unless you have some snow-routefinding experience it might be best to wait until the summer. Definitely a fun hike/climb!


Beautiful Mt. Elbert, Colorado's highest mountain, and Mt. Massive, the 2nd highest mountain in Colorado are visible from, and right outside of, Leadville, CO. Both are gorgeous mountains and climbable! Snow-dusted right now!


It's not an easy stroll up to the top, but well worth the pain and effort. Parts of the trail are very steep and the weather changes quickly so be prepared.


It took us 7 1/2 hours RT from the upper South Mt. Elbert Trailhead that required 4WD to access. The hiking trail was well marked and not overly crowded. There was cellphone service at the summit! Staying at the Twin Lakes Inn, just 20 minutes from the trailhead was the best choice! It made for a great launch and landing place after a brilliant highpointer's hike!


Even though this is an "easier" 14er, it is still over 4,000 ft elevation gain, but that just makes the summit that much sweeter


August of 2014. We took the North Elbert trail starting at 4:15 am. Summitted at 11:30 am and stepped back into the parking lot at 4:15 pm. It is a nice hike but be prepared for it it is more difficult than it looks. All the way up and especially on top the views are magnificent! I plan to come back in august of 2015 and do it again!


Hiked up the North Elbert Trail to the summit. Most of the elevation is in the last 2 mikes so be prepared and be prepared for the false summit too. Make sure you start really early to avoid the afternoon storms. Breathtaking views!


We are low landers so this was a long (10 hr) difficult climb. Proper conditioning and altitude acclimation are essential. Heed warnings about afternoon storms. This is serious stuff.


My husband (53) and son (17) hiked the Mt. Elbert trail from the trail head. It's a 4 mile, 4,000 feet elevation hike. Everyone told us it was one of the easiest hikes but not if you're not in fantastic shape and used to the altitude. My son did just fine, but my husband struggled a little at first and also coming down again. The view was well worth the hike! Make sure you acclamate yourself to the altitude before attempting any hike. We were in CO for 3 days before hiking and it still was difficult. Great trail and fantastic view!!!


There are two main trails to Elbert's summit -- the South Elbert Trail and the North Elbert Trail. I hiked from the South Elbert Trailhead, taking the four-wheel drive road to just before the footbridge. The four-wheel drive road wasn't as bad as we anticipated, and compared to many Forest Service roads, it was smooth. The trail is steep -- 4,000-foot elevation gain over about 4.25 miles, and treacherous near the summit (scree field). Hiking poles are highly recommended. The view from on top of Colorado is well worth it!


I cannot say enough really great things about this place. I climbed this mountain with my cousins and it was absolutely beautiful at the summit. It is so stunning the entire way up and down the mountain. The pictures do not do it justice. This is the highest summit in Colorado as the summit is at 14,433 ft. Some things to know in case you have never climbed a 14er before. 1. Be sure to reach the summit by noon. Because of the way the weather can change in CO, you never know when a storm could hit and they mainly will hit in the afternoon. If you hit the summit by noon, you should have enough time to get back down the mountain and out of the woods before dark. 2. Be sure to pack for the weather, even if it looks ok out. This is important, I was lucky and went on a really nice day but I saw people climbing in shorts and a tshirt. At the bottom of the mountain it may be warm but the top is very cold and the weather can change. There was a lot of snow on the mountain so I packed layers of clothing. Although it did not rain I also packed rain gear just incase. 3. Be sure to bring food and water! You will get tired and need it, also in the case of an emergency. 4. A pole or poles really do help get up the hill. Remember, it will take a long time to get up the mountain. It took us about 6 hours as we were with a 12 year old. We stopped many times, ate, took pictures, etc. Getting to the top is the most beautiful thing in the world. If you get a chance to climb this mountain, I highly recommend it.


Each year on the last Saturday in June we climb Mount Elbert, 14, 433' to honor fallen law enforcement officers. Cops on Top strives to have someone on the highest point in each state to honor law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. We will never forget!

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