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有许多地方、许多事..一辈子有机会一定要去体验!红袜与洋基的世仇之战加上看到传闻中百年球场-Fenway Park里的『Green Monster』 .....就算我们是买到最远区的票,只看到小小人影但我依然兴奋觉得值回票价~~进入球场的验票口后会有明星商品贩售!甚至是有纪念价值的签名球也可以供你选购食物更是不用说一对店都在卖!~~但如果真的忘记!比赛过程中都会有年轻的小摊贩来促销
渡过百年的球场 多少经典球赛 多少传奇球员 每个角落都有一段故事 除了欣赏球赛外 也可以参加球场导览 会有和蔼的老爷爷带你参观 一一道述小故事
终于来到心中的棒球殿堂恰巧碰到世界大赛Red Sox & Cardinals没买到正规赛球票.只好买TOUR票($25)看到红袜球员在练球算是小小的补偿TOUR票也有好处.你可以参观所有球场的设施绿色怪物.贵宾区.陈列馆...赛扬奖.打击奖的奖牌长什么样子喜爱棒球的球迷到波士顿一定要来参观
来这次看过一场球 波士顿红袜队的比赛 对手是谁就记不得了 也是我第一次看棒球的经历 气氛很好 就是不太懂规则 旁边的朋友一直给我解释 我也没有太搞明白 因为球队的缘故 红袜队是大联盟里的强队 所以球场也很出名 不过看棒球比赛节奏太慢了 不适应。。。
Fenway park就在波士顿市中心 附近环境很好 我们在波士顿的时候常去那边 这是一座外表很朴素的球场 红砖外墙 外面看上去不是很大 附近的街道旁有很多棒球相关的塑像 让人感到这个城市浓浓的棒球情节 话说波士顿棒球篮球冰球都很强 但到底哪个才是第一运动我还不太清楚 进到场内还是很震撼的 看球时来跟热狗 典型的美式生活
全程体验一下,尝尝Fenway Franks,花生和苏打,坐下来享受游戏的乐趣。坐T去那里 - 地铁 - 唯一的方式。
缺点—我们刚刚错过了一个团,所以不得不坐在啤酒厂(The Beer Works)呆等下个团。非常有意思,接触了很多知识—虽然我不是棒球迷,我也能理解他们的解说,高处的位置不太好,我们在球场的顶部,但是照相很不错。
我们要去芬威看波士顿红袜队的比赛了,我们那是相当的激动。我们的位置非常好,非常舒服,而且我们可以给红袜队加油!Fenway Park是相对较老的棒球场地了,但是真的很棒。你会爱上这里的哦!
I was in Boston for business and decided to go to a Red Sox game. It's worth mentioning that I'm not any sort of baseball fan in terms of going to, and watching lots of games, keeping up with stats, having a favorite team, etc. But I enjoyed the game when I was a kid and it's fun to watch live, when the opportunity becomes available. With Fenway Park, it's more than just enjoying a Major League baseball game, but it also involves an electric environment in a building with some great historical character. This is not a state of the art modern ballpark with the latest fixtures and amenities. The park retains it's original feel in most aspects, from the uncomfortable seats to the manually operated scoreboard. This charm and character is something I really enjoyed, even despite the hard seats.Also the tickets were very easy to purchase and affordable. I was able to secure them online the day of, and pick them up a few hours later at the park.The most important thing for out-of-towners, plan your commute to the park accordingly and allow plenty of time to get there. I had to take a few different trains to get there and they were all STUFFED full of people, mostly Red Sox fans. Getting to the park was a fun experience on it's own. If you end up getting there with time to kill, there's plenty of awesome food and atmosphere outside of the stadium to explore.
Fenway Park is the home of the Boston Red Socks and is well worth a tour. A little bit of old Boston History
I'm a red sox fan so i am definitely biased. That said, the tour guides were very friendly and knowledgeable. The tour was comprehensive and I definitely feel like I got my money's worth. A must-see for baseball and non-baseball fans alike. A very unique place with fascinating history and quirks.
We enjoyed the tour of this charismatic stadium and would recommend to anyone visiting the city.Our guide,Alison, was brilliant and there are plenty of photo opportunities.The price was reasonable and there is much to see and admire !Also another tip is the 5 minute walk to the Boston Beer Works afterwards ! Great food and beer !
The only thing stopping me from giving this historic ballpark a higher rating is the ridiculous cost of attending a Red Sox game. Unless you purchase tickets for lousy seats, take public transportation, and don't eat or drink anything while you're there, a family of four will easily spend well in excess of $300 for tickets, parking, and food/beverages.Other than that, if you are willing to tolerate the undersized outfield seats and the occasional obstructed view, you will be treated to a truly historical landmark. Being at the park for a mid-summer ballgame provides an experience that gives you a very real sense of what the early 1900s were like for baseball fans. A real slice of Americana!