obelisk of thutmoses i
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The structure itself is not overly impressive but the story behind its construction and placement makes it worth seeing. Its included within the temple so there is no additional fee required.
It is the tallest obelisk still standing in Egypt and one of two still standing at Karnak. It is 97 feet high, and is 320 tons of solid Aswan granite. Surpassed in height only by the obelisk of Tuthmosis III which now resides in Paris.
the king Thutmose 1 is one of the most famous Egyptian kings he ruled Egypt from 1503-1492 B.C he was the father of the queen Hatsheput this obelisk is about 19.50 high located in the front of the 4th pylon in the temples of karnak the where 2 obelisk one of them was fall down in the 27 b.c because of an earthquake the obelisk is made out of pink granite and it's on of the most preserved obelisk in Egypt i'm sure you will love it.
This obelisk would be a pride in every city in the world. However, only a few metres from this obelisk of Thutmosis III, stands the obelisk of his stepmother/aunt, female pharaoh Hatshepsut and she beats him to it it.It is nice to compare two great obelisks as this, but Thutmosis comes in second on every visit!You can't miss it when in Karnak, it is the tinier one! Have a great visit!
This is a beautiful site with the sun shining behind it.amazing to know that it has withstood earthquakes as well as thousands of years of civilization!If you visit Karnak you will see it inside.
Another great monument that has stood the test of time.Ancient egyptians really knew how to build and decorate their temples and obelisks.Dont miss.
If you visit Karnak, you will see this obelisk. It is covered in hieroglyphs and you can find it after the 3rd pylon and before the 4th pylon. If you don't see it, just ask a tour guide (if you don't have your own), they should be able to point it out too you. Your ticket into Karnak grants you access to this obelisk.
i have been so fascinated to obelisks and I love obelisk as a masterpiece of the creation of the human. And this obelisk is something special. The Obelisk of Thutmosses I is easy to recognize and most people taking photographs in front of this monument
Este Obelisco é dos marcos dos Faraós egipcios afim de homenagear, agradecer e receber graças de seus deuses. A história é interessantíssima, por isso é melhor realizar o passeio com um bom guia.
Uma coisa ~e ver esse obelisco na foto, outra coisa e vê-lo de perto, uma verdadeira experiencia estar diante desse monumento milenar.
É realmente um privilégio poder ver estes obeliscos ao vivo e extremamente bem conservados, muitos poucos obeliscos permanecem em pé no Egito, entao vale muito a pena conferir.
todo el templo de Luxor es impresionante y este obelisco no es menos! es increible! Esta justo donde comienza la entrada al templo, esta todo decorado con jeroglificos y para mi sorpresa, es mas alto de lo que parece en las fotos de libros y revistas; PRECIOSO!
как его поднимали - фиг знает, ведь он ЦЕЛЬНЫЙ.посмотреть однозначно стоит.вот только лучше начинать рано утром - и солнышко отлично светит для фото, и народу немного, и не жарко (летом)
Это один из самых больших и красивых в мире обелисков. Просто представьте себе, что это выполнено из монолитного камня, верх обелиска в виде пирамиды покрывался сплавом золота с серебром и горел на солнце. В Египте их осталось не так уж и много - большинство обелисков вывезено в Европу (особенно в Рим).
Há apenas dois obeliscos que permanecem de pé dentro Templo de Karnak: o da Hatshepsut e o de Tutmósis I que foi um relevante faraó egípcio. Além destes dois, há ainda um caído ao chão também, todos os quais podem ser vistos na minha foto. Neles três, os hieróglifos estão em excelente estado de conservação e o que está caído ao chão permite aos turistas um raro close-up do topo de um obelisco.