petite anse kerlan
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Very nice decoration and very nice people. 分成好的布置和房间,可以自己做饭,老板人很好,可以给你提供很多有用的信息。周围有个高尔夫球场。 由于位置离码头较远,离Lazio也不近,建议租车。
What an awesome beach...its so serene and relaxing, wonder if this is how heaven has been described after a visit to Anse Kerlan.... you would believe so for sure.
Setting and service was great.We disliked the mosquitos.Weather forecasts to be ignored,remember that the tropical are unpredictable but fascinating and full of surprises all year round..Net go and it.
One of the best beaches of the Praslin island. Very beautiful! It do not need to see the sunset.. perfect!
abundance of clean towels and comfortable beach chairs and proximity to Beach bar. Once can boogie board in the waves beach white sand and close to accommodation
The most perfect beach ever! Fantastic for both adults and children and the scenery was stunning. The resort was fully booked, but the beach was not crowdy at all. We visited the Lemuria resort for the day and the staff was very friendly. A very memorable day indeed.
It is a rather small beach that is on the property of Lemuria Resort. We had a one day access in this resort and visited this beach only shortly. They have beachbeds and there is no place to lay a blanket/towel if you are not staying there. It is rather crowded, from my point of view, although you have a lot of facilities there (eg. shower, toillet) and activities. The wather was clear, in comparison with Anse Kerlan that was full of seaweed.
Sun, Sea, Wonderful Beaches, Warm welcome, Variety of activities and Golf too!! Sunsets provide an excellent backdrop to the end of a relaxing day.
Excellent place, very good condition for swimming (good depth in the sea, no wave and warm water), very good selection of food and very tasty, very frendly staff. Although the price is higher, but resort has level 5 stars. I recommend to consider for a discount for travellers who return again.
It is the main beach of Lemuria hotel. It is not as big as Anse Kerlan or Anse Georgette, but it is great for snorkeling. If you are lucky, and you probably will be around 3:30pm, you can snorkel with some turtles, which you will find near the rocks on the right side.
Это один из двух пляжей отеля Констанс Лемурия. Он, конечно, ухоженный и оборудованный лежаками, но сильно проигрывает Ансе Жоржет, дикому и красивому! Так что, если времени немного, то этот пляж можно смело пропускать
Этот пляж является основным пляжем отеля Constance Lemuria. Хоть отель и велик, однако, на пляже обычно немноголюдно. Есть два бара, тоже отельных, весьма дорогих. Достопремечательность - скала, похожая на кулак .
Несомненно на Праслене есть и лучше пляжи для купания, но этот особенный, отсюда виден великолепный закат, который можно наблюдать из бара, который находиться тут же на скале. Бар, кстати, отличный! Пляжи Керлан (и большой и маленький) также как и пляж Жоржет расположены на территории отеля Лемурия, поэтому тоже требуют брони (если только вы не идете на Жоржет через горы)
Bagno con le onde e piccola tavola da surf. Palme enormi sulla spiaggia e uccelli dai mille colori che ti vengono praticamente in mano.