

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无









来到别克斯岛,一定不可错过此地,来到这里就像进入仙境一般,一切都那么美丽动人。下面谈几点之前评论里提到的不满:1. 我们参加了Abe的观光团,一切都很顺利,准时又高效,导游知识渊博。2.有些游客会被安排坐敞篷小货车的后座去海湾,这看起来的确很有问题,记得我还是个小孩子的时候在加利福尼亚这种做法是不合法的。大家好不容易挤上车,却发现里面闷热难耐,摩肩接踵的,差点害我犯了幽闭恐惧症。幸好我老公这人胆子大,当我说回城的时候想坐在货车的后面时他很支持,结果我们俩都发现非常有趣。坐在一些救生衣和毛巾上面,道路确实起伏不定,但车子开得很谨慎很慢,没那么糟糕。别克斯岛的夜空特别迷人,好多好多星星给我们眨眼睛啊,哈哈,还是免费的哟。幸运的是看到了烟火,坐在货车前面肯定没这待遇。如果不晕车,不妨体验一下,偶尔做做不合时宜的事儿也挺刺激的。3.之前说过道路崎岖。别克斯岛通过海滩的道路大都是尘土飞扬砾石漫天的,可以看到非常明显的车辙印。这地方就这样。老实说,也没那么讨厌,在Nor Cal的公园里也有很多这种类型的道路,所以我都习惯了。况且,车程一共才15分钟,不管多难受,一会儿就过去了。4. 独木舟很容易操作,如果背部有疾患,残疾或身体不好,还是考虑乘坐电动船好了。虽然我们不是超人,但独木舟一点儿都不费劲儿,速度缓慢,两个人划起来不成问题。5. 在黑胡子体育馆或岛上的其他地方,他们可能会发给你一个无毒的驱蚊剂,可以自己带一个更有效果的。6. 我们团很多人都是光着脚走,我们自己穿了溯溪鞋,建议大家也这样做,刚穿上也许不太舒服,但我更不喜欢光着脚在泥地里走。但大家好像也不介意赤脚。7. 我猜大家可能想带着相机来记录一切,但我认为这会打扰到其他人,而且也不方便拍照。除非你把相机设置成为长时间曝光,光是用闪光灯在黑暗里拍照完全没有效果,什么都看不到,也许只能拍到那些被你的闪光灯闪到的划船的变形愤怒的面孔。总之,去就是了。要提前做好应对崎岖不平的道路蚊子的准备,这种体验一生也许就这么一次哦。在其他地方绝对看不到更精彩绝伦的荧光秀。真希望在那儿的时间更长点,感受着海湾上射来一缕缕阳光,鱼儿从独木舟旁边像箭一般游走,这才是生活啊,能结结实实感到存在的气息。




The Bio Bay is a must! It's a natural phenomenon that is amazing....looks like you're in a movie with amazing special effects!Basically you meet your guide at dark, ride in a van with a group over very bumpy dirt roads, get into a double person kayak, and paddle with the guide in the dark in the Bio Bay. It's a bay, you're paddling a kayak at night. I'm repeating because a few people in our group didn't realize they'd be walking into the water, getting in a kayak and paddling.It was AMAZING! We went on a cloudy night, and it rained on us a bit. Better to see the water light up with fish swimming by, with our oars in the water, or even looking like fairy dust in the kayak! I won't embarrass myself by trying to give the scientific explanation of why the phenomenon exists, but our guide did a great job of explaining.Tips: Be on time. It seems the tours (there are quite a few) have staggered times to put the kayaks in the water I think we had to speed paddle to get to where we supposed to be. The guides have something visual to follow in the dark. Follow them. For a few moments there was another group near us and I almost followed the wrong group. Use your voice if you have questions, issues, whatever. There was no moonlight when we went. Perfect for the light show. Not good when one of the kayaks didn't stay with the group, got lost, went back. It all turned out fine, they decided not to do the trip, but we didn't know and had to wait until we found out where they were. Just be respectful of the others in the group.Don't bring anything that can't get wet. You're in a bay...a body of water. I recommend flip flops. I also wore a waist belt, bathing suit, cover up and a wind breaker. It got a little cool at night on the water.Have fun! It was a once in a lifetime experience, and the best part of the trip!


If you do one thing on Vieques, it has to be a trip here! One of nature's best light shows! We utilized the glass bottom kayaks and say this is the only way to go as you get an additional light show. We were "fortunate" enough to have nature open up a downpour on us and got to see the whole bay light up! Bug spray was not needed as there is usually a breeze and the bugs don't come out. YOU HAVE TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN ADVANCE AS THEY BOOK AT LEAST 2 OR 3 WEEKS OUT. Truly a phenomenal experience!


We are so glad that we did this! The bioluminescent organisms light up as waves move the water and as you paddle. Fish become bright streaks in the water and rays move magically below the surface. The stars were pretty, too. We used Blackbeard's and liked the small group size and that they avoid moonlit nights. They did a decent job and had good kayaks. Be prepared to paddle hard to keep up at times. It was breezy the night that we went out and bugs were not a problem.


This is a must do when in Vieques! The online pictures may be misleading but this is a natural beauty that just can't be missed. Paddling through the water and trailing your hand through the water allows you to see the beauty of these creatures - like tiny stars in the water! Helps if you know kayaking fundamentals :-)


I don't know honestly what the vibes are all about but I would not recommend this to a friend. There isn't that much illuminations. It was dark and still not much to see. Don't waste your money or time on this.


Took tour with Blue Waters Caribbean Adventures, moon a little bright but could still see fish darting through water and making it glow. On of our guides, Arnold Arambulo was very helpful with the background info and also pointing out the constellations we could so clearly see that night. What a treasure for your country!


We didn't take the night tour since the little creatures aren't at their best with ambient light, so we just drove down to the inlet during the day and had a look. That's a good thing to do because you can also see the area surrounding the bay and appreciate that this natural phenomena is dependent on everything around it (the mangrove forest, the surrounding hills free of hotels and other man-made structures) staying healthy and pure.


This is and should be protected.visit the Conservation and Historical Trust to learn about this amazing environment before you book a tour.


I guess I was expecting the illumination given off by these little critters - "bioluminescent dinoflagellates" name "Pyrodimium bahamense" to be more intense. Don't necessarily believe the photos you may see of them glowing in the water; I was told by several locals that these pictures were taken under perfect conditions, possibly retouched, and before the bay started to dim. Of note too is the fact that I went two days after the darkest phase of the lunar cycle (new moon?), so conditions were definitely good. So, was it worth it ....? Yes! It was still cool, just don't expect the water to glow like the ads you may see. The most intense glow that I saw was when the fish in the water were startled and swam away from the boat, or when people were allowed to take turns putting their legs into the water to swish around. The dinoflagellates need to be "aggitated" to glow. It is also cool when they let you dip your hand/arm into a bucket of water from the bay. Our tour company (Island Adventures Biobay Tours) is the only one that I know of that takes you out on an electric pontoon boat. This operation is professional, and our guide for the evening (Paul??) was excellent, enthused and did a great job educating us about bioluminescent dinoflagellates, the bay in general, and even the night sky/constellations.


Unfortunately, the timing of our vacation fell on an almost full moon. This made the lights from the bay more difficult to see (not as bright), but it was still well worth it to go and see it. Next time we will plan our trip for a moonless night!

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