ram head trail


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ram head trail





我和未婚夫一致认为此行是我们旅途中最喜欢的事情!景色难以置信的美丽,一路上看到了很多有趣的事情。提前做了些研究,所以准备充分——我们不会带着小孩子、在大中午的时候,或者匆匆忙忙的去远足。我们穿着登山鞋,带着水,擦了很多防晒霜。我们一大清早就去远足,所以路上没什么其他人,即使很早,太阳已经很晒了。远足者应该注意保持水分,多加小心,因为靠近道的终端,山的两侧慢慢浸入了海洋。我强烈推荐身体情况不错,穿着合适鞋子的人来远足。我们听说在盐池湾(Salt Pond Bay)浮潜感觉很棒,但是会出汗,远足后悔筋疲力尽,所以后来我们没去。如果你沿着盐池湾海滩(Salt Pond Bay)走,走在远离水边的小路上,可以顺着盐塘走,感觉很整洁,走到最后你会回到原路上。我还想提一下“停车区”,其实只是一块脏脏的开放区域,出租车司机载你过去出的价贵的要命。我宁愿租辆车,比较值得!




首先,有一趟环岛公交可以载你来这里,1美元,但它不太靠谱,也不是专门为我们而设,所以我们回去的时候打了辆车。距离是1.2公里,路上石头很多,弯弯曲曲的。 从盐池湾出发,到了石质海滩之后接着往前走,直到再次看到上山的路,向上爬到顶峰,就能欣赏到美妙的风景了。非常值得攀爬。我们下午2点开始,当时天上还有些云,后来,太阳出来了,非常热。我们看到了鹿和野生猴群...太有趣了!!!再想想,我们应该早晨到,上午就出发,在山顶多待些时间(随身带着水),然后在盐池湾/海滩玩儿几个小时。没准还能玩会儿浮潜...




It is best to do this hike earlier or later in the day because it does get very hot, much of it is in the sun, some portions have great breezes but not all. Bring lots of water and wear appropriate shoes, it is rocky and uneven terrain on most of the trails. It's a great hike that takes you by a nice cobble stone beach, beautiful cactus and amazing, panoramic views. Highly recommend doing this hike, it takes about an hour or so depending on your pace and how often you stop to enjoy the things along the trail and the views. And you get to enjoy the beautiful Saltpond Beach after.


Loved the snorkeling at salt pond and hike to and from Rams head! Gorgeous views , sun and shade most of the way! Incredible breezes at the top....wear good shoes---got a cactus thorn in mine and it was close to impossible to get it out and painful to step on!


Best in the morning and evening, the sun is hot and theres not much shade.About an hours hike from Salt Pond Bay, we saw people in sandals and flip flops but I wouldn't recommend it. Nice cobble stone beach along the way to cool off and have a swim.


The drive alone from Cruz Bay to Coral Bay is worth the trip just to experience an overview of the remarkable natural beauty of the island. There is plenty of street parking in the morning. Arriving late afternoon can mean no spaces available. A quarter mile walk down a dirt and rock path leads to the white sand Salt Pond Beach. It is tempting to forget the hike and just get into the lazy beach mode, but continue walking the length of the beach and at the south end there will be a confusing sign indicating the trailhead to either Drunk Bay Trail or Ram's Head. It seems logical to turn inland toward and past the sign, but this leads to the Salt Pond, so instead, continue walking south on the sandy beach to the rocks. The rocks lead to the dirt and stone Ram's Head Trail. Initially, it climbs up a rocky dirt path mostly in the shade, and then melts down to the blue cobblestone beach where the path explodes onto the brilliant shoreline. From here the walk is on smooth rocks and the beauty of the jewel blue sea and waves is enticing. The trailhead abruptly turns toward the left and climbs up, momentarily leading into the shade of more trees. It finally dramatically bursts onto a sunny, windswept mountain meadow with small, large and huge barrel cacti of all shapes...some plump and wide while others, tall and thin, many with red thorns hinting at blossoms. Switchbacks make the ascent tolerable, just hold onto your hats! (Did I mention WINDSWEPT?) There are two "saddles" or crevasses formed from eroding, white water crashing waves. The impulse to tiptoe to the edge for a peek down to the sea is both irresistible and hypnotic and can result in a bit of "Caribbean Vertigo" without a hint of alcohol! A few more switchbacks quickly lead to the summit or the southern most part of St. John at just under 200 feet. There are no comfortable rocks for sitting, but it is worth a sore butt to sit and drink in the view, as well as some well deserved water. Don't forget to honor the legend of tossing a stone from the top of the cliff and shout out a wish before it hits the water! I wonder if it also means hikers will return???The climb down to the beach seems easy as it ultimately means a refreshing dip in the warm, shallow water. Salt Pond Beach is basically a swimming hole. It can get very crowded, especially when the winter swells cause large rough waves and/or impinge and narrow the north shore beaches. For this reason, if the plan is to hike AND play on the beach, it is suggested to arrive early (9:00 a.m.) in order to complete the hike in the morning both to avoid hiking in the hot afternoon sun and also to secure a place on the beach afterwards. The shaded areas among the fringing trees are at a premium later in the day.The toughest part of the day is the dusty, hot walk back up the dirt road to the hot sunbaked car!!!


This is a great (moderate?) hike with beautiful vistas along the way. It was very breezing so that kept us cool and comfortable. Don't attempt to do this in flip flops! I don't know how long it took..maybe an hour? It can be as long as you like depending on how much time you take to enjoy the natural beauty along the way! Allow time for a leisurely snorkel or swim at Salt Pond Beach after your hike!


A bit longer and definitely windier than most hiking on St. John, and out of the way if you are in Cruz Bay, but OH IS IT WORTH IT!!!! Bring water and a change of shirt. not easy or hard--moderate and just about an hour. need a hat with a chin strap as the wind really howls. there was a fellow selling CDs and tropical 'stuff' at the trail head so bring a few bucks for that. the views from the hike were superb. bring snorkel or swim gear for after and stop and one of the many beaches on the drive home. And don't forget to stop for a happy hour on the way home!!


Incredible views of the area around Salt Pond Bay. We took time to look at the salt pond at the beginning of the trail, and there was worthwhile snorkeling in the bay at the start of the trail head. Highlight of the trip though was going kayaking and snorkeling with Hidden Reef and their guides Michelle, Corey, and Kylee.


We were staying nearby at Concordia, so I drove to the trail head one morning and hiked up. Glad that I was wearing sneakers and not sandals as the climb was rocky and steep in places but well worth it. The vistas from the top were spectacular, with open ocean, islands, bays, and beaches galore. Also a field of barrel cacti near the top which was pretty interesting. Highly recommended for those who are moderately active and up for a one hr round trip excluding rest stops and picture taking.


January 16: the thousands of cacti out toward the end of the trail are loaded with pink buds which should be opening in a couple days. The display for the next 3 weeks or so should be gorgeous!This is a hot hike, bring water and a hat! But there are nice breezes off the ocean at places along the way. You quickly reach the beautiful white sand beach at Saltpond Bay. This would be a nice place to setup base camp for the day. Very sheltered, many people were snorkeling here, or just enjoying the beach.The next beach you come down to is small cobblestones, offering a somewhat cooler respite from the inland portions of the hike. Then you start heading up through the cacti fields. As the peninsula narrows, ocean breezes up through cuts in the cliffs become more common. Great views in all directions at the end.We did this hike later in the day after hiking the Reef Bay Trail from top to bottom and back. Reef Bay hike was longer but almost 100% shaded. We are pretty strong hikers, and that took 3 hours round trip, including side trip to the Petroglyphs, time looking at the mill ruins at the bottom, a short side to a second beach, and a short lunch stop on the way back up. Ram Head took about 45 minutes each way, and maybe not quite as taxing.


start at beautiful Salt Pond, then up,up,up to a fantastic promontory where the views to BVI an d around st john cannot be beat

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