u'mista cultural centre


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u'mista cultural centre

U'mista Cultural Centre is one of the longest-operating and most...


If ever one needed a reminder that white people should not tell other peoples how to live their lives, this is one.All these wonderful things were taken away and sent to Museums in other places, and the Native People were forbidden to hold their own celebrations.When returned to them years later, they proudly displayed their culture and heritage. It is a must see in Alert Bay.


You can't judge from the rustic exterior, but inside is a very beautifully done museum of N.W. Coast Native artifacts. This is a substantial collection and not to be missed. I had a lot of fun in the gift shop.


The First Nations at Alert Bay has a tragic history, which they have overcome to become a vibrant, welcoming community. They do a longhouse celebration at least weekly during the tourist season, and it is not to be missed. They combine traditional dancing with a buffet feast. Delightful.


Spectacular presentation of the local history of the first nations in that area. Not large but captivating and could fill a day for the interested.


great display of the local aboriginal culture and regalia and heartbreaking stories of the impact of residential schools. Old residential school is right next door to this Cultural Centre and is haunting.


A visit to the U'mista Cultural Centre is a trip to remember. We were invited to join a staff member from the center to take out a traditional canoe and boat in the bay. He sang and gave us stories about his culture. We were able to watch Namgis First Nation carvers complete two totem carvings which they put up with a ceremony and celebration for the community and visitors to see. The center has a large selection of carvings, and historical information. They have a great selection of carvings to purchase, as well as other first nation gifts for purchase. For an additional cost 3 days a week the children and young adults of the first nation provide a dance and stories about their culture in the "Big House." In the area their many totems and carvings that are a must see. There is a section of the museum dedicated to the attempts of the government to extinguish the tribal culture in the Johnson Sound area.


It is so worth a visit to take the ferry across and even stay overnight at Alert Bay. We visited and stayed at a vacation rental overlooking the bay. We had time then to wander the town, see the totems, visit the little shops, watch the many bald eagles flying around. The U'mista was such a treat and very close to the tallest totem pole. Further up, you will see their cultural centr where they host activities during the day (ie. Basket weaving)and hold potlatches for the public to attend. (Usually on the weekend)Right outside was what was left of a residential school. You really got a sense of that time period and the oppression the native people went through. If you are a photographer, this is the place to take pictures that will speak volumes. The cultural centre was informative and unique and much of the art pieces were made by locals. We talked to one young man in his teens as his grandfather made many of the native art carvings and he was selling them on the street as he was learning how to do carry on the tradition. Later we saw many of these pieces being sold elsewhere in other native communities we visited for twice or three times the amount. I recommend highly that you visit this place!


You must go to this place and learn! There is so much there that is touching and sad and beautiful. Find out for yourselves. I'm so glad I've seen it. It will enrich you.


The cultural centre is a must-see for visitors to Alert Bay. Although small, it is a well-conceived exhibit and concentrates on the trials and tribulations caused by the residential schools and the policy of the governments of the day in the early 1900s. Next door is one of the schools used for the Alert Bay area. It has been left in disrepair, which I found to be an excellent addition to the cultural centre and a good way to make a statement about the profound effects it had on first nations children.


Experience this for yourself. You will not be disappointed as you discover the cultural traditions in the form of colourful masks. Watch the video. Wonder up the hill to the carvers. See the worlds tallest totem.


Interesting insight into local first nation traditions and ways of life. Good exhibits, excellently presented, Well worth an hour or two.


Unfortunately there had been a fire in July, so the Potlatch collection of masks were not available to view, but there was a showing of art by Doug Cramner that was very good and the films on the history of the Namgis First Nation are very interesting.


This remarkable museum gave us a sense of the historical and cultural experiences of the First People. The displays are effective and highly instructional. There's a good store, too.


enjoyed it all. Lots of good history and presented in a unique place. potash masks were a visible history that was different


Wow! We happened to go to Alert Bay as a side trip after San Josef Bay camping trip. We went to see the museum after hearing about the repatriation of masks and other cultural treasures from around the world into the museum. On Saturday during the summer there is dancing by first nations children done with their family button blankets and masks. WOW, this was so powerful. This is done in an authentic long house with masks and the story of each mask and dance told by one of the village elders. Did I mention that there are still standing totem poles here? Yes, one of the few places you can still see these in BC. The village still contains many building from the past, has a 3km boardwalk, we happened to be lucky enough to attend a story telling by one of the village elders at the museum and were invited to a cultural celebration at the long house that evening. My kids, now 8 and 10 were mesmerized by all of it and now have an understanding of first nations culture that will far exceed what they see in school. I HIGHLY recommend Alert Bay as a unique first nations experience in an authentic costal village.

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