aitutaki lagoon
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从拉罗汤加岛乘坐拉罗汤加航空是很棒但也很昂贵的旅行(每人$ NZ459),主岛游,瓦卡邮轮游,泻湖游轮上还有很不错的烧烤午餐。包括潜水设备和毛巾。很棒的员工和超赞的天气 - 因为如果当地的艾图塔基天气不好的话,拉罗汤加航空是允许你更改旅游日期的!我们参观了主岛和周围其它3个环绕泻湖的岛屿,每个都像下文所述的那样特别 - 例如,浮潜于非常大的鱼和巨蛤之中,尤其清澈的水和沙子,美丽的热带岛屿美景。其中一个岛是幸存者电视连续剧的拍摄场地,一个据说是老塔斯曼海帝国航线的飞空艇基地,另一个是太平洋领导人种植椰子树以纪念南太平洋峰会的地方。我看到的最美的风景是乘坐小型飞机接近环礁看到所有珊瑚礁泻湖内的岛屿的经典景象。我妻子看到的最好的美景是波光粼粼且清澈的海水和以椰子树和金色的沙滩为背景的耀眼的太阳。
If you go to Aitutaki, it would be criminal to miss the lagoon, so definitely take one of the tours to the outer islands and lagoon, and make sure to do the snorkeling, particularly to see the giant clams. The coral was at least if not more impressive than the fish. This is a must experience there.
As part of a holiday in Rarotonga of the Cook Islands we took the short plane trip to Aitutaki and were overwhelmed by the beauty of the lagoon and surrounds.We would recommend it be on the bucket list of everyone who wants to see the best parts of the planet.
...So the Aitutaki Marketing slogan says.The Aitutaki Lagoon is one of the most beautiful, memorable places I've visited in my life. The waters are amazing; the motu are plentiful and varied; and the snorkeling is great. Keep an eye out the plane window as you fly overhead for a great aerial view. But the real ticket is taking a full-day lagoon cruise around to the various motu.
Unbelieveable, memorable, once in a lifetime, brilliant - not enough words to describe it............
If you've seen the Air NZ safety video you would think it is photoshopped. If you're there by yourself you encounter it is reality: paradise on earth!!
The lagoon has a channel about four meters wide that flows along the beach in front of the resorts which was great for swimming. Then just beyond that there is a sandbar that stretches way out into the lagoon that varies from knee deep at high tide to ankle deep at low tide – you can walk halfway across the lagoon! Get a kayak and explore the coral.
This is what it looks like on postcards.Of all the 80 countries I have been to, this is in top 3 of beaches, if not number 1.You have to go here to believe it!
We booked dinner here for New Years Eve on the recommendation of our resort. Wow! So unexpectedly beautiful and welcoming. All for the a la carte price of dinner we were part of the torch lighting ceremony and fire dancing plus a count down to midnight. We started the night out with coctails on the lagoon which is one of our favorite places to relax while looking out to the motu.
The lagoon is like no other. The water is so clear and warm! I would highly recommend a visit if you are on the island.