richmond bridge


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richmond bridge



吃完生蚝决定去Richmond Bridge小镇, 去看袋鼠国最古老的石桥要说面子工程, 老外们把功夫全花在自家花园上了, 瞧这个五颜六色就这个桥了, 我看穷游er们好像到塔斯马尼亚都会来这座桥, 呵呵呵在桥旁的一所基督教小学遇到从上海移民来的两家人, 小朋友们一起玩去了, 大人们聊了会儿天




The oldest bridge in Australia, built in 1823, is worth a trip to Richmond. Take a basket and have a picnic, then take a pleasant walk around the town.


The bridge is wonderful. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy the lovely surroundings with your family. Well worth the visit to see such an old Australian landmark!


What can I add to the other reviewers not much except go and look at the whole town of Richmond you will be amazed at what people in the convict days had to put up with especially the gaol.


We drove over the bridge twice before stopping and having a proper look. It is very old and beautiful and built by convicts of course. There is a little park underneath the bridge and you can sail down the river in boats made to look like black swans. Such a pretty little town it is well worth a visit.


Richmond is a beautiful town lost in time. Full of interesting thigs to look at and Antique shops galore. The old bridge reminds me of the many stone bridges in Scotland. Well worth stopping and wander around just park the car and stretch the legs. Great little coffee shops too.


Old and impressive. Built so long ago and still functioning as an everyday bridge in Richmond.Part of a enjoyable time experiencing the history the town portraits.


The oldest bridge in Australia that is in a lovely setting. No longer on the main road this adds to its charm.


The bridge is the oldest bridge in Oz built by convicts in 1823, and Richmond is a very pleasant, quaint little village to walk around, take time to wander by the river and stop for a spot of lunch.


Richmond Bridge is a very pretty spot for a picnic or to sit and enjoy the surrounding. You'll get great photos!


The Richmond Council have developed the area around the Richmod Bridge and it is quite superb. Definitely worth a brief stop.


It is amazingly beautiful like an oil paintig. The bridge is the oldest in Australia. The town, Richmond, is also old and serene. Choose a morning to wander about!


You must walk across the bridge, beautiful old bridge 1823, this is the oldest ridge in Australia great park below for a walk or photo shoot. Great little shops


For me every time I visit Hobart I need to go to Richmond just to admire the bridge. It is a truly exceptional bridge reminiscent of the classic bridges in England villages.

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