海洋生物大学站- 洛斯罗克斯科学基金会
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

you need a small private plane to get here, but once here you can visit the breeding tanks for a variety of endangered turtles. lovely beech and very few people around
in this place, the natives explain about the three species of turtles sites, two of which they have copies, the other is only in very deep water, then it is a 1 hour mandatory stop on this island . Always is associate with another larger island that has more attraction, since this island is passing, you can not get to spend the day, becouse it is a reserve. Compensates for the visit, and later adopt a small turtle,they give you a t-shirt and they write down your email address and then send you a super cute certificate and you choose the name of the turtle that you want to adopt, she will be released after 1 year and you can go back after this year in question for loose it.
This is a place where your faith in humankind is reloaded. These people search for turtle nests in danger and they move the eggs here and take care of them until they hatch.You can see their growth for one year along the pools. You can see turtles that are a few hours old until they are about 10-12 months old when they are released to the sea.You can adopt a turtle and you get to name it. You can come back later and release it.If you are in Los Roques, don't miss it
The marine biology station is located on a beautiful cayo in the national park. After paying a fee (which is extremely cheap) the guide gives information about the four species of turtles that can be seen on the park, the protection of the nests and eggs and then a tour around the tanks with the little ones that they keep until they are released after a year. You cannot touch the animals but if you insist a little, you can hold one to take a great picture!. It is a very nice visit for kids and adults!
This place is magic, you can learn a lot about the turtles and their environment!! You have to pay a tickets just 10 bsf (1,50 usd)
Short visit to a scientific foundation to understand how is our world destroying wildlife. The place is old and not well mantained, but at least they care about nature. For less than 5 €, you can sponsor and name one of the turtles that will be set free in the future and get a t-shirt. Special visit for kids!
We went to "the turtle island" or Dos Mosquises Key, as part of a three island tour on our vacation on Gran Roques in the Los Roques Archipelago. The scientists running the Marine Biology Station take care of newly-hatched endangered turtles (the green and the loggerhead) and two species of critically endangered sea turtles (the hawksbill and the leatherback), all of which use the islands’ beaches as nesting grounds. They are kept for one year and then gently released back to their natural environment. It was lovely to see the little turtles and the dedication of the staff. Recommended trip.
Anche questa tappa del nostro viaggio in Venezuela sarà indimenticabile.....Le persone che lavorano qui sono nate per fare quello che fanno...con amore e passione...Animali trattati benissimo, ordine e pulizia....Dovremmo imparare....
Lamentablemente es cierto que desmantelaron el lugar, las tortugas fueron liberadas, y ya los estudiantes no pueden ir a hacer sus pasantias alli. El museo que explicaba la relacion de los indigenas de la zona de Ocumare y Valencia con la isla Dos Mesquises fue destruido. Es realmente triste! Por que razon? Nadie lo sabe. Sospechosamente estan construyendo unas casas alli. Para quien seran? Estuve en Carnaval 2015!!!
Vale la pena ir, puedes ver muchos tipos de tortugas y te cuentan la historia del sitio, cobran una colaboración de 50 bs por persona, pero es una actividad muy especial en una visita a los roques.
Natale 2014 a Los Roques.Da dire c'è poco...bisogna andarci e basta!Che aeroporto strano e piccolino! mi domandavo, guardandolo, come può decollare ed atterrare un aereo qui? Ma incredibilmente i piloti ce la fanno!!!Il mare è una piscina infinita: per 200 metri l'acqua è molto bassa e trasparente, calda, con un panorama incredibile.CONSIGLI: portate il costume, le ciabatte, la protezione solare e basta!!! Los Roques va vissuta così, come loro: scalzi girando per le strade, mangiando in spiaggia, sentendo il rumore del mare mentre stai per addormentarti e facendoti la doccia con l'acqua fredda! Ma a Los Roques si accetta tutto!!!Buone vacanze!!!
A Fundação Científica Los Roques é uma espécie de TAMAR da Venezuela.Conhecemos melhor as tartarugas, desde o seu nascimento até o crescimento e preservação das mesmas. Um belo projeto! Só acho q o lugar poderia ser mais bem cuidado, pois é um programa super importante!!!
Ya no es posible acceder a este lugar debido a que el gobierno ha expropiado esta fundación. en la actualidad está en presunta "remodelación" por la autoridades....sin comentario. Cabe destacar que la labor de investigación en el estudio de las tortugas marinas que llevaba a cabo esta fundación era increíblemente eficiente, incluso biólogos de otros países venían aquí a colaborar como pasantes, además de que incluían a los niños de la comunidad de los roques en diversas actividades educativas y de eco-conservación. Realmente muy lamentable
A caminho do famoso Cayo de Água uma parada e a surpresa: Isla Tortuga, linda, calma e tranquila. Um paraíso, sem dúvida, e o melhor: exemplo de preservação. Nessa bela ilha encontra-se Estação de Biologia Marinha - Fundación Científica Los Roques em que se tem a oportunidade de conhecer várias espécies de tartarugas marinhas e variados estágios de crescimento. Em meio a tanta beleza onde o azul se confunde com verde a preservação e com ela a esperança. Vale a visita e a conscientização.
В этом центре занимаются разведением морских черепах. Туристам за небольшие деньги показывают несколько бассейнов и ванн с маленькими черепашками разных размеров - от самых малюсеньких до подросших. Сотрудник рассказывает коротко о процессе (на испанском).