museo de la estacion central del ferrocarril carlos antonio lopez
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This was the first railroad station in South America. It is very historical and very interesting. I loved the displays of original telegraphs, phones and typewriters....and the fact that we could climb on the old engines to take pictures.
The old station on Plaza Uruguaya in central Asuncion. It was used from 1864 until the 1990's and now is a museum. There are lots of relics from the station, several old railcars and an old steam locomotive. It is very interesting and worth a visit.
The museum, which is inside the old main station, has an interesting collection of items gathered over many years. The old telephone exchange, ticket machines, a range of station clocks (all from England) and a large collection of photos make this an interesting place to visit. There is an old steam engine and a carriage in situ by the old platforms.
Not much has been done since this railway station was closed many years ago. Even the tickets is old style and looks like real train tickets from those days. Lots of stuff is on display and to waggons is on the perron together with an locomotive. It is all kept originalt and is a bit messy, but fun to visite. If you want, you can ring the big bell for "all onboard" on the perron. The museum is worth visiting and it is cheap.
There is nothing to see! Did no care for it, We drove by lots of times and keep going.Do not have any more to say.
Considering that this was the first train (station) of South America, it was very interesting to see the old cars, hot tickets were printed and some employer cars too. I really enjoy visiting this place, I felt transported in past for a moment.
This is a fun little museum about the history of the railroad in Paraguay. There are just a few rooms to wander through and no English descriptions (and very few Spanish descriptions), but it's interesting enough. Looks a bit like an antique shop, with artifacts placed all about on tables and the floor. The artifacts are illustrated with interesting period photographs. You can also check out reconstructed train carriages out back. Perhaps a 30 minute visit is sufficient.
While not a big museum, I'm a bit of a train fan and getting to wander through the first South American train station, look at some of the historic paraphenalia and particularly to walk through a couple of the restored original cars was a treat.
See main review of Plaza Uraguaya. Also-Magnificant cathedral of a building, several pieces of well restored rolling stock including engines, club car, carraiges, bar car. Original design drawings for the railway stock and track.History of its construction. Artifacts from the railway many of which would be familar to the British, who were heavily involved in the design and construction.
Embora a construção seja um belo exemplar, arquitetônico, tecnológico e histórico, falta manutenção. O acervo é composto de inúmeros equipamentos e peças do período em que o Paraguai iniciava sua malha ferroviária. Não há contextualização nem sistematização do acervo.
Hay mucho por decir del ferrocarril, uno de los primeros de América Latina, pero centraré mi crítica al museo y la estación.El ingreso tiene un costo, no recuerdo cuánto, por lo bajo que era. El personal que atiene también actúa de guía por el pequeño recorrido, aunque cuando las veces que fui, opté por caminar y observar solo.Hay disponible un vídeo orientativo sobre la historia del ferrocarril en Paraguay, que además informa sobre su actualidad y los emprendimientos de la empresa que lo administra.El ferrocarril, ese pequeño pedazo que hay queda, es apenas un reflejo de los grandes logros económicos y tecnológicos del antiguo Paraguay.
Pocos saben que el ferrocarril de Asunción fue uno de los primeros de Sudamérica, y conocerlo nos permite esa posibilidad de conocer más sobre la historia de un gran eslabón para el desarrollo económico y comercial de la región. Entrar a los vagones que están habilitados nos permite transportarnos en la historia y sentir que realmente estamos viajando en uno de ellos. Están muy bien mantenidos. No enocnttamos un guía que nos acompañe en el recorrido, lo cual hubiera convrtido al paseo en mucho más interesante. No obstante, es muy recomendable hacerlo si te interesa la historia.
Hay que ver a este lugar con ojos de historia. A primera vista el edificio se ve abandonado sin mucho valor. Sin embargo, si uno pone atención, es un edificio que tiene su encanto. Una verdadera reliquia de Asunción. No se te pase visitarlo y verlo dos veces.
Esta frente a la plaza uruguaya. Recomiendo observar el edificio de la estacion (un poco abandonado) pero conserva la edificacion antigua. Dentro del museo hay objetos muy antiguos vinculados al ferrocarril en paraguay pero el objeto de mas importancia y por el cual se debe ir a este museo, es que esta la primer locomotora de sudamerica llamada sapucai. Se debe de pagar entrada al museo.
No estuve mucho rato, pero como está cerca de otros puntos de interés, pase ver que tal. Me gusto se recomienda para el turista investigador y curiosa que gusta conocer un poco más de los lugares que visita.