brandts klaedefabrik
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It is four floor museum that each floor is different from each other. overall there are lots of slightly old painting which is nice to see how sort of advanced there were at the time. there is also a floor for kids to play that can be nice for grown ups too :)
This textile factory covered a large area in Odense, and has been transformed into a complex that includes several museums, cafes, stores, restaurants, and more - making it hard to review, since the site is always changing a bit, and because the museum shows vary in focus and quality. But generally speaking, this area is where many people go to hang out in the evenings and on weekends. There are many special events here, including outdoor concerts, films, and happenings. If you have not been here, then you have missed an important part of Odense.
Visited the museum with some friends who where in from Copenhagen. Many of the exhibitions did not live up to the expectations and they generally need to be more interactive.
An old renovated clothing ("klaede" is a danish word for cloth when used in clothing) factory in the center of Odense was turned into a museum/building for various activities and house for exhibitions. The exhibitions change frequently, so it would make little sense to list the current ones here. Although I think the exhibition on top floor is permanent. That one is about the development of printing, the starting phases of what has today become the freedom of speech, and of the impact the written word has had on the world. Unfortunately a large part of this exhibit is only in Danish. The theme of photography is also permanent although the exhibit changes.Brandts Klædefabrik is well worth a visit. Speaking of worth - when you chose your ticket I can recommend to chose the type called "Brunch og kunst" (Brunch and art). With this ticket you get access to all exhibits and you can afterwards go to one of 5 café's close by, and use part of the ticket-price to pay for your food.4 of the 5 café's are located in the small passage-way/side-street that ends at the back entrance to Brandt's Klædefabrik. (The 5'th cafè is right next door).We payed 138,-Dk for our tickets (each) and afterwards we got 100,-Dk refunded (for each ticket) from our meal at Cafè Cuckoos Nest.In summary I can really recommend Brandt's Klædefabrik as a place to visit in Odense.
A very cool art gallery, was one of my highlights. They had a sensory installation (built for children but I still went in!) at the time that was just wonderful. Definitely worth a look at, plus it's Odense's more modern art space.
Old textile factory converted into an art museu. First floor very interesting photo exhibitions, second floor art. third floor weird and provocative media museum. If you are planning your visit for 2012, I recommend you to go on Thursdays 17-21, as it is free on that days.
Really enjoyed the time we spent at the Brandts Klaedefabrik.The first two floors are given over to photography exhibitions. Currently, there is an exhibition based on views of Denmark today from a number of photographers. It is well put together, and the space is well used to make it easy to wander around and take in the pictures. There was also a small exhibition of portraits from the Museum archive. I wish I lived in Odense as it would be great to be a regular visitor to the photography exhibitions.The upper floors were given over to some more modern art, which was not quite my sort of thing. However,the big exhibition space and great lighting are very impressive. At the top is the media museum which has a very interesting histry of media in Denmark. Helpfully, there are plenty of english explanations to go with the visuals such as old printing presses.A great gallery complex and well worth the 80DKr entrance fee.The cafe next door (the Biografen) is superb aswell, great for watching the world go by as well as good beers and food.
Very interesting museum. It contains a museum of art, museum of photo-art and museum of media. We spent about 2-3 hours there. It is easy to find your way throug the building. The Danish Museum of Media was the best part of the visit. It is also great for smaller kids. They have a exhibition called vroum! vroum". It is a "playroom" where you can try the Nintendo WIi, Playstation and older slot machines. very funny for children (and grown-ups). In another room you can see old machines which produced the news papers. PRICE: Adult: 70 DKK for all exhibitions. Children are free until the age of 18.for more information:
Jeg elsker at jeg kan gå gratis på Brandts torsdag aften, for som studerende er man altså begrænset når det kommer til kulturelle oplevelser. Jeg går gerne ind og ser den samme udstilling flere gangen. Brandts præsenterer det super godt og følger med tiden, så der er noget for alle aldersgrupper (sanseudstilling, de klassiske værker, fotoudstilling).
Sanserummet var ikke for teenagere hvilket man godt kunne have oplyst om ved indgangen. ellers en flot udstilling "Havet".
Vi nød udstillingerne Havet og Sanseudstillingen sammen med vores søn på ni år. Der var en god balance mellem ro og æstetik og interaktivitet og leg for både børn og voksne. Dejligt at have en oplevelse som familie væk fra TV og tablet.
In questo "museo", situato nel cuore della cittadina di Odense, si tengono varie mostre temporanee. Quando siamo stati noi c'era una mostra sui tatuaggi tradizionali (danesi e non)...potrebbe suonare noioso, ma al contrario: era fatta davvero bene! A foto di tatuatori dell'epoca erano accostate le loro bozze originali, nonché spiegazioni e materiale di artisti contemporanei. Gli spazi del museo (una ex fabbrica tessile) sono anche molto belli, luminosi e ampi. capitate nella cittadina di Odense, sicuramente vale la pena dare un'occhiata anche al Brandts.
Det er hyggeligt for hele famililien, man befinder sig mellem trolle og fantasi verden. Vi kommer igen.
Et helt fantastisk sted i centrum af Odense der starter ved Vintapperstræde. Spændende stræde med masser af interessante butikker, cafeer og restauranter som munder ud i Brandts Klædefabrik med Cafe Biografen og et stort ude område med masser af koncerter især om sommeren.
Brandts er et, til hver en tid, spændende sted at besøge. Der er altid mere en en udstilling og de skifter med passende interval. Showroom blive modeleret så de passer til den enkelte udstilling, og udstillingerne synes at fokusere på at bringe flere dimensioner ind, så det ikke blot drejer sig om at se, men også lytte føle og eksperimentere. Derudover skal det nævnes at der hver torsdag fra 17.00-21.00 er fri adgang.