yermilovcentre of modern art


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开放时间: 暂无

yermilovcentre of modern art


I really liked this place. The people who work here were also really nice (I even got a private tour). Some of the art is very impressive. So all in all I think it's very worth a visit. It's not a big museum, so it won't take much time. - Lena


This question perhaps relates to modern art in general rather than to a gallery exhibiting it. So YermilovCentre, small Kharkiv art gallery featuring contemporary art, would probably be of interest to the modern art lovers only. But since admission is free, and the gallery is not large and is centrally located, why not to drop in, if you happen to be in Svobody (Freedom) Square. The gallery sits in one of the premises of Kharkiv University; entrance from Passionarii Descent, near the Student Battalion Monument. YermilovCentre has no permanent collection. Its premises (two levels only, with stairs in the middle) host different cultural events - art exhibitions, sculpture salons, master classes etc. So the quality and «degree of interest» of the exhibition you may hit there is not guaranteed. And don’t expect much information. They even failed to issue a catalogue for the long-expected provocative retrospective exhibition of famous Kharkiv photographer Boris Mikhailov. There’s no cafe, no shop in the gallery, just a small window-case with few boring books, none related to the event hosted. But at least, unlike many Ukraine museums, they have benches to sit on while observing the exhibition.


Очень нравится " не пафосная" обстановка в "Ермилов Центре". Стены специально оставлены в первозданном виде, чтобы не отвлекать внимание посетителей от полотен и инсталляций. Экспозиции всегда грамотно размещены. Стоит сходить!


Простой интерьер, специфическая акустика... Всегда есть над чем задуматься... Каждый мой визит в ЕрмиловЦентр заканчивался позитивом и осознанием чего-либо нового. Посетите это место.


Необычное место. Проходят различные мероприятия - выставки, концерты. Атмосфера всегда прикольная и модерновая. Люблю это место за не стандартность :-)

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