belvedere of vorontsov's palace
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We visited here as part of a full day tour of Odessa - was worth the visit although wouldn't go there specially. Worth a stop however.
The Vorontsov Palace is a collection of buildings consisting of the main building, a belvedere colonnade and household buildings. It was built on the seaside cliff in the town's center in the early 19th century. Bombed in the Crimean War it was restored but remained the governor's residence for only a short time after. In the late 19th century, a men's gymnasium was opened on its premises. In 1917, with the start of the revolution in Russia, the palace was turned the Red Guard's headquarters. In World War II some buildings were totally leveled to the ground, others were severely damaged. Today the restored main building is a children's and youth's activity center. The Belvedere is a fine looking structure but the entire complex seems to lack maintenance. It is located at the end of the Primorsky Boulevard and is worth a visit.
Dima's "scriptures" on the columns were erased 6 times! This guy still hasn't given up (see the pic). Overall the place is nice and evening walk there may become a good end of the day.
This is one of the most famous places in Odessa. Located very close to the city center and it's a pleasant walk to get there. It has good view of the northern park of the seaport. However sometimes it lacks proper maintenance.
Don't miss this quiet and beautiful place, overlooking the bustling harbour. If they'd trim the trees one would see even more of it.
The belvedere itself is a multi column semi circular affair which is nice enough, but getting there you must cross Mother in Law's bridge, named for an architect whose mansion lies on one side and his mother in law's house on the other. The bridge itslef has thousands of locks placed there by lovers and newly weds who then throw away the key as a symbol of the being locked together in love. On the mansion side of the bridge is a large metallic sculputre of a heart to which there are hundreds more locks hanging from it.
It is a very nice cosy and quiet place just outside the main tourist flow... The only negative thing here are the pencil graffitti-like signs on the snowy-white columns of the Belvedere.
At the end of lovely tree-lined Prymorsky Boulevard, Vorontsovs Palace was once the governors residence. Today, it is a faded glory which is used as a childrens music and dance school. Walk past the palace to the terrace where, according to our guide, the governor took his breakfast as he watched his business interests at the port below. It is a nice panoramic view of the nearby residential neighborhood and the rather industrial port. If you want to venture slightly further, take Mother-in-Laws Footbridge across the ravine to a paved path and pretty small park with a most interesting statue (it's an orange and the story is worth seeking out). Enjoy!
The palace located next to bridge with awesome views to the port. I happened to be there to watch sunset. It was great and not very crowed like the other attractions in Odessa. Recommending.
Nice place specially in summer. Vandals and punks love to decorate it. )
Посетив памятник Дюку, Потемкинскую лестницу и Одесский порт - обязательно, на обратном пути, загляните сюда. От лестницы до этого места 300 м. Когда увидите этот бельведер, вы все поймете :)
Это классика Одессы, беседка влюбленных у Воронцовского дворца, изящно вписывающаяся в архитектурный ансамбль города.. Потрясающий вид на порт.
Dette må du bare ha med deg når du er I Odessa.Dette byggverket var engentlig bygget for å hjelpe sjøfarere å navigere inn mot Odessa havn.Fra dette stedet har du utsikt over hele havnen og all skipstrafikk ut og inn.Videre har du mulighet å se det store kjemi anlegget som ligger need I havneområdet.Det er et petrokemi anlegg som er helt I verdnstoppen teknologisk sett.Selve konstruksjonen kan jo mine om romersk og fra antikken sin tidsalder.Alltid mye folk her som skuer ut mot havet og inn over byen.
Все великолепие исполнительского мастерства преподнесла родному городу на 220-летие одесская оперетта. Под колоннадой бельведера напротив Воронцовского дворца в Одессе была представлено культовое произведение Исаака Дунаевского "Белая акация".
Слева от памятика Дюку - в конце бульвара притаился этот, знакомый с детства, символ Одессы. Отсюда же прекрасный вид на залив и часть порта Одессы. Особо делать тут нечего - нет ни музеев, ни магазина. По побывать все же надо...