vukovar municipal museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

To be in Vukovar and don't visit this museum is a real blow. Vukovar Municipal Museum is really one of the best museum in Croatia. This museum has all important informations about the Eltz estate and family (whose "castle" this museum is in), about the togeological history of the area to displays on the history of different people who have lived in the area over thousands of years, to an incredible display on what happened in Vukovar during the siege in the 1990s.
One of my favorite parts of traveling is the serendipity of just sort of bumping into places you didn't know where there. My daughter and I were walking around Vukovar during a river cruise stop and happened upon this amazing museum. We went in without any expectations and were absolutely blown away by the exceptionally well conceived displays, the breadth of the material covered, and the way it felt totally accessible to English speakers. I've been to a lot of museums in my life and this was really one of the best. From information about the geological history of the area to displays on the history of different people who have lived in the area over thousands of years to detailed information about the Eltz estate and family (whose "castle" this museum is in) to an incredible display on what happened in Vukovar during the siege in the 1990s, this museum has it all. I couldn't believe that it wasn't listed in any guide books or on Trip Advisor but apparently it was really badly damaged during the siege and didn't reopen until quite recently. I just can't recommend it highly enough! If I had it to do again, I would spend at least two hours. Unfortunately, the place doesn't have a website yet so it's a little hard to get detailed information. In fact, I'm not even sure of the hours. But if you happen to be in Vukovar, this is the first place to put on your list!
Le centre de vukovar est bien restaurée, quelques maisons avec ses façades criblée d'impacts, le château d'eau ne vaut pas son pareil avec des trois énormes,une balades au bord du Danube est appréciée
wir haben hier einen aufschlussreichen und interessanten Vormittag verbracht.Angefangen von den Zerstörungen im Befreiungskrieg,über vorgeschichtliche Funde,die Zeit der Grafen Eltz in Vukovar und schließlich die slawonischen Trachten und das Leben in den Dörfern ,hat uns die Darstellung ausgesprochen gut gefallen.Wir können den Besuch des Museums nur weiter empfehlen.Schade das Vieles im Befreiungskrieg als Kriegsbeute verschleppt wurde,es wäre schön wenn sich noch manches wieder finden würde.