dunav (the danube)
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Relaxing..romantic..breathtaking. .lot of green trees.. special energy emerges just by walking path by the river
Beautiful river especcially view from Petrovaradin fortress. There are some nice restaurant near by. And I m sure it is a pleasure to be visited in the summer. Saw beautifull places more suited in summer time!
But it's worth seeing, walk over the bridge to the Fortress and dream of all the momentous moments in history it has witnessed.
The danube, like everywhere is rather brown and not the "blue danube" from the waltz. Going to the water's edge provides an excellent view of the petrovaradin fortress, and in my opinion is the main reason to go there. There is a small public beach, although swimming in the danube isn't my cup of tea.
I had always pictured the Danube as a meandering, slow river. It is, in fact, powerful and turbulent at times, but a must see, none the less
Very important river. Lots of historic places alongside (Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, to name justy a few).Go and see it or bettter take a boat.
One of the most beautiful rivers I have ever seen. You can enjoy the views at several locations in Novi Sad, but one of my favorite is the view of the river from Petrovaradin.
Anywhere on the Danube coast near Novi Sad is the place to be. Sure the architecture and the cafe's are cool, but nothing can recharge you better than sitting on a beach just starring at Danube's scenery deep away into the Vojvodina plains. And of course the magnificent Fruska Gora, a jewel on it's own. Tip: when you go strolling down the Kej (riverside boardwalk) away from the city centre and towards Strand beach, come down to the river and hang out where the real Novi Sad people are, this wild beach is called Becarac (means place where the "cheeky fellows" gather, drink and sing) it also a doggy beach and the birthplace and the original venue of Exit Festival, way back before it was commercialised. See you there ;)
SERBIA, VOJVODINADANUBE PARK IN NOVI SADBy Zoran SlavićIn the popular definitions, the more literary than expert, says that the real urban parks are which are located in the nucleus of a large settlement. Because other parks are marginal or peripheral. By this logic The Danube Park in Novi Sad is true and representative space. He has green eye in whose blue-green apple of the eye reflects the comfortable, civilized and tolerant lowland city. The whole town, which began to be regulated, as a park 1895, is located near the Danube relies on the Danube Street, so it was named. This annex of nature, with a small lake in the center of its volume, incredible impact on city life. At the same time the Danube Park is much more than just the sum of trees, flowers and light in which sounds are added nearby river, Fruška hills and not too harsh city life.At this point in the 19 century was Liman, branch of the Danube, covered with reeds and willows, litter mosquitoes and frogs. The field was much lower than the surrounding area, from where it ended Danube Street. The land here was used for the construction of embankments along the Danube. When he resolved to make park, was first filled up the earth. Only Svamp remained on the lowest place, which was 76 meters above sea level, which later paved with bricks, and the lake was created, with small islands called " Erzsébet ". On it is a weeping willow planted in memory of the Austrian Empress who was killed 1898. Park began the organized manner to regulate the first years of the 20th century, when a place in the inn, "The Queen of England" built court palace (today the Museum of Vojvodina). It was then that the area in front of the palace planted with grass and trees, and through the lawn made earth tracks. The park is positioned sculpture "Nymph" in the form of a fountain by Djordje Jovanovic. The famous Novi Sad sculptor. The covered podium - saletla - Sundays were held promos. After World War II there were occasionally held on public holidays military band concerts.Next stage of editing The Danube Park came during the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century. Danube Park is a pride citizens of Novi Sad. A kind of showcase of female beauty, elegance, fashion. When in the evening, while the city, which is everywhere, in summer days, begins to live, and to the beaches of the Strand on the Danube returned to the streets and squares , Mrs. Iva Mia Gucci walk path along the lake, even swan welcomes she. A curious passers-by and not speak!This park is the place where in the city sunset seen wise men. Artists, writers, wise people more generally. Two of them have their permanent place indivertible: poets Branko Radicevic, Djura Jaksic and Miroslav Antic. They are there forever - within their monuments!I was walking through the park twenty years. At all times of the day. At night, however, does not. I was sitting on the benches. In between, waiting, rarely in complete relaxation. I have seen sometimes a reputable writer Aleksandar Tisma that walks like just write it in his novel "The use of man." I rested from work by listening to the voices of children. Watching tennis and imagine my countrymen, writer Todor Manojlovic, how to merge with the winter Danube Park. While awake, ironic, passionate eyes and polyphonic, Drasko Redjep, essayist and hidden poet who writes about the future of the past, all records, compares and colored with nostalgia.
Undeniably one of Europe's major arteties, this iconic river never fails to impress especially when seen from above when its full majesty can be appreciated. It's a working river but a recognition of its role in connecting several major European capital cities adds weight to its importance. It has strong currents and is surprisingly murky but there are countless opportunities for a river cruise and a chance to see Europe differently.
If you happen to be in Novi Sad, don't miss the walk or a bike ride down the river side! You can also roller skate, whatever your preference is, but you will surely enjoy this experience. Especially if you make it in the evening, just before the sun set! You can walk all the way down to the Strand beach and have a swim or just a cup of coffee or drinks with your friends in one of the many coffee shops and restaurants on the coast! You can even listen to the string band of "tamburashi" in some local charda on the river... Just don't miss it!
nice walk by the over-renovated river bank. its always nice too walk by the water, but too modern looks/kitsch neon lights by the bank and the bridge take away the atmosphere which could have been created using the architectural surrounding of an old city. Romantic is gone. Danube is not used as a potential.
Danube which passage between Novi Sad and Petrovaradin that connect for now, 3 bridges, the sea of Novi Sad. There are few beaches, but the most beautiful and most visited, Beach SRAND. Located on the bank of the Danube between 2 bridges has lots of trees, grass, sand as an SEA. There are lots of restaurant with food and drink, MUSIC AND TV. Entrance to the beach is free after 20 pm, when many NOVOSADJANI come to enjoy the walks and shade along the river that many love.
Дунай в районе Нови Сада очень гармоничен - и не скромный ручеек, но и не широченная водная гладь, на фоне которой все теряется. Если прогуляться по набережной напротив Петроварадина, то оттуда открывается лучший вид на крепость, а если еще и во время заката, то крепость освещается просто великолепно. Фотографы, ловите момент:)
Non immaginatelo blu. Largo si.una soglia. Con una fortezza sul colle a presidiarne il varco. Poi, di là, la Pannonia sterminata. Per millenni, popoli e cavalieri son passati di qua.... ultima difesa di chi doveva reggere l'urto. Dai Romani agli Asburgo. Passato il varco, eri a Vienna o, se volevi scendere, eri alla soglia di Gorizia.