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Half of the fun for Mount Belchen is getting there. The area roads are winding and quite slow, but the views of Black Forest farms, pasture and forest are beautiful, the roads are well-maintained and traffic is quite light. I took the gondola and would recommend it. (As one poster commented, the guidebooks underestimate the climb involved to the top). You can buy one-way tickets if you wish, so you could take the gondola up and walk down. Price at time of writing is 7.20 Euros both ways, 6.20 Euros one-way up, with a family price of about 18 Euros, Note that the gondola is called the Belchen seilbahn. If you google this, you can find their website (in German only, I think).Once at the top, there is an interesting nature trail that winds around the top of the mountain, giving views in all directions. It is about 1 km long, with a little bit of elevation gain and loss. There are explanatory signs posted along the trail in German only, but a booklet of English translations for the signs is available. As others have mentioned, views to the north and east are over the Black Forest, but views to the southwest and west are over the Rhine River plain. If you do the nature trail circuit, you will see Freiburg to the northwest at about the halfway point.You are definitely away from the foreign tourists here. I heard no English being spoken by visitors (and there were quite a few), only German and a bit of French. However, this is not a difficult attraction for English-speaking visitors to visit provided you either know a little bit of German or have a German-English dictionary or phrasebook with you.
The Belchen is a hill in the Black Forest about 1400m AMSL. In Winter, a ski resort. An expansive and glorious area of natural beauty.
About 60 minutes drive from Freiburg, along small, winding roads but with lovely rolling views along the way. The main (free) parking spot is located next to the cable car terminus. Armed with a guidebook that assured us that the views were 10 minutes walk from the cable car, we plunged up the gentle winding track that led up the slope of the cable car station. One hour later, we were still trudging upwards! From the lower cable car terminus, it's a good 60 minutes walk up graveled paths. It's perfectly safe (on a dry day) to walk with simple comfortable trainers, no walking boots required, and the gradient is moderately steep but generally continuously upwards. Views on the way up are nothing spectacular, and only improve significantly once you reach the upper cable car terminus. From the upper terminus, it is about another 15-20 minutes of gentler walking to reach the true summit of Belchen.The surrounding views are simply spectacular on a good day, with miles of uninterrupted vistas in 360 degree 3-D! Once up, it looked like you could spend the entire day exploring the various walking trails, but needless to say, we didn't.Dress more warmly than you anticipate - winds can be chilly at the top. There is a restaurant at the upper terminus, we didn't try it or view prices. There are restroom facilities at both the upper and lower cable car stations.We chickened out and took the cable car ride back down - a 10 minutes descent. After the toils and tribulations of the ascent, this was paradise!
The Belchen is one of the highest points of the Black Forest and thus gives you a stupendous view of the surrounding darkly wooded ranges of the Black Forest, but sitting at the southwestern edge of the latter, youi can alsoi see also across the Rhine Valley far below and to the Vosges mountain range across the Rhine and the national border in France, as well as into Switzerland, notably its Jura range. It's really only worth going up there on a clear sunny day - if there's no view, it's not worth the trouble. The best days to choose for an excursion up there are totally clear late summer/fall days and you might be lucky enough to see all the way to the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps.You can hike up there or park near the peak and hike loop trials aorund the top, and also get food and drink at the mountain-top restaurant. Avoid if you can beauitiful weekend afternoons, as the peak then gets flooded with busloads of visitors; choose a weekday.A hint: if you need to use the restrooms (at the restaurant), take coins, they're not for free.
Black Forest hill. Walking possible, view fantastic towards the Swiss Alps. Cable car for those who don't like walking, Restaurant with good food and wines
schneebedeckte Landschaft und Sicht auf die wunderschönen Alpen, Herz was willst du mehr? Der Belchen ist der Panoramaberg des Schwarzwaldes und immer ein Besuch wert zu jeder Jahreszeit. Man kann auch mit der Bahn den Hügel erklimmen und nicht nur auf Schusters Rappen.
Der Belchen ist ein sehr Gutes Wandergebietich bin gerne in diesem Gebiet, -aber dassletzte mal als ich da war , Begegnete mirnahe am Waldrand Einen Prachtshirschauf gerade mal 2m.Distanz,-nach dem ermich gesehen hatte Trabte Er im Eiltempodavon.Der Belchen gehört auch zu den Weitwanderwege .Mit etwas Glück bekommtman so einiges an Tieren zu Sehen.Ein Fantastisches Stück Natur ,-und Immerwieder einen Besuch wert. BITTE DENKEN SIE DARAN ,-GUTES SCHUHWERK UND GENÜGEND FLÜSSIGKEITMITNEHMEN,- GERADE WENN SIE MITKINDER UNTERWEGS SIND !wolf aus Basel.
Eine Wandertour auf den Feldberg und den Belchen können wir jedem empfehlen. Als Ausgangsort hierfür eignet sich das Belchenhotel in Aitern sehr gut.
Der Belchen ist mit 1414 MüM einer der höchsten Gipfel im Südschwarzwald. Wer gerne wandert, kann hingeraten über gutausgeschilderte Wanderwege. Die Landschaften sind einfach wunderschön. Viele Wege führen durch einen wunderbaren Mischwald.Bei gutem Wetter kann man die Alpen sehen. Ein besonderes Erlebnis bekommt man, wenn man bei hellem Wetter früh morgens aufsteigt und den Sonnenaufgang miterlebt. Das Glitzern der Alpen vergisst man nie mehr.Man kann dann wieder runter mit der Seilbahn. Diese fährt aber erst ab 9U15. Mit der Konus-Karte erhält man eine lohnenswerte Preisermäßigung.Direkt an der Bergstation der Belchen-Seilbahn befindet sich das Belchenhaus. Das im Jahr 1898 erbaute Schutzhaus unterhalb des Belchengipfels ist mit 1.360 Metern Höhe das höchstgelegene Gasthaus Baden-Württembergs.
Die Bediehnung,war gestresst auch nicht ganz freundlich und man wird mal übersehen!!das Büffelsteack klasse bestes Fleisch in Lörracher Umgebung
Ein toller Ausflug in der Nähe. Bei schönem Wetter geniesst man einen super Ausblick und kann tolle Wanderungen unternehmen
Einen Ausflug mit den Gondelbahn auf den Belchen sollte man am liebsten an einen sonnigen klaren Tag machen, weil dann der Weitblick am schönsten ist. An so einen Tag sieht man die ganze Schweizer Alpenkette, so vergiss eure Kameras nicht. Es ist möglich einen kleinen Spaziergang herum den Top von Belchen zu machen und dann hat man auch einen schönen Ausblick Richtung Vogesen und auch Richtung Freiburg.
Vom Belchen aus hat man einen fantastischen Rundumblick.Eine Seilbahn fährt in wenigen Minuten auf den Gipfel.Zum Wandern gibt es schöne Wege.
Il monte Belchen e' il monte piu' alto (1414 mt.) e con il piu' bel panorama della Foresta Nera (1414 mt.). Se la giornata e' perfetta (consigliabilissimo andare il mattino molto presto, prima delle foschie create dal calore della giornata), c'e' una spettacolare veduta a 360 gradi sulla foresta nera e le Alpi, fino al Monte Bianco.Si arriva in auto fino al parcheggio dell'ovovia (strada asfaltata di montagna non troppo larga, proseguire fino alla fine della strada), in 5 minuti di ovovia si arriva quasi in vetta al monte, da li' (c'e' un rifiugio/bar), con una camminata di 30 minuti si fa un bel percorso circolare che porta in vetta al monte, sentiero molto largo e facile. Il biglietto familiare per l'ovovia costa (2012) 18 euro A/R.Consiglio di fare questa esperienza, non porta via molto tempo nel computo di un viaggio piu' completo e ne vale la pena, panorama e passeggiata rinfrancano lo spirito e rilassano, quel che ci vuole durante una vacanza, Volendo si puo' portare uno zaino e mangiare in vetta al monte, ci sono anche delle panchine in legno nel caso uno non volesse sedersi sul prato, ma io consiglierei la seconda ipotesi.Dimenticavo di segnalare che va benissimo anche per i bambini, la cima del monte e' piu' una collina "stondata" che un monte vero e proprio, praticamente tutto prato per cui si puo' controllare a vista i bimbi e lasciarli correre con tranquillita'. Lo spazio non e' enorme, ma avranno il loro margine di manovra :-)
Vom Belchen hat man einen ganz fantastischen Runblick, bis in die schweizer Berge, in die Vogesen und die umliegenden Schwarzwaldberge. Speziergänge sind dort oben sehre einfach, da es eher flach ist, von daher auch für Fusskranke geeignet. Hoch kommt man mit einer Seilbahn was toll ist, weil dies bedeutet, dass der Berg daher oben autofrei ist. Wir haben das sehr genossen. Eine Sonnenterasse gibt es auch auf der man Kaffee und Kuchen... bekommt. Ich würde den Belchen daher als optimales Ziel für Ausflüge mit der ganzen Familie bezeichnen.