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我出门旅行,一般是根据重要程度选择:1.视觉艺术,尤其是建筑;2.历史;3.宗教(我是天主教徒);4.风景,是自然遗留的,还是人工的,人工的比较有趣,可以追踪到当时建造的意图;5.食物;6.也是最后一点,海滩。画家高更和小说家米契纳让我对海滩神往已久。阿西西古镇满足了条件2和3,这里不仅有圣方济各圣殿,还有圣鲁菲诺大教堂、圣基娅拉教堂(圣基娅拉的墓地就在这里),此外还有十字架教堂、圣达米亚诺修道院(需要走下山,回去很累......),山谷里还有天使圣母玛丽亚教堂和宝尊堂。对于第一个条件--视觉艺术,对于艺术爱好者而言,圣方济各圣殿绝对独占鳌头,也不是说古镇没意思。我住过豪华的砖墙屋子,也住过简陋的木屋,看见一块块石头成为建筑,实在是大快人心。圣基娅拉教堂也有它的特色,里面的绘画很是不错。在那里呆上一天吧,这可是中世纪绘画西斯廷教堂的杰作。我承认我不是乔托的粉丝,可能是因为我不同意Bernard Berenson写的关于弗罗伦萨画派、托斯卡纳画派和威尼斯画派的文章吧。其实,正是因为这里的绘画是在乔托和文艺复兴之前就绘制而成的,线条没有章法(不够自然),正好缺乏"雕塑价值",所以我格外喜欢。有一次我看了一篇关于东正教会的文章,估计作者是塞尔维亚人,标题是"自乔托往左"。如今的时代喜欢更自然、超然的风格,亦重新审视拜占庭时期的风格。至少乔托知道如何运用以颜色,学识渊博,就颜色的运用而言,最多我给他"C"。以上的判断来源于我的经历,因为我参观过过乔托的作品:1.帕多瓦的斯克罗韦尼教堂、弗罗伦萨圣十字教堂、罗马的拉特兰教堂,和现在阿西西的圣方济各圣殿上的壁画;2.就斯克罗韦尼教堂、乌菲兹美术馆和梵蒂冈画廊的墙体来说,斯克罗韦尼教堂是最棒的,要想进这个教堂看一眼可不容易。最好像我一样在冬天工作日的傍晚去,逛了半小时之后该关门了,鉴于我是唯一的游客,守门人又让我呆了半小时。好在阿西西没有这种限制。乔托在斯克罗韦尼教堂的作品比阿西西的要好,不容错过!当然了,这只是我一家之言。还有,圣方济教堂教堂顶部的壁画比下面的要好,非常宏伟大气!在下面的教堂,我不需要提到西蒙马丁尼在Cappella di San Martino礼拜堂的杰出作品,或者我见过的最棒的--契马布耶的Pietro Lorenzetti,或者其他五名的大师。文艺复兴和巴洛克艺术也不算太糟糕,可是为什么要出现在中世纪的教堂呢?我刚开始还以为下面的教堂会很黑暗,事实并非如此。早上出发吧,那会儿人少一些。三月中旬人最多了,因为三月是欧洲中学和大学的春假期,一月或者二月去最好。虽然也有朝圣者,不过他们一般都会去地穴在目的祈祷,或者听弥撒。下面的教堂的十字型翼部是每天做弥撒的地方,被围了起来。下午可以去上面的教堂看看。圣方济教堂的大多数地方都能参观,后殿的壁画和十字型翼部也都能去。当我抬头看墙壁上的画时,发现绘画的辉煌已经一去不复返了,不禁潸然泪下......有任何疑问,请给我发邮件:sidcundiff@yahoo.com
Assisi is well worth the trip. It's a peaceful little town with a gorgeous view overlooking the surrounding landscape. Of course, St. Francis is one of the main highlights, being an incredibly popular saint (especially given the name of the current Pope!). The church feels very intimate, and the upper basilica notably features 28 frescoes attributed to Giotto. There are several relics connected to St. Francis, including a cloak, his shoes, and some other things.
The art is incredible in this breathtaking basilica. Although it is not in keeping with the simplicity of the message of St. Francis it is a beautiful tribute to a very well loved saint.
We travelled from Spoleto to visit the Basilica and spent many hours discovering this beautiful religious site.Assisi is a magnificent hilltop town and is well worth a full day trip.The views from the road of the Basilica is well worth a photo stop as are the views of the surrounding area from the Basilica.We did not have a guide but felt we didn't need one as you can purshase information sheets for a small fee in all the different areas of the Basilica.Enjoy the experience.
If you only visit one religious site in Assisi this is the one. The building in top of a building was fascinating the beauty breathtaking.
Words don't describe the village of Assisi nor the Basilica of St. Fancis...our tour guide was amazing...
The St. Francis basilica is every bit as good as advertised. The "Basilica Superiore" houses one of the wonders of the Late Gothic world: the 28-scene fresco cycle (by Giotto and his assistants) depicting events in the life of St. Francis. Other "can't miss" items include three from the hand of Ciambue: a damaged fresco (but damaged in a way that makes it look weirdly modern); a fresco, "Madonna with Four Angels and St. Francis"; and a wondrous painted on wood "Crucifixion.Now for the "BUT" part of this review's heading:Do try to be at the Basilica Superiore when the lights are turned on!!! (As I recall, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. for about a half hour only). Before you go. check to make sure that these times are correct. The Giotto frescoes are difficult to make out in natural lighting! ALSO: Make sure that you have Euro coins oin hand when visiting the Basilica Inferiore, as you will need them to illuminate the darkened side chapels where most of the best art works are located.
We toured Italy for a week and saw our fair share of churches in Venice, Florence, and Rome, and this church was absolutely beautiful! Some of the other churches felt more like art, while this one felt more like a church and it was very inspiring. I got very emotional while visiting as if it touched my soul. I did not get the same reaction at the other more famous churches. If in Assisi or passing by, this is a must-see!
Basilica de Francesco is one of the most beautiful basilica I ever visited! (and I have visited a lot). Very good and modern ladies rooms near by, also for handicapped people.
I had only a short time to spend in this beautiful Basilica and due to very large crowds of people it was very difficult to see everything I wanted to see. I did hit the highlights like the lower Basilica where St. Francis tomb was located. You can take a short flight of stairs to this level. Also, in the main chapel and altar above his tomb are the beautiful paintings of Giotto. Giotto may be considered the one painter that really captured what St. Francis looked like since he painted close in time to when the Saint was alive. Outside the Basilica on the lawn is a captivating sculpture of St Francis on horseback with his head lowered and dejected. The word PAX (Peace) is spelled out in hedges near the sculpture. The sculpture captures the essence of the Saint. I visited on a Saturday but I'd recommend perhaps going on a weekday to avoid some of the crowds. The views of Assisi from the Basilica are breathtaking !
After visiting the Baslicia in 1998 (partially open after the 1997 earthquake), this February's visit was a true restoration exploration. We know the restoration of Giotto's frescos is currently under debate by experts. Given the extensive damage to the Basilica, however, the overall restoration is quite impressive. Each visit to St. Francis' tomb is grander and more profound than the last.