chiesa serbo ortodossa di san spiridione
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Not hard to find, and is worth it. It makes a great picture. Unable to go inside, so had to appreciate it from the outside
The Serbian orthodox church is a wonderful architecture masterpiece, with its complex white forms covered by blue domes. But an unexpected beauty shows up when you enter it, with the rich icons and gold plated decorations. Even better, if you have the luck of attending some orthodox celebration, you may enjoy the deep mystic atmosphere of this church and its ceremonies.
Centrally located and seen from high above, this church is worth a short visit even from those who are not orthodox. Beautifully decorated and with majestic proportions, it has not lost the grandeur which inspired its builders
lovely church well kept and clean lovely paintings signs said no photography but keeper said it was ok to video so-- wife told if you are a Catholic and can,t get to your faith church go to Serbian or Greek orthodox church they are almost the same apparantly
We visited in a Sunday morning and left us with a very positive vibe. They should put it more in the city's guides.
Loved the interior - great combination of Serbian orthodoxy, Austro-Hungarian size and an element of Italian baroque. The ikons were beautiful. Don't miss the Chiesa Sant'Antonio Nuovo a few steps away.
Spending a day in the City and having reached the Grand Canal area we were lucky to be able to visit this Church which is open in the mornings between 0900 and midday. There is a large central Dome and four Bell Towers and the whole interior is decorated in a glorious Byzantine style. With lights reflected in the mosaics and icons giving a truly sumptuous feel, it makes for an uplifting visit and is strongly recommended.
The Saint Spyridon Church is the Serbian Orthodox Church in Trieste.It's located near to Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia (the unique real Place in the city) and the Ponte Rosso, the district in which a channel was realized in the XVIII th Century to allow boats coming from outside Regions and Countries to deliver goods (like water melons, flowers, clothes and many other raw materials) directly to merchants, with no risks in case of heavy sea. It’s a beautiful imposing church, which encloses numerous religious icons and confirming the complexity of the city, in which in the past were living together without any problems different religious communities, due to the particular position Trieste had inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire.You will not regret the hour you will spend in visiting this superb and sumptuous building.
There are all kind of churches in Trieste (mostly catholic, but a Lutheran, a Greek Orthodox, a Jewish...). I think this Serb-Orthodox Church is the most beautiful of all.It is open for visitors 9-12 am and 17-20 pm (but on Sunday afternoon and on Monday it is closed).
La presenza di chiese acattoliche e questa in particolareLa sua storia e il contesto legato alla storia della fitta e vicina ad altre chiese
Questa chiesa è una delle tante conferme della multietnicità religiosa di Trieste. Molto imponente l'esterno, decorato con bei mosaici, suggestivo l'interno con quel fascino un po' tenebroso delle chiese ortodosse. Molto ricca e bella l'iconostasi. Se passate dal Canal Grande non potete rinunciare ad una visita.
Com em toda Trieste, este é mais um símbolo das misturas culturais que ocorreram na cidade. A igreja é bem imponente às margens de um canal. Vale a pena uma passada rápida pelo local.
Meta da vedere assolutamente, si colloca nelle vicinanze del canal grande e la piazza di S.antonio...chiesa dai particolari arredi interni sia dall'oro ai candelabri di cui le differenze si notano molto dalle altre chiese!..ben tenuta, l'esterno è fantastico...bellissimo il suo interno!!Appena si entra, ci si sente avvolti da emozioni uniche, ve la consiglio!
Una delle tante chiese diverse che caratterizzano la multietnicità di Trieste da sempre. Vale la pena di assistere alla celebrazione del Natale ortodosso.
Это очень приятно, что в самом центре итальянского города, на берегу канала возвышается православный храм. Были на рождественской службе. Кроме нас, присутствовало много туристов и выходцев из России. Служба не очень отличается от русской. На двери храма объявление священника Русской православной церкви из Удине. По самому факту объявления можно понять, что в Триесте отношения Русской и Сербской православных церквей очень хорошие. Что радует.Храм, хотя и не самый древний, но красивой архитектуры. Очень хорош интерьер.