kasbah di mazara del vallo


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kasbah di mazara del vallo



We went on the walk around the kasbah and were already feeling a little disappointed when one of our group had their bag snatched. There were five of us and The thief snatched the bag of the person at the back. We know to keep our bag across our chest but a momentary weakness led to the snatch. Fortunately there was very little of value in the bag. As a consequence I would warn you all to be conscious of who is around you and keep valuables out of sight. Stuck to the main areas where there are plenty of people around. Avoid the kasbah b


As stated in a previous review,I agree that the Kasbah is nothing to get excited about,just primarilyan area where the Tunisian community live.We did manage to find 1 small shop selling Tunisian ceramics and other artifacts which was well worth a browse.The museum housing the 'Satiro',the statue discovered by some fishermen,is worth a visit.You watch an interesting video before going in to see the statue.


Fascinating place to visit and a pleasurable experience getting lost in the maze of narrow streets whilst living the history of this gorgeous place.


I do not share the same high views of the Kasbah, as other visitors. The place may have been recently revamped, but, architecturally speaking, there isn't much (within the quarter itself) to be excited about. Outside the confines of the quarter, it's a different story.The place is a myrad of narrow streets, or lanes, with some interesting ceramic or mosaic tiles at the beginning of each lane. Sometimes, the tiles depict a story from the past. At 3pm, the place was very quiet and the few shops that we encountered were closed.


Anyone who is going for the first time or returning to Sicily without the aid of reatives or friends to show the real country needs to call the guide we used. She and her husband did all the driving and they have been there all their adult lives. Both speak the language fluently and know the places that are real attractions on and off the beaten path. This service far exceeds any tour bus expereince where you are picked up and dropped off at the discretion of the dirver or tour company for sightseeing or restaraunts. It does cost more than the tour bus but your independence to do and see what you want with their expereince is worth every dollar. I will gladly offer the name and contact number to those who have a serious interest. This couple also did much of the work in tracing family geneology for us.


This is a charming area of Mazara di Valle, which is a large fishing port, with a long history of Arab, Norman and Spanish influence. The Kasbah is the old area, which has amazingly grand palazzos, teensy alleyways and a some very cool bars! We ate at Cafe Garibaldi, run by a family (father in kitchen, mother and daughter at front of house): the decor is quirky but very nice, food absolutely delicious, and all very reasonably priced! Would highly recommend.


Beautiful big town square full of people for eveninfg events, monumental (cathedral, churches, museams, traditions and attrations).Good places where to eat especially food dishes;nice shops for shopping afternoons.


Vivamente consigliato a tutti coloro i quali si trovano a passare da Mazara del Vallo, oppure ci vengono di proposito. Una visita nell'antico quartiere della Kasbah non può mancare.


I murales in ceramica, le stradine che intersecano i tipici edifici e la quiete. La chiesa madre, Peccato quell'obbrobrioso palazzo di stile moderno nella piazza del municipio.


Ho visitato la kasbah nel Novembre 2013, e mi ha delusa e anche un po' inquietata... x il degrado e la frequentazineOra è tutta un altra cosa : pulita, restaurata, gli abitanti gentili, dispnibili a spiegarti e orgogliosi del loro territorio , ti coinvolgno con il loro entusiasmo.Bellissimi dipinti che ti stimolano e sorprendono... anfore sgargianti e angolini deliziosi!Plauso al Sindaco che ha avuto idee e coraggio.Un esempio da seguire : SICILIANI, AMATE LA VSTRA-NOSTRA SICILIA!


In nessun altro posto d'Europa, nemmeno in Andalusia, è possibile vivere una simile sensazione di trovarsi oltremare, in un paese arabo, neanche a Cordoba, ormai squisita attrattiva turistica. Qui invece la gente ci vive il quotidiano, e questo comporta, purtroppo, che alcuni passaggi pubblici siano stati chiusi ed inglobati in cortili privati. Ma la suggestione rimane intatta!


Sembra di stare a Tunisi.Vero esempio di perfetta integrazione del popolo tunisino in questa citta'dove la cultura multietnica è di casa.Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di incontrare un Mazarese che ci accompagnato per tutta la visita della Kasbah spiegandoci la vita nei vicoli e la perfetta integrazione tra diverse religioni,tant'è che la Mosche sorge a pchi metri dalla Chiesa Cristiana.Da visitare assolutamente


un bellissimo giro intorno ai vicoli ben tenuti e gli affreschi fantasiosi fatti nelle maioliche e messe nei muri a mo di percorso.bello


La kasbah pulita e recuperata merita una visita per divertirsi a passeggiare nei suoi tipici vicoli. Però certi spazi risultano eccessivamente arricchiti con elementi decorativi che enfatizzano il vero senso storico..


Quartiere negli anni addietro in totale degrado, oggi rivive mettendo in primo piano la propria storia. Recuperato quasi totalmente, avvolge il visitatore tra le sue strette vie arabe arricchite da ceramiche di buona fattura. Interessanti le architetture presenti e l'atmosfera stagnante nel sito.

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